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Bigfoot Activity Reported In Pennsylvania During Early 2025.
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
Bigfoot sketch used with permission of artist Charles Hanna
Bigfoot sightings continue to be reported yearly from across Pennsylvania. During 2023, there was an increase in detailed Bigfoot observations reported at close range and taking place in daylight. In more recent years there has also been an increase in sightings of smaller Bigfoot types estimated to stand about three to five feet tall.
On October 2, 2024, an experienced hiker and outdoors person was hiking at 3:30 PM deep in the woods of Washington County. That afternoon the witness heard an odd sound like someone clacking two rocks together. Later the man was taking a drink of water when he noticed something moving behind some dead-fall trees in the distance.
He soon observed the head and shoulders of four human shaped figures that did not look or move like humans. The figures were covered in black fur. They appeared flat faced with no discernible noses. They had no snouts like deer. The witness believes that when he first saw the heads of the creatures they were moving on all fours. He estimated that these figures were between three and three and a half feet tall when standing.
April 26, 2024-Blair County- Bigfoot Tracks
Photo of one of the tracks found in Blair County. Used with permission of Eric Altman
I was informed on April 26, 2024, by Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society (PBS), that several Bigfoot tracks were found that morning in Blair County. The footprints were found in a forested area, south of Hollidaysburg by four men scouting the area for turkey for Spring gobbler season. The men had walked approximately two hundred yards from where they parked their cars as they looked for turkey tracks. One of the men was quite surprised when he came across a large five toed human-like track on the edge of a muddy area. He called the other three men over to look at the track. A total of four tracks were located in that area. When the group returned home, one of the men contacted the PBS to report what they had found. Photos of the tracks were sent to Eric for his examination.
Two members of the PBS closest to that area were notified, and one investigator contacted the witness and conducted an initial phone interview. On Sunday, April 28th, a three member PBS team met the witness and two other people. The man took them into the forest to the track location. The location where the tracks were found was deep in the forest about two miles from the closest home. It had rained Friday night into early Saturday morning, and when they arrived on scene, they found that one of the tracks had been washed out and could not be cast. Three tracks were still intact and were photographed and casts were made. The tracks were all located in a muddy area. Each track had five toes and measured fifteen inches long and seven inches wide. The tracks were about two inches deep in the mud. While the tracks were curing and drying a search was conducted around that area to look for other evidence. No other evidence was found.
Bigfoot reports occurring in early 2025 in Pennsylvania
On January 26, 2025, at a rural location on the border of Westmoreland and Indiana Counties, two witnesses observed what they described as a huge very tall, hair covered man-like creature standing near one of their structures. The creature was estimated to have been about ten feet tall and covered with dark brown or black hair. There was about a foot of snow on the property at that time.
The next day, one of the witnesses went to that spot with his dog to look for tracks. The other witness directed the man to the exact location where the creature had been standing. That witness said that there were deer tracks around the area, however he found it very odd, that no other tracks were at the location where the creature was seen. These people mentioned that their animals were very nervous after the encounter as well as the next day. They also mentioned that for a few weeks prior to the observation, they had been hearing unusual screams and howls from the nearby woods.
On January 28, 2025, I received a report from another location in Indiana County. The locals were reporting a series of loud, long howls coming from the nearby woods. The sounds were unlike those of the animals they had heard in that area.
On February 19, 2025, at about 10:15 AM, a witness who lives in the Derry Ridge area had just left her dogs outside. A brief time later the dogs were very disturbed and wanted back into the house. The dogs were reported to be incredibly upset, and both were whining as they hid in the house.
That is when the woman observed what she described as a small Bigfoot that was running across a field near her property. The witness stated that the creature was about four and a half to five feet tall. It was covered with light brown fur. It also had black fur on its rump. The creature looked at her a few times then ran off into the woods.
Other Bigfoot sightings were also reported during February around this general area. Eric Altman from the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society also received Bigfoot reports including Centre County during February.
On February 28th, A witness in the Derry Ridge area at about 4 PM, was walking toward her car when she happened to look across her property towards the woods. The woman was surprised as to what she saw. She noticed a Bigfoot covered with mainly brown and some black hair. She estimated that it would have been eight feet tall if it were standing. It was sitting on the trunk of a downed tree near a wooded area across from her property.
The curious witness began to walk closer to get a better look at the creature. She walked until she was about 150 feet away from it and stopped. She heard no sound; however, she could see its chest moving as it was breathing. The witness was so surprised as to what she was seeing that she never thought of taking out her phone to take a picture. (This area around Derry Township and Chestnut Ridge has a long history of Bigfoot encounters being reported by many witnesses.)
You can report Bigfoot and UFO or cryptid sightings to me confidentially at 724-838-7768 or email me at: paufo@comcast.net.
2025 Kecksburg (PA) UFO Festival Speakers Announced
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
The annual Kecksburg UFO Festival will be held July 18-20, 2025, on the Kecksburg V.F.D. grounds at 5128 Water Street, Mount Pleasant, PA 15666. The conference is held on Sunday, July 20, 2025, starting at 1 PM.
2025 will mark the 60th anniversary of the Kecksburg UFO incident. It is very likely that witnesses, and others who have information on this 1965 incident are still alive and could have information that could be helpful to compare with other details I am aware of. You can contact me confidentially at 724-838-7768 or paufo@comcast.net.
Kecksburg UFO Festival Committee-724-423-2580
Kecksburg Club-724-423-9540
Email-kecksburgufo@wpa.net or 412-720-4954
Conference Speaker Lineup
Stan Gordon- UFO-Bigfoot Researcher and Author
Stan Gordon was trained as an electronics technician who specialized in radio communications. He worked in the advanced consumer electronics sales field for over forty years. Stan has been researching UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and other mysterious events in Pennsylvania since 1959. Since then, he has been involved with the investigation of thousands of unusual incidents. For many years, Stan led teams of scientists, engineers, and research specialists to investigate mysterious occurrences across Pennsylvania. He is the primary investigator of the 1965 UFO crash incident that occurred near Kecksburg, PA.
Stan has been taking calls on UFO sightings and other strange reports from the public since 1969, and he continues to receive unusual reports on a regular basis. He has given illustrated lectures both locally and nationally on the topics of UFOs, Bigfoot, Cryptids, and strange encounters since the late 1960s. Gordon is a former PA State Director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and was its first recipient In 1987 of the MUFON Meritorious Achievement in a UFO investigation Award. He was listed in the 2005 FATE Magazine special, The 100 Most Influential People in UFOlogy Today.
He is the producer of the award-winning UFO video documentary, “Kecksburg The Untold Story.” Stan is the author of four books, Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook, Really Mysterious Pennsylvania, and Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures, and Stan’s 4th book, “Creepy Cryptids And Strange UFO Encounters Of Pennsylvania.” His books are available on amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.
Stan appears frequently on radio, podcast, and television programs discussing his research on these topics. He has been interviewed for TV and radio programs nationally and internationally. Stan has been seen on the History & Discovery Channel, SyFy Channel, Travel Channel, Fox News Channel, Destination America Channel, and Unsolved Mysteries, as well as numerous other TV programs. He has been a guest on the Coast to Coast radio show several times. For updates on upcoming events and reports visit Stan’s website: www.stangordon.info.
Stan will present to the conference audience an update on some of the detailed UFO, Bigfoot, and cryptid encounters reported by the public. Many of these cases have occurred in Westmoreland County and the Greater Pittsburgh area in recent years and months. Some of these incidents occurred in daylight at very close range. UFO, Bigfoot, and cryptid encounters are continuing to be reported throughout 2025.
Brian D. Parsons
Brian has been researching and investigating anomalous phenomena since the mid-1990s. He operated the Ohio Paranormal Investigation Network ghost group for 15 years and was the host of the Paranormal News Insider radio show for over 530 shows. Brian has worked with the Centre for Fortean Zoology, ParaNexus, the Cleveland Ufology Project, and MUFON,
in addition to other groups and teams across the country. He is the author of four non-fiction books on ghost investigation methodologies, as well as Handbook for the Amateur Cryptozoologist with Loren Coleman and Handbook for the Amateur UFO Investigator. His latest book, Eastern Cryptids, is due out before the Kecksburg UFO Festival. More information can be found at BrianDParsons.com.
The Best of Eastern Cryptids: Brian will examine some of the most interesting cases of cryptids east of the Mississippi River with some of them having ties to UFO and alien sightings.
Eric Altman
Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society and a researcher with FayWest Paranormal.
Eric Altman is a Cryptozoologist and Paranormal enthusiast specializing in researching the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon with a combined 43 years of study, field research, and investigations. Eric is a well-respected field investigator, contributing author, founder, and Director of the Pennsylvania Cryptozoology Society, one of the founding members and Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. Eric was also the host and co-founder of Beyond the Edge Radio, a live weekly radio program covering a variety of paranormal and fringe topics for over 12 years from 2007 to 2019.
Eric has and actively investigates cases, sighting claims, and continues to conduct fieldwork dating back to 1997. He has investigated and assisted in investigating hundreds of Bigfoot sightings, encounters, and claims in Pennsylvania and across the country. Eric served as host and organizer of the East Coast Bigfoot Conference from 2000 to 2011, and the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure, an annual charity fund raising event from 2017 to 2019.
For over 23 years, Eric is a much sought-after public speaker on the topics of Bigfoot and other paranormal topics across the country. Eric has appeared in various documentaries, films, and television programs about Bigfoot on the Travel Channel’s Paranormal Declassified and the Discovery plus series “Fright Club” and the Recent Small Town Monsters 6 episode series “Sasquatch Unearthed: The Ridge.” Eric has written for and contributed to numerous books and magazine articles on the subject of Bigfoot. He has been interviewed as a featured guest on hundreds of national radio programs and podcast shows. He has also been featured in national and local newspapers, magazine articles, and various forms of print media. To learn more about Eric, visit his websites https://www.ericaltman.net. https: www.pabigfoot.com and https: www.pacryptosociety.com
Thomas Mihok
Investigator with the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society
Tom Mihok has been researching and investigating the paranormal for over 20 years. He has investigated hauntings and other paranormal phenomena in some of the most haunted locations in the country.
Tom is also a Cryptozoologist and a field researcher for the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. Along with the PBS, Tom does extensive research on the Bigfoot phenomenon as well as other Cryptids.
In addition to his research and investigations Tom also speaks at conferences and has just begun work on his first book dealing with the paranormal.
Eric and Tom will be discussing, “Recent PA sightings and mysterious encounters.” This will include firsthand reports of the latest activity and encounters from witnesses and experiences and evidence from the surrounding area.
Dave Spinks
Dave has been investigating and researching the Supernatural since 1986 due to several experiences he had as a young man. Since that time, he has conducted several hundred investigations in the U.S. as well as Europe. Dave served in the U.S. Air Force for 8 Years and went on to Work as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer Retiring in 2011.
During his paranormal investigations Dave has experienced many hair raising and Un-nerving things as one might imagine. Having investigated strange phenomena for over 30 years he has built many friendships with some of the most well-known investigators in the field today.
He has been seen on various Television shows to include, Expedition X, Terror in the Woods, Paranormal 911, , The unexplained, In Search of Monsters, and These Woods are Haunted to name a few. He was also featured in the Film Flatwoods Monster, ( A legacy of Fear), by Small Town Monsters. He has been a featured Guest on hundreds of Paranormal Themed Radio Shows and Pod Casts. Dave is often a featured guest speaker at Paranormal Conferences around the country. He is Also an Author of numerous books on Topics that include Cryptids, Hauntings and Ufology.
Dave will be talking about UFOS in Appalachia and the significance of those sightings in Modern UFOLOGY.
Three Glowing Orbs On The Ground Rise Straight Up Into The Sky in Pennsylvania (January 21, 2025)
From: Researcher Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info
I have been aware of encounters with luminous orbs or balls of light of various sizes and colors that have been reported since the 1960s. While I often receive information on spherical objects seen higher in the sky that are performing unusual maneuvers, reports of these smaller generally round objects that are extremely low to the ground or in some cases on the ground have been increasing in past years.
I am of the opinion that these low-level orb cases represent one of the most important part of the UFO/UAP mystery and these cases require more attention. There are also reports of various types of physiological effects reported by some witnesses who have been within a few feet distance from these objects.
You can read this report from 2022, when there was a significant increase in these types of cases taking place in Pennsylvania. 2022- A Very Active Year for Significant UFOs/UAPs and Ground Level Balls of Light, Bigfoot, and Cryptid Encounters Reported In Pennsylvania. – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone
On the evening of January 13, 2025, in Clearfield County, a witness had just opened the door to let out the family dog when a very bright round object was observed. The object appeared to be a solid white sphere that was positioned low over some small nearby trees. The object was estimated to be about twenty feet off the ground. The object rapidly accelerated straight up high into the sky. That witness hurried into the house to bring another person to view it. When they returned it was not in sight.
The following is a report that I received from my research associate Jim Brown from Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Jim has spent many years investigating various anomalies reported by the public. Fayette County has a long history of UFO/UAP, Bigfoot, Cryptid encounters, and other strange incidents. Jim’s website is: www.jimsdestinations.com
This encounter with multiple luminous orbs on the ground and the details concerning what the witness experienced is quite interesting. It is similar to other cases that have been reported in Pennsylvania and other states.
Jim’s Report: Hopwood Spherical Objects in Yard
On Jan 27, 2025 I received a call from a local who was calling regarding something his neighbor saw. He wanted to ask my permission to pass along my contact information to the witness before doing so. He did not see anything for himself; He was asking for his neighbor. I told him to do so, I would be happy to speak with the witness.
The witness called me on Monday January 21, 2025. He related the following as he observed it.
Location of sighting: Near Hopwood, Pa. from his residence.
Date of the sighting: January, 21, 2025
Time of sighting: Approx. 5:00 AM
Weather: Mostly clear and cold, single digit temperature
Lunar phase: Waning crescent
Name witheld at witness request.
Witness narrative transcribed from phone call: “I was just waking up and going to get up and start my day with a cup of coffee when I saw a glow on the ceiling from what looked like someone outside shining a light in the window. I knew from the way the light was coming in whoever it was had to be in the yard since the glow was on the ceiling coming up from the yard. I went to the window keeping low in case someone was out there messing around.
That’s when I saw where the glow was coming from. There were three balls of light just sitting on the ground. They were about the size of a basketball and there was a few inches between them forming a triangle shape. That’s when things really got weird. I had this thought or whatever you would call it that they saw me and they had to get away. At the same time I got a sensation of extreme fear come over me. That is not something I would normally get, I am not one who fears something unless there is a good reason to.
Anyway these three objects were sitting there glowing like a light bulb. They immediately came together to form a single light, much brighter then shot straight up into the sky and were gone in a matter of a couple seconds. I went over and sat down for a few seconds to ask myself what I just saw. I figured nobody would believe me so I didn’t mention it till I asked my neighbor if he had ever heard of anything like this. Your name came up, and I asked about contacting you to report it. This was on Sunday and he gave me your number so that brings us to where we are now.”
After hearing the story I asked a few questions and gathered a bit more information about the event. The witness said the objects glowed white when he first saw them and were also white although ten times brighter as they merged and sped off. There were no details at any time, only the glowing light of differing intensity. No sound was heard at anytime. The witness wished he could have taken a picture since his phone was close by but the event only lasted a matter of seconds and was over before he could get his camera. He stated the objects were about 20 – 25 feet away from his point of observation through the window.
He also went into some detail about the fear associated with the sighting. He sat in the chair almost an hour. The sky was starting to get light when he got up and got his cup of coffee. But he said he still felt a sense of fear to the point he would not even approach the window to look out. He said it wasn’t until about 7:30 he finally looked out where the object was seen and what saw sent another wave of fear through him. There was about 3 inches of snow on the ground in his yard, but in the area where the objects were seen a circle about five feet across was melted. I asked if he noticed anything else about that area but he said nothing he could think of.
Tuesday, January 28 I did a site visit and met the witness in person. His sense of fear has passed as he started to rationalize what transpired. By the time I visited the melted spot had grown due to warmer weather melting much of the snow in that part of his yard. I did check the ground where the object was seen and found no debris or evidence of anything.
I did a magnetometer scan with negative results. Moisture content of the soil was comparable to that elsewhere in that part of the yard. An EMF scan also showed no evidence of any dynamic EMF fields present that might have triggered an event. I should point out though that since 6 days had elapsed conditions could have changed between the sighting and the time I did my evaluation. I also considered a mis-identification of the moon, however that could be ruled out because the moon was not visible from that window as the window faces northwest and the crescent moon would have been in the southeast at that date / time. Plus the moon was not spherical like the object appeared.
Jim Brown
Independent Research Associate
Color Changing Sphere Hovers Low Over the Ligonier, Pennsylvania Area-December 22, 2024
From: Researcher: Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info
This is the photo taken near Ligonier, PA on December 22, 2024.
The photo is used with permission of the witness.
This incident took place on December 22, 2024, at approximately 8 PM. The location of the sighting was a couple of miles outside of Ligonier, off of Route 30. A couple was approaching their home in their vehicle when the husband noticed something unusual in the sky. They the exited their vehicle and watched the unusual object overhead. The husband told me that the object was round, the shape of an orb, and it was continuously changing colors from purple, yellow, green, amber, red, and blue.
These were not individual lights on the object. The entire object was illuminated in the colors. The color of the object would appear, and then just fade into the next color. This occurred continuously while the object was observed for about five minutes. There was a haze that surrounded the object. There were possibly five spokes that seemed to extend out from the round body. In the photo, at about the four o’clock position, the witness pointed out that you can see what looks like orange light changing into another color.
The object was also constantly making irregular movements moving up and down and right and left while remaining generally in the area overhead. The object was not that high in the sky and was estimated to be about five hundred feet in altitude. The object made no sound. The sky was clear at the time of observation, and it was very cold. The witness went into his house and when he went back outside about thirty minutes later, the object was no longer visible.
Another Low level Orb Reported from Clearfield County, Pennsylvania-January 13, 2025
On the evening of January 13, 2025, a witness had just opened the door to let out the family dog when a very bright round object was observed. The object appeared to be a solid white sphere that was positioned low over some nearby small trees. The object was estimated to be about twenty feet off the ground. The object rapidly accelerated straight up high into the sky. That witness hurried into the house to bring another person to view it. When they returned it was not in sight.
Numerous Daylight UAP/UFO Sightings, Mysterious Low-Level Orbs, Bigfoot and Cryptid Encounters Reported Across Pennsylvania Throughout 2024
From: Researcher Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info
It has been sixty five years since I began my research into the UFO mystery. I was a youngster who was interested in science and electronics, and I just happened to hear a radio program talking about those strange objects in the sky. I wanted to find out if there was any truth to those reports.
I began conducting in the field investigations of UFO sightings in 1965, following the report that an object had fallen from the sky near the community of Kecksburg, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. I was sixteen year old at that time, as I began to document the details from the news reports breaking from around the Pittsburgh area.
In 1969, I established a hotline for the public to report UFO sightings. Since then, my phone has never stopped ringing with not only UFO reports, but with other anomalies reported by the public such as Bigfoot and cryptid encounters. I also continue to receive many reports via email. Since then, I have interviewed thousands of UFO/UAP witnesses, and hundreds of Bigfoot and cryptid witnesses. Surprisingly, I have never personally seen a UFO or a Bigfoot or any cryptids.
In 1970, I founded the first of three volunteer research groups that for many years would investigate multitudes of unusual incidents from across Pennsylvania. Among those volunteer investigators were scientists, engineers, technicians, first responders, and former military specialists. The public was reporting many mysterious encounters, and we were also receiving referrals on such occurrences from the news media and law enforcement agencies.
As more UFO cases came to our attention, it became apparent that many of those sightings were indeed misidentifications of natural or manmade objects. Some sources for those observations over the years were determined to be bright planets and stars, fireball meteors, lights on aircraft, drones, balloons, advertising banners pulled by aircraft, automated searchlight displays, sky lanterns, Starlink and other satellites, and meteorological related incidents such as light pillars.
This photo of a lenticular cloud over the Gettysburg area was taken in June of 2022. Apparently, quite a few people saw the strange cloud formations. The photo was used with permission of the witness.
Even Bigfoot observations have at times been determined to be large shaggy dogs, bear sightings common in the state of Pennsylvania, and hunters dressed in camouflage. Some other reported cryptid sightings were misidentifications of other wildlife and some with mange had a distorted appearance.
However, every year UFO/UAP incidents, encounters with Bigfoot and other mysterious creatures, and various other anomalies are reported that can’t be easily dismissed. Some of those cases included some very strange details. During the last few years there seems to be an increase in low level UFO/UAP observations, some of which occurred at close range or close to the ground.
In more recent years, there have been an increase in daylight sightings of large wingless cylindrical objects observed at low level and in some cases are seen over very populated areas. Various photos have been taken from widespread locations of Pennsylvania.
More startling are the ongoing reports of mysterious incredibly low level and close range luminous orbs, or balls of light. I became aware of these reports in the 1960s. I have been calling them, “mini-UFOs” for years. I often have reports of these spherical objects at various altitudes in the sky. The incidents that I am most intrigued with are when these objects are encountered remarkably close to witnesses, low to the ground, or even on the ground. These objects have reportedly paced and entered moving vehicles. People have told me that these mystery spheres have tapped on the windows of houses.
There have been cases reported where these luminous orbs have appeared inside of homes. In some instances, witnesses I interviewed were only a few feet away from those objects. Some people reported physiological effects as well.
Many of these reports describe luminous spheres of assorted colors. Orange, blue, and white are commonly reported. These objects often range in size from that of a golf ball to a foot or two in diameter. Some are smaller and others are larger. I have also talked with witnesses who have also encountered these mystery spheres at very close range and in some cases described the objects as appearing solid and metallic. These mystery orbs in many cases just suddenly vanish, move out of sight, or move through the walls of a structure.
The year 2024 reports included several types of cryptid encounters being reported. The public reported Bigfoot, Thunderbird, black panther (an out of place animal) and various other strange creature reports. Cryptid witnesses are similar to those who observer a UFO/UAP. The witnesses originate from various backgrounds. Some are experienced hunters, others are educators, and first responders. Some have science backgrounds. Many of these witnesses were skeptical of such reports until they had their own encounters.
Other odd occurrences continued to be reported during the year such as mystery boom reports where residents reported that something very loud had shaken their homes in various areas. There are several explanations for these reports and the sources are often difficult to track down. In past years, many such reports seem likely explainable, but some incidents remain a mystery. There has been an increase in such reports in recent months from various statewide locations.
As we approached the end of 2024, Additional UFO/UAP incidents were being reported.
The following is a synopsis of some of the more interesting, strange incidents from 2024. Many of these cases I investigated. Some of the incidents were referred to me by my research associates or other sources.
01-00-24- Indiana County, PA– Daylight Bigfoot encounter-This incident reportedly occurred in early January of 2024. The report was received by Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. A man and his son were traveling during the late afternoon in Indiana County, near Creekside and Cheese Run Road. When they came around a bend the son saw it first and then was observed by his father. What they saw was a dark hair covered creature standing 7-8 feet tall, estimated 400-500 pounds. It was running through a cornfield and appeared to be stooped over.
01-09-24- Ligonier area-In a rural area outside of town- Strange cryptid- Residents reported observing an odd looking salmon colored animal during the early afternoon. The creature was running the entire time that witnesses observed it. It was seen for approximately 20-25 seconds from a distance of about fifteen yards. The animal looked like a cross between a cat and a dog and weighed about thirty pounds. Large gray spots covered the body. Also witnessed was that the animal had very small wiggly looking ears, a very thin tail, long thin delicate looking legs, and a severe underbite. The eyes were positioned on each side of the head, and they appeared round and dark. Other local residents also reportedly saw a similar strange creature around the same time period. During an observation, the animal was said to have stopped and peaked out at the witnesses from behind a tree.
01-10-24- Ligonier-Looking toward Chestnut ridge and Latrobe area–UFO-At 7:35 PM a UFO sighting was reported from the Route 30 area in Ligonier. Two people observed a very bright amber colored light that looked like a very large star. The object was high in the sky and appeared stationary. As they drove down Route 30 about a one-half mile from the original sighting location, they still had the object under observation. Suddenly, two more similar lights appeared that now gave the impression of a V or boomerang shape. A witness was pulling out his phone to get a picture when all of the lights just suddenly vanished. They never saw the objects again.
01-21-24- Baggaley side of the Chestnut Ridge- Two Low level UFOs.--It was around 9:30 or 10 PM when a resident in a house noticed a bright light shining in from the outside through the door window. The witness went to the window to look out and saw two unusual objects (UFOs) about three hundred feet away, and about ten feet off the ground above a field. The two objects were positioned side by side, one behind the other. The object in front looked tubular-similar to a small submarine. The witness could only see the outline of the gray object. The other object behind it was described as having a big dome top and was flat on the sides. The light from the objects was so bright it hurt the eyes of the observer. She turned away, and when she looked back a brief time later the objects were gone. The witness told me she couldn’t believe what she had seen.
01-28-24- Derry Ridge-White Thunderbird on the ground.- At about 7:30 AM, a witness saw a huge white bird near the woods and standing next to a tree. The huge flying creature was about 150 feet away from the observer. This was no ordinary bird as this creature stood about eight feet tall with wings that were not fully extended when first observed. The witness noticed an elongated crest on the head that was black and also a black beak. Moments later, the creature began to flap its wings which had an estimated wingspan of twelve feet. The flaps were not smooth as it lifted up and rose above the trees. It seemed as though the creature was having trouble rising off the ground. The entire observation lasted about thirty seconds. (This took place around Derry Township in the Chestnut Ridge area. There has been a history of Thunderbird sightings as well as other cryptid encounters for many years around the ridge in Westmoreland County.)
02-00-24?-Jefferson, PA. Greene County- Weird encounter- This report originated from researcher Kevin Paul who has investigated many cases from this area. A married couple and a lone adult all reported seeing what appeared to be a swirling grey mass like a vortex moving along SR 188 on two occasions. The entity was approximately 5 ft in height and no physical details were noticeable other than it resembled a swirling mass of air and appeared to have tentacles. Bigfoot, spindly Rake-like bipedal creatures, and unexplained lights in the sky frequently appear in this vicinity as well. Kevin stated that there have even been credible reports of a werewolf.
Inside Area X of Fayette County, Pennsylvania
02-10-24- Fayette County-Area X–Strange Encounters- Here is a brief summary of experiences that occurred in a remote area of Southwest Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society and FayWest Paranormal research group call this mysterious location, “Area X.” At this location, several types of strange occurrences such as cryptid encounters and small balls of light low to the ground have been reported. Other anomalies have taken place, and Bigfoot sightings have also been reported nearby.
On this date between the hours of 7pm and 10 PM, six researchers were in the area conducting some investigations. During that time period, something large and dark blocked out the moonlight at a treetop at the end of the roadway. That object appeared to move from left to right blocking out the light for a few seconds. Also, two separate thermal Flir cameras appeared to show what looked like a several foot high red wall of heat that surrounded the group at ground level at the tree line. The Flir anomaly was captured on video. One researcher said that when he saw the dark object cross the treetops, his hair stood up and he got goose bumps.
02-15-24-Greene County- Triangle UFOs- Researcher Kevin Paul reported that witnesses at about 10 PM, observed three triangular objects with green lights that emitted beams. The objects were in an inverted triangle pattern. The sighting was south of Waynesburg but north of Kirby just off of US 19.
02-28-24-Fayette County– Low Level orb projects beam of light-At approximately 5:00 AM, the witness sees through a window a glowing blue ball hovering outside about twenty feet away. The sphere appears to be spinning in a right to left motion. Then a blue-white beam of light emits from the object and illuminates the inside of the house. There was no sound, but a large flash occurred. The witness was so shaken she hid for a time. When she later looked outside the sphere was gone.
03-08-24-Fayette County- Area X Anomalies- Researchers from the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society and the FayWest Paranormal research team observed red lights in trees that would disappear and re-appear. They recorded 3-4 still photos of red orbs . They also saw orbs of assorted colors, which would light up the surrounding area. They appeared to all be at tree top level. One seemed to have a trail behind it. They used a very high tech Sony camera and recorded several frames of the orbs. When they were driving out of the area that night, what looked like a white cream colored oversized moth appeared about a foot away in front of their vehicle. It would flutter around then stop then flutter again. It then flew off into the woods. It looked to be about 2-3 inches wide. It did not move like a moth, and it gave the impression of looking Fairy-like. (Similar reports of small objects described as looking “fairy-like” have been reported from other areas of the state.)
03-12-24-Harrisburg suburb (Dauphin County)- Daylight Low Level Thunderbird- The witness was driving through the area at about 3 PM and was approaching a traffic light at an intersection. The sky was clear and blue at the time. While the driver was stopped at the red traffic light and looking up at it, an exceptionally large bird was observed. The witness estimated that the creature had a wingspan of at least twenty feet tip to tip. When first observed, the monstrous bird was estimated to be about eighty to one hundred feet overhead and gliding. The giant bird appeared to be black in color. The windshield view was blocking some sections of the body such as the head and tail.
The driver looked back at the red light then looked again at the bird. The bird suddenly opened up its wings giving an impression of a large drape. According to the witness, “It had feathered shiny scallops on an all-black background.” Also seen was a streak of white feathers about halfway down the scallops. The witness was certain that the wingspan could cover the two sides of the road. The driver looked back toward the traffic light that had turned green. When she looked back toward the bird it was no longer in sight. The witness did not see it fly in any direction and could only assume that it had risen straight up above the car or moved behind her car. That witness told me that this was the strangest thing ever experienced. It was also mentioned that the big bird was like a creature out of a Jurassic Park movie. The observer was shocked by what took place.
03-21-24 (Pittsburgh suburb (Allegheny County- Thunderbird- This witness observed a huge bird around 4:30 PM, about one hundred yards away and about fifty feet above the ground. The witness was driving at the time when he spotted an exceptionally large black bird with an estimated ten-twelve foot wingspan. It dropped down to the height of a telephone pole and moved toward the Dashields Lock and Dam on the Ohio River. It appeared to have loose plumage along the back section of the wings. 03-27-24- Location between Indiana and Westmoreland County-Bigfoot activity– A family reported that for three nights they have been hearing strange sounds from the woods. They also found several twenty inch long footprints with a five foot stride. The tracks appeared to be five toed. They also reported that something tried to break into an animal pen.
04-08-24- Daylight wingless cylinder UFO Over Route 30, Irwin/North Huntingdon PA– I received an email report on 04/09/24, that two people riding on Route 30 in the Irwin/North Huntingdon area observed something unusual in the sky at 11:30 AM. They were traveling on Route 30 westbound and entering the right ramp to enter the turnpike to head toward Ohio to view the eclipse. The driver happened to look up and noticed something unusual through the upper left side of the windshield.
That is when she observed a large, smooth white cylindrical shaped object that seemed quite low in the sky above the business district of Route 30. The driver stated to me that “This was close.” The object seemed to be at an altitude similar to what a medical helicopter might be operating through. The sky conditions at the time were very cloudy with white clouds. The object, however, could be clearly seen against the cloudy background. The witness stated that other people had to see it since it was over a very populated area.
The driver kept glancing back and forth at the object, and yelled out to person in the passenger seat, “what is that? Look at that, what is it?” The passenger actually had a better look at it at times and told the driver that the object to her did not look flat or even round but skinny and white. the object was rounded on the front end but seemed flat on the back end and that section of the object looked squarer in shape. The object was described as looking solid white, no wings or protrusions of any kind, no lights, no markings. The passenger was able to view it continuously for a brief time, whereas the driver could only take quick glances while driving.
The driver also mentioned that as the object rose higher into the sky, the more the white exterior color seemed to increase in brightness. When the object was first seen, it was more in a vertical angle, but then it took on a more horizontal angle slant to the right. It looked like it was in a slight floating smooth motion, then it changed its angle slightly and looked more like a tic-tac as it moved higher and, in a left, to right motion as it kept rising. The object was observed as it became just a dot in the sky and just seemed to vanish. She assumed the object went into the cloud cover, but she was not sure if that was the case. The total viewing time was 5-10 seconds. The driver said she was in near shock after seeing the object.
04-14-24-Pittsburgh (Oakland) Daylight Low Level UFO Observation- At 6:35 PM, the witness who lives in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh, had just opened the back door of her home and happened to look up in the sky over her neighbor’s house, when she observed a very bright metallic silver cigar shaped object moving extremely fast across the sky. The witness stated that the shape was not like a blimp, this this object was sleek, shiny, and narrow. The front and back ends of the object were rounded, and the object was wingless.
There was no gondola on the object. The witness said that the object was low enough that she should have been able to see some identification markings on its surface, but none was observed. The object was huge and completely silent. The witness is familiar with the aircraft that fly over her area regularly from Allegheny County airport, as well as the frequent trips of medical helicopters from the local hospitals. She has in past years seen blimps pass over her area going to the various sporting events. She is familiar with the sounds they make. The object she watched was completely quiet. The witness estimated that this object was about three times longer than the blimps she has seen. She also estimated that it was only about two hundred feet above the ground, and at an altitude lower than the helicopters fly over her area.
At the time of the observation the sky conditions were very dark and cloudy. There were also high winds in the area. This object moved in a steady straight line over the nearby homes at an extremely fast speed. The object was watched as it moved off in the distance, however the view was blocked by a tree.
Photo taken April 22, 2024, used with permission of the witness
.04-22-24-Irwin/Jeannette area-Third daylight wingless cylinder UFO-A third sighting of a similar UFO/UAP was reported on April 22, 2024. The witness was outside taking a walk at 3:35 PM, when he noticed something odd in the partly cloudy sky. The object was toward the east and appeared to be low over the Irwin or Jeanette area. This would again be over a populated location. The man grabbed his cell phone and was able to take one photo as the object passed behind some trees. What the witness observed was described as a silver-white cylinder. It had no apparent wings or tail. The object appeared to be more reflective than luminous. The witness said the object gave him the impression of something streamlined or possibly flat, and it looked possibly rounded at the front.
The witness is familiar with the air traffic that flies over this area regularly and commented that the object was moving from north to south. According to the witness, “it was traveling smoothly and silently, perhaps at the height of only 1,000-2,000 feet.” The man said the object was traveling to low in the sky compared to other aircraft he often sees. The object was described as moving low over the terrain, and that it seemed to be more gliding than flying and moving in a straight line. The object was traveling north to south. While the witness acknowledged that it was impossible to judge how far away the object was from him, he estimated that the object might look similar in size to a large shipping container or a truck tractor. The witness mentioned that in the photo, the object looks possibly very large and above the clouds, however when he saw it, the object seemed to be of moderate size and not near the clouds. He lost sight of the object as it moved behind the terrain, houses, and trees. The observation only lasted several seconds.
The witness immediately called a friend who checked his FlightAware app on his phone. The only flight in the area detected at that time was moving south to north and at a much higher altitude that is used by commercial aircraft. Ron Lanham of Wild & Weird West Virginia conducted a photo analysis. Ron indicated that he could not see any visible flight surfaces or vapor trails, and whatever the object was it didn’t appear to have the shape of a conventional aircraft. The object also seemed to be reflective and had an indication of being a solid object in frame.
Photo of one of the tracks found in Blair County. Used with permission of Eric Altman
04-26-24-Blair County-Bigfoot Tracks -I was informed on April 26, 2024, by Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society (PBS), that several possible Bigfoot tracks were found that morning in Blair County. The footprints were found in a forested area, south of Hollidaysburg by four men scouting the area for turkey for Spring gobbler season. The men had walked approximately two hundred yards from where they parked their cars as they looked for turkey tracks. One of the men was quite surprised when he came across a large five toed human-like track on the edge of a muddy area. He called the other three men over to look at the track. A total of four tracks were located in that area. When the group returned home, one of the men contacted the PBS to report what they had found. Photos of the tracks were sent to Eric for his examination.
Two members of the PBS closest to that area were notified, and one investigator contacted the witness and conducted an initial phone interview. On Sunday, April 28th, a three member PBS team met the witness and two other people. The man took them into the forest to the track location. The location where the tracks were found was deep in the forest about two miles from the closest home. It had rained Friday night into early Saturday morning, and when they arrived on scene, they found that one of the tracks had been washed out and could not be cast. Three tracks were still intact and were photographed and casts were made. The tracks were all located in a muddy area. Each track had five toes and measured fifteen inches long and seven inches wide. The tracks were about two inches deep in the mud. While the tracks were curing and drying a search was conducted around that area to look for other evidence. No other evidence was found.
Photo of a casting of one of the Blair County tracks used with permission of Eric Altman
Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Cliff Barackman were contacted, and photos and video of the tracks were shared. The initial reaction from Cliff is that they are either a hoax or the real thing. Dr. Meldrum’s initial impression is that he saw no red flags and the tracks had potential and he would examine them closer on a larger computer screen. Eric’s initial opinion was that the witness they met with was honest and very credible and quite excited about his findings. He kept stating that he had been hunting for over 50 years and had never seen, heard, or had any experiences until April 26. Eric stated that although he is not a footprint expert, he felt the tracks were not human, not bear or other common animal and may in fact be Bigfoot Prints.
04-28-24 (Washington Township (Westmoreland County near Armstrong County- Daylight Thunderbird encounter- The driver of a vehicle was driving on Route 66 and made a sharp turn to the right heading South. It was about 4:45 PM when he observed a huge black or dark colored bird gliding toward the southeast that passed directly over his vehicle about one hundred feet above the ground.
The witness said the wingspan was huge and covered the width of the entire road. He estimated that the wingspan was about seventeen feet in length. He only had the creature in sight for about 5-10 seconds as it passed over the trees
05-00-24-(Fayette County, PA) Thunderbird -A witness reported seeing an exceptionally large odd looking bird in a rural location. When it was first observed, it was gliding low over the area. The witness estimated that each wing was about ten feet long and they looked odd and skinny. The tail was featherless and had an odd, shaped appendage at the end.
05-16-24-Rural Latrobe area-Westmoreland County- Close Thunderbird encounter. This witness was returning home from work at about 2 AM and driving down Donohoe Road traveling toward the Latrobe area. He turned off that road and continued down another rural roadway. The man told me that he had an experience that he couldn’t explain. He told me that he had encountered a massive bird. He stated to me, “It was so huge, I couldn’t believe it.” As he was slowly driving early that morning his headlights focused on the underside of the body of a giant bird. When he first saw it, the winged creature appeared to be leaning forward and had just began to flap its wings. He was of the opinion that it had just jumped off a nearby telephone pole. It was low enough then to be seen in his headlights and not that far away from his vehicle.
The witness saw the body of the creature from a sideways view. He was not able to see the head or tail. The creatures body looked quite long, and over two feet wide and was covered with dark brown or black feathers. The feathers had a fish scale-like appearance. While the feathers were generally dark, there was some white color seen around the belly area. The witness estimated that the total wingspan could have been about ten-twelve feet or more as he could not see the full wings. The witness soon lost sight of it as it flew off. He heard no sound from the creature and his window was down. The entire observation only lasted several seconds.
06-11-24-Strange Activity in Area X Fayette County- Several researchers from the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society and the FayWest Paranormal Research Group return to the area for more investigations. Around 10:30 PM- a researcher sees near some trees, what looks like a light from a flashlight moving from right to left. Moments later another similar light is seen moving right to left. Then a ball of light was observed moving through the trees, As soon as that light moved away, they heard a loud thud as though something jumped from overhead toward the ground.
Later when the team was packing up to leave, one person was outside of a jeep working with a camera. The other people were already in the jeep. Suddenly a hollow boom sound was heard from the nearby tree line. Soon after, when everyone was in the jeep, something could be heard knocking on the outside body of the vehicle. As soon as they left the area, the knocking stopped. They had no explanation for thar occurrence.
06-29-24-Cambria County-Two Bigfoot Observed-A group of people during the late afternoon were in a forested area when they found a series of unusual footprints. One person was separated from the others for a time when she noticed from not far away, a four feet tall creature with dark brown hair bent over and looking toward her. The small creature kept opening and closing its eyes. A brief time later that witness heard what she described as loud whoop-whoop sounds. Soon after that, a seven feet tall Bigfoot with reddish-brown hair came up behind the smaller creature. The eyes of the larger creature were large, and round and black in color.
07-02-24-Smithfield, Fayette County-Two vehicles stall on highway as UFO passes low overhead:
Update On the Smithfield, PA. UFO/UAP Stalled Vehicle Incident – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone
07-18-24-Turnpike around Oakmont, Allegheny County-Triangle UFO- That evening a motorist on the turnpike observed a triangular object with three orange lights and a red beacon light at the bottom, pass about 1,000 feet over his car. The object appeared to bank low to the right.
07-20-24- Cambria County-Strange cryptid encounter- During the evening the witness was walking outside and looking at the bright moon. The man heard an owl-like screech, then looked towards the woods and saw a 10-12-foot-tall dark figure with long arms. He could not see any face. The area below the knees of the being appeared to be all blurry. The thing was floating about 2-3 feet above the ground toward the woods and about 35-40 feet away from the observer.
07-27-24-Fort Allen-12:30 AM-Observed from Route 119 between Greensburg and Youngwood. Witness observes orb. The spherical object was diving and moving up and down in sky. It seemed to change shape at times. It was sometimes round and sometimes it appeared like several lights.
08-10-24-Butler County-strange sounds– Witnesses reported between 2 and 3 PM hearing a very strange sound from the woods in two different areas over a 15 minute period. It was a strange clicking sound and unlike anything ever heard before. There was also something high in a tree that looked distorted and unclear.
08-10-24-Johnstown area, Cambria County- Silver wingless cigar shaped UFO– At 7:47 PM, A witness reported seeing a bright silver cigar shaped object, with rounded ends, and wingless with no sound or contrail. It was observed about five hundred feet overhead and was moving slow toward Johnstown.
08-20-24-Mysterious Cross Shaped UFO Seen Over Cambria County, Pennsylvania
08-29-24-Tionesta (Forest County) Allegheny National Forest-Daylight Thunderbird– 12:45 PM- The witness was working in that area and was on Route 6 at the time. He observed 50-100 feet away a huge bird flapping its wings moving across the sky. The bird landed on a telephone pole and then had its wings folded up. The witness knows area birds and at first, he thought it was a Bald Eagle. He also said it did not look like a vulture. He soon realized this bird was much larger than a Bald Eagle. The witness called me about an hour after the sighting and he sounded very excited. He said the giant bird had an all-black body, except the head was all white. The beak which was black was similar to a crow. He said the wingspan was massive, about fifteen feet wide. The man was in his vehicle and tried to get his phone out to take a picture, however it had flown off from the pole.
09-15-24-Route 819, Forbes Road approaching Route 22-Thunderbird– It was about dusk when the motorist observed a huge brown bird flapping its wings at tree top level moving in her direction. It seemed to be approaching closer to her and the witness was becoming upset. She quickly entered Route 22 and looked up but didn’t see it again. The witness estimated that the huge flying creature had about a twelve foot wingspan. She was frightened when she saw it.
09-16-24- South Greensburg-Mystery bang and orb anomaly– It was about 12:30 AM, when the man in the house was awakened by a loud noise as though something heavily had fallen. His wife who was in another section of the house also heard it. hat had taken place around twelve;30 AM, he was awakened by a strange noise. It sounded loud like something heavy had fallen and hit the floor. His wife was in another section of the house at that time. She told him it sounded like something hit the door hard. It was about the same time that the family dog came into the room where the husband was. The dog then jumped onto the bed. That was something that the dog would not normally do. The dog also did not bark.
It was about an hour later, when one of the home security cameras indicated movement outside near the house. The man played back the video. What he saw was a small white orb that appeared to jump to a big orb then back to a small orb. That camera was aimed toward some woods. The witness was of the opinion that the sphere was the size of a golf ball and located near the side of the porch of the house.
09-18-24-Fayette County- Three Low Level Glowing Spheres Nearly Strike Car Near Smithfield, Pennsylvania
09-19-24- Cambria County- UFO and Military Jets- The witness was outside taking a look at the full moon that was brilliant on that clear warm evening. At about 8:20 PM he observed almost overhead an unusual object at a high altitude. The bright moon made the object quite visible. The object looked to be a solid round gray object that was surrounded by a glow of white light. He watched the object for about 10 seconds. He then noticed what appeared to be two military jets that he believed were F-14’s approaching the area from the west. The jets were also at a high altitude and were approaching the area fast with contrails visible. The jets initially past the object. The object then followed the jets. The object then moved past the jets and suddenly just vanished. The jets then continued to move toward the east and out of sight. The witness during the evening said he became aware of other UFO sightings that evening from towns such as Nanty Glo, Vintondale, and Ebensburg.
10-00-24- Rices Landing and Khedive PA.-Strange sounds, orbs- Two witnesses unknown to each other reported hearing unusual metallic sounds late at night, usually between 2-3am. The Rices Landing witness described it as sounding like a large piece of steel being dragged across concrete. The Khedive witness reported it sounded like a convoy of trucks rolling by but without engine sounds, kind of a mechanical rumble.
Both have had recurring dreams, and both have been plagued with balls of light nearby. In Rices Landing they appear in different colors but near Khedive usually orange. The Khedive witness reports the sound stops abruptly and is an immediate gust of wind strong enough to nearly knock down the individual’s wind chime. In either case the sound lasts ten-fifteen seconds. Researcher Kevin Paul who has investigated these incidents made me aware that these cases were occurring periodically through the summer, with the last incident reported in October.
10-02-24-Washington County-Four small Bigfoot-like creatures observed in woods in daylight-An experienced hiker and outdoorsman was hiking at 3:30 PM deep in the woods. That afternoon the witness heard an odd sound similar to someone clacking two rocks together. Later the man was taking a drink of water when he noticed something moving behind some dead-fall trees in the distance. He soon observed the head and shoulders of four human shaped figures that did not look or move like humans. The details he saw was that the figures were covered in black fur. They appeared to be flat faced with no discernible nose. They had no snout like a deer. The witness believes that when he first saw the heads of the creatures they were actually moving on all fours. He estimated that these figures were between three and three and a half feet tall when standing.
10-10-24- Derry Township- Two Cryptid creatures (not deer) on the ground and other anomalies reported that evening by other witnesses. -I received a phone report from a witness that evening who sounded very shaken. She told me she often drives the same road in Derry Township. The woman told me that what had just taken place really shook her up. The witness told me that when she drives that road at night she moves slowly since there are a lot of deer in the area. She explained to me that as she was passing a field next to the road, she saw what she at first thought were two deer. One of the creatures was walking oddly and slowly around a tree. The other one looked at her when her headlights hit it. It then walked across the road and approached within five feet of her car and stopped and looked at her. The witness noticed that both creatures walked with a limp that seemed to originate from the back left leg.
The creatures were sandy brown in color and about five feet tall, and about the size of medium sized deer. The creatures had floppy ears and oval eyes that were all black. They had a nose like a human, and strangely seemed to smile with no apparent teeth. The witness was quite shaken as she watched the creature staring at her. She had a phone on the seat next to her and never thought of taking a picture. The witness told me “she froze” as she watched the strange critter. The creature crossed back across the road where the second creature was walking around the tree. They both slowly walked off the field together and moved off in the distance.
That evening was busy with UFO/UAP reports from various locations. Some of the reports I received originated from secondhand accounts. From Derry, someone reportedly saw what was described as a spaceship coming down. Other people also around Derry were said to have seen strange lights in the sky.
This is an enlargement from the photo that was taken on October 10, 2024, near Jeanette, PA. The photo is used with permission of the witness.
.A man from Jeannette taking photos of the Northern lights that evening noticed what appeared to be a luminous cylindrical wingless object in one of the pictures. It is very similar to other photos that have been taken from many locations in Pennsylvania in recent years.
Near Luxor some fellows reportedly heard strange sounds coming from the woods. In Indiana County, a luminous sphere reportedly was seen dropping from the sky then going straight up and vanishing.
10-11-24-Allison Park, Pittsburgh-Silver Cylindrical object- 1:30 or 2 PM-Sunny day, witness noticed a silver object cylindrical object he called tic tac at about 27,000 feet high. It was moving steadily and slowly toward the southeast. It was not a balloon. While he watched it, it suddenly was just gone.
10-15-24-Arona, PA-5:45 PM-Metallic looking cylinder-Witness traveling on turnpike observed a flat, cigar shaped object that was shiny and metallic looking with no wings. It appeared to be motionless in front of a cloud. The object was at the altitude that small aircraft would operate at. The driver went around a corner but moments later it was gone. The same cloud was there. He had an unobstructed view of the sky at that point and should have seen the object if it had moved away. It seemed to have just vanished.
*11-05-24-Norvelt- Solid orange sphere over field- At about 7 PM, the witness was in her kitchen when she noticed a flashing white light about 450-500 feet over her field. She thought at first that it was an aircraft but soon realized this was hovering for about 15 seconds. She grabbed her phone and ran outside to the edge of her field. She watched the flash one more time when it suddenly changed into a solid orange sphere that was at same altitude. It bobbed up and down for about 1-2 minutes. She was able to video the object when it suddenly just went black and vanished.
11-12-24-Latrobe- (Black Panther)- The witness was driving on Donahue Road heading toward Latrobe. It was 7:40 PM when the encounter took place. The man had looked at his watch. He was just approaching the water tank at the bend next to the cemetery on his left. Suddenly a large black animal appeared in his headlights about fifty feet away moving from right to left across the road in front of the vehicle. The witness slowed down and at the closest point was about twenty-five feet away from the animal.
The witness couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He believes what he saw was a Black Panther. The creature was covered with pure soft black hair. The hair was not really shiny. The body of the animal was about four feet long. The tail which hung down then curled up was swishing around. The tail was very black and about two ½ to three feet long. The animal never looked toward the driver, so he saw no facial features. The animal stood about two ½ to three feet off the ground and moved very gracefully and showed no sign of being scared by the car or headlights. The total observation was about 10 seconds. The creature moved away through a fence and shrubs.
Date : 11 – 22 – 24-Greene County-Black Panther From: Researcher Jim Brown
Time: Approx 7:00 AM
Location: Greene County, Pa. Near Spraggs. Rural area.
Weather: Slight haze, ground fog. Morning condition that later cleared.
Sighting: Large Cat-like animal. (Black panther)
Witness description outlined below is from Jim Brown’s report.
The witness had just got up and was looking out his window toward the back of his house. His backyard is about sixty feet across the yard to a wooded area beyond. He saw what he described as a “large black cat with a long tail.” When asked about what he meant by large, he responded that as a hunter he was able to estimate sizes fairly close and his best estimate was about 75 – 85 pounds or about the size of a small deer. He also stated it was not a bobcat as the ears were not correct for that. The creature was walking along the edge of his backyard between the house and the woods.
He called for his wife to bring his phone so he could get a picture of it. He said it must have had good hearing because even though he was inside the house, as soon as he called his wife it immediately ran into the woods and was gone. He put his shoes on and got his rifle then went out to investigate, finding no physical evidence, tracks, or other sign it was there. He spent a few minutes looking around the point where it ran into the woods and did find a few broken twigs and trampled grass, but as he stated that could have been done by a deer or dog or any other animal over the last several hours.
I inquired more about the appearance of the creature and its size. He described it as black with long hair and an extremely long tail when compared to a regular house cat. He could not make out enough detail to say anything about it facial features but did say it did not have tufted ears, rather the ears laid low on its head. As far as size, he stated 75 to 85 pounds, but not quite as large as a tiger. That is where the deer comparison was made, although he emphasized its features did not match a deer. (Long hair and tail).
11-30-24-Irwin, PA-Translucent moving object- Stan. A man driving in North Irwin at about 6 PM, observed an object in the sky that had a light red hue to it but was translucent. It had a fluid appearance to it. The object was making quick turns and darting movements. The witness could see the stars through it. He lost sight of the object when he tried to get his phone to video it. The object was heading slightly southwest.
12-18-24- Allegheny County, PA- A very Strange Cryptid seen near Oakdale, PA. (Via Lon Strickler)
.12-22-24-Ligonier- Color Changing Orb
This is the photo taken near Ligonier, PA on December 22, 2024.
The photo is used with permission of the witness.
This incident took place on December 22, 2024, at approximately 8 PM. The location of the sighting was a couple of miles outside of Ligonier, off of Route 30. A couple was approaching their home in their vehicle when the husband noticed something unusual in the sky. They the exited their vehicle and watched the unusual object overhead. The husband told me that the object was round, the shape of an orb, and it was continuously changing colors from purple, yellow, green, amber, red, and blue.
These were not individual lights on the object. The entire object was illuminated in the colors. The color of the object would appear, and then just fade into the next color. This occurred continuously while the object was observed for about five minutes. There was a haze that surrounded the object. There were possibly five spokes that seemed to extend out from the round body. In the photo, at about the four o’clock position, the witness pointed out that you can see what looks like orange light changing into another color.
The object was also constantly making irregular movements moving up and down and right and left while remaining generally in the area overhead. The object was not that high in the sky and was estimated to be about five hundred feet in altitude. The object made no sound. The sky was clear at the time of observation, and it was very cold. The witness went into his house and when he went back outside about thirty minutes later, the object was no longer visible.
If you see anything unusual, you can find my contact information on my website at: www.stangordon.info.
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