Bigfoot Sighting Reported in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

Bigfoot Sighting Reported in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

September 13, 2012-9 AM

Northwestern Cambria County, Pennsylvania

The following information was provided by Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society (PBS) who received the report, and Ron Gallucci, who investigated the case and completed the report.

This possible Bigfoot sighting occurred on the morning of September 13, 2012, in the Northwestern part of Cambria County. The weather was clear and sunny when the witness noticed the creature about 50 yards ahead of him, on the left side of the road. Apparently the creature had just finished climbing up the steep embankment on the left side and was walking out onto the roadway.  The witness first thought that he was observing a woman climbing since he observed long flowing hair on its head. When the creature stepped onto the road he soon realized that the entire animal was covered in black hair.

The creature moved across the road from the left side to the right and entered into the woods ahead. The man never decreased his speed, and he was able to watch as the beast stepped into the woods. The witness mentioned that after the experience, he felt quite shaken, and his heart was beating rapidly. The witness described the creature as standing a little over six feet tall, with the body covered completely in black hair. He mentioned that it had long arms and was able to see its fingers as well. The creature turned its head slightly in the direction of the driver as it was moving towards the woods, but the man still could not see the facial area.  The investigator heard that other possible sightings had occurred recently around that same general area.

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