October 24, 2021, Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania- Cloud-Like UFO Making Erratic Movements
From Researcher Stan Gordon
On October 24, 2021, a man driving north of Route 119 near the Scottdale-Mount Pleasant exit in Westmoreland county noticed something unusual in the sky. It was cloudy and overcast at the time, but what he saw was easily discernible. What he noticed was a round gray cloud that was lighter in color than the surrounding clouds.

It looked to be about the size of a school bus from the distance he was observing it from. But the cloud-like object was flying erratically right, left, and up and down in the sky. The witness described its movements as similar to a school of fish following a lead fish.
The object was only about 300-400 feet in the sky and well below the cloud layer. The man observed it for about 10-15 seconds and didn’t have time to get out his cell phone to take a picture. Just as the witness was about to go under the Route 819 overpass the object began to fade away and just suddenly disappeared. Moments later after exiting from the overpass the object was no longer in the sky.
The witness is sure that other motorists also saw the object. When he first noticed the object five to six cars ahead of him all jammed on their brakes at the same time.
If you saw this object or anything else unusual, please let me know.
Contact Stan at: 724-838-7768 or email: paufo@comcast.net.