Giant Flying Creature Observed on Route 30 Between Greensburg and Latrobe, PA-September 6, 2021
From Researcher: Stan Gordon
A man was pumping gas at a filling station on Route 30 in the vicinity of Mountain View. It was about 6:30 AM when he happened to look up at the sky and his attention was drawn to a huge flying creature that was flying low just over the treetops across the road.
The witness told me during the interview we had about his observation that when he looked up it was “like Jurassic Park over the trees.” The witness only saw the creature for about 10 seconds and didn’t have time to grab his phone to take a picture. He told me that it looked like a flying sting ray.

It was just getting light out at the time. The man described the creature as all dark in color. It had very long legs and tail and had a very wide wingspan. The witness said it occasionally flapped its wings very slowly and also just soared while under observation before it moved out of sight toward White School Road.
The witness who is familiar with turkey vultures and blue herons in the area said this creature was much larger. He stated that he had never seen anything like it before. He also mentioned that another man who was pumping gas nearby was also looking at the huge creature in the sky.
The next day, a very large dark bird was reported from East Huntingdon Township.