at the Kecksburg V.F.D. Grounds
Copyright Stan Gordon
Kecksburg V.F.D. Plans “Old Fashioned Days” Event-July 30-31, 2021
While the annual Kecksburg UFO Festival was cancelled again this year due to the coronavirus situation, the Kecksburg volunteer fireman are bringing back an outside event that still provides a lot of fun. The 2021 Kecksburg V.F.D. Old fashioned Days is scheduled for July 30-31, 2021 at the Kecksburg Fire Department grounds.
The event will take place both days from 5-11 PM. On Friday there will be half price night from their kitchen for their famous hamburgers, hot dogs, and fresh cut French fries. There will be DJ music to enjoy as you visit the various stands. Sit around the old fashioned bonfire and snack on kettle corn and snow cones. Don’t forget to stop by the Kecksburg UFO store at the UFO trailer to pick up their latest shirts, books, and souvenirs. Plan some time to spend at the Chuck a Luck stand.
Please support the men and women of the Kecksburg volunteer fire department
Address: 5128 Water Street
MT. Pleasant, PA 15666, phone 724-423-9540.
Have fun and keep your eyes to the sky!
Stan Gordon