2022- A Very Active Year For Significant UFOs/UAPs and Ground Level Balls of Light, Bigfoot, and Cryptid Encounters Reported In Pennsylvania.
From: Researcher Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info
I have been taking UFO sightings and other anomaly reports via phone from the public since 1969. I continue to receive yearly reports via phone and email from residents of Pennsylvania concerning sightings of UFOs/UAPs, and encounters with Bigfoot and other cryptids (unusual creatures that science has never confirmed exist) as well as other unusual incidents. I have been out in the field conducting on scene investigations since 1965, and after sixty three years of research on these topics, I have yet to personally observe a UFO or a Bigfoot.
Let me be clear. Many UFO/UAP observations reported are misidentifications of natural or manmade objects. Some sources for these observations have been determined to be bright planets and stars, brilliant bolide meteors, lights on aircraft, drones, balloons, advertising banners pulled by aircraft, automated searchlight displays, sky lanterns, Starlink and other satellites, and meteorological related events.

(This photo of a lenticular cloud over the Gettysburg area was taken in June of 2022. Apparently, quite a few people saw the strange cloud formations. The photo was used with permission of the witness.)
Even Bigfoot observations have at times been determined to be very large shaggy dogs, bear sightings common in the state of Pennsylvania, and hunters in camouflage clothing. Some other reported cryptid sightings were misidentifications of other wildlife and some that had mange. Every year, however, many credible witnesses report observations of strange objects in the sky, and encounters with unusual creatures on the ground that can’t be easily explained away.
During 2021, there was also interesting UFO/UAP activity reported along with cryptid cases throughout the year. What took place during the fall and winter months was most interesting. During that time of the year when such reports commonly begin to drop due to the cold and snowy weather, there was an unexpected increase in detailed and some low level UFO/UAP incidents that took place.
The UFO/UAP activity continued throughout most of 2022, however, it did begin to quiet down as the temperatures began to drop and snow fell in the commonwealth. During the year, there were reports of what were described as large solid cigar shaped objects observed in daylight. Various witnesses reported that these objects suddenly just vanished from sight. There were reports of large black triangular objects and rectangular objects, among other observations of high altitude lights making erratic movements in the sky.
The year 2022 will be remembered, however, for the unprecedented increase of reports of low level encounters with mini-UFOs- those small orbs or balls of light reported close to the ground, or on the ground, and in some cases approaching within feet of witnesses. While many reports came in from rural wooded areas, there were other cases reported from more populated areas near housing developments. There have been cases reported of these smaller objects appearing inside of homes this year and in the past.
I first became aware of these close range encounters with these smaller unknown objects in the 1960s. But it was in the early 1970s, when I was investigating incidents in different areas, that local residents were reporting various types of anomalist activities near their properties, including small luminous objects floating around near their homes.
Over the years, I have interviewed numerous witnesses and I have received information from widespread areas on cases concerning observations of these smaller objects on the ground or just above the ground. These objects have ranged in size from a few inches to about a foot or two in diameter. They are often described to be about golf ball to baseball size. The shape is commonly spherical. However, other configurations have been reported. These objects often are light sources of various colors. They sometimes look solid, while in other cases they look transparent or translucent. There have also been some reports of a swirling mass inside of the sphere. There have been other encounters where these objects appeared to be made of metal. For many years, there have been encounters with these objects pacing vehicles and entering them through open windows. There have been other cases of these objects also entering homes through open windows or hovering in front of windows and even tapping on the panes.
During 2022, there were also some close range daylight Bigfoot encounters reported. Other cryptid cases were reported as well as observations of unusually large flying creatures often referred to as Thunderbirds. Other strange entities were also reported. Lon Strickler of the Phantoms & Monsters website has been receiving some reports of “Dogman” and other cryptid encounters. There were also out of place black panther reports that originated from various locations in the commonwealth.
During the year, reports were received from widespread areas of mystery booms that caused homes to shake. Some of these cases have likely explanations such as locals using Tannerite for firearms training or the passing of a bright fireball meteor.
A variety of anomalies have been reported from various locations across the state. There are other more specific geographical locations that have a long history of ongoing mysterious incidents with UFOs and Bigfoot, and various paranormal activity, and they continue to be reportedly active with unusual encounters. The Chestnut Ridge in southwest Pennsylvania has been an historical hotspot for these reports. Many residents along and close to the ridge have reported many strange incidents. Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana counties in this region have been quite busy with strange incidents during 2022.

(A section of the Chestnut Ridge surrounding Derry, Pennsylvania where many strange incidents have been reported by local residents.) (Stan Gordon photo files)
The following is a synopsis of some of the interesting incidents that came to my attention during 2022.
01-05-22- Latrobe- Westmoreland County- At a housing development outside of town, a witness at 4:40 AM, went outside to get a newspaper. She observed an object with two white lights and a red light in the middle. Then multiple Lights came on the underside of the object. It looked like a circuit board with numerous lights and something similar to solid pipes connecting to some of them. The object made a low humming sound and was very low, estimated to be about seventy feet high, and the object was between her yard and the neighbor’s yard. At the closest point it was about fifty to sixty feet away. There were about five rows of about twenty white round non-blinking lights. The pipes that seemed solid were on both sides of the panel and seemed to be connected to the top row. The object moved away slowly with lights on. The shape of the object was not determined, but the panel section looked to be seven to eight feet long.
01-05-22- Derry- Westmoreland County- About thirty minutes later, a resident only a few miles away went outside to feed some animals. The witness heard an irritating humming or buzzing type sound when she walked to the back door. She first thought it was a heat pump or hot tub motor making noise, but that was soon ruled out. She looked across the field below her house and could see red and blue lights. The witness said that it seemed something was hovering low over the field. The woman fed her animals and a short time later noticed that the lights were gone.
01-15-22- Armstrong County- A man who lived in rural Armstrong county was concerned that his water line under the house was freezing up during a local deep freeze, so he went outside after 3 AM. He was partly inside a crawl space when he heard a strange humming-clicking sound from outside behind him. The next day, his neighbor called him and told him about the strange object that he saw hovering over his barn across the road during the time that he was in the crawl space. I was able to interview both of the witnesses involved. The neighbor told me that he awakened at about 3:45 AM by the sound of his horses being disturbed by something. “The horses were running around in a tizzy.” The man began to walk toward the barn. He approached to about one hundred fifty feet from the barn when some lights appeared over the barn. The lights were shining down, and he could see the horses moving around. That’s when he saw an object hovering about twenty feet above the barn.
The object looked tear drop shaped about sixty five to seventy feet long. The object had a smooth silver or metallic look that looked similar to stainless or galvanized steel. “It looked solid and smooth.” The object was emitting a humming and buzzing sound. There were numerous lights across the surface of the object that looked round. There were approximately eight rows of twenty to thirty lights. The lights would change from red to blue than back to a red color. The man watched the object hover for about five minutes. His camera phone was in the house. As he watched, the lights suddenly went out, everything went dark, and the object just disappeared. He did not see the object move away from the area. The horses seem to go back to their normal behavior just seconds after the object vanished.
01-15-22- Sighting Report of Unknown object over trees-Pennsylvania/West Virginia border
This sighting was investigated and the report submitted by researcher Jim Brown. www.jimsdestinations.com. Time: Approx 7:00 AM- Weather: Overcast, Temp 22 degrees F No precip. Clouds at 3,000 ft. Names withheld, Pseudonyms used.
Jane Doe was in her kitchen preparing breakfast. She decided to take out her trash to a garbage container near her back porch. She went out the door and saw what she described as a large dark hole in the sky. She immediately went back inside to grab a camera to get a picture of it. When she turned around to open her aluminum storm door, she received a shock like static electricity from the metal handle. She went on inside, got the camera and returned outside. She estimated this took no longer than 15-20 seconds.
But when she returned the dark object was gone. She went on out into the yard and searched the sky, but nothing was seen. After about 2 minutes she gave up and went back inside. Again, she received the shock on the aluminum door, only this time more severe. After going inside, she called a nearby neighbor we’ll refer to as Sally. She knew Sally had an interest in strange or paranormal events. Sally dressed and went to Jane’s house to see what was going on. About 8:00 AM she arrived and went to Jane’s kitchen door and knocked. As she reached for the aluminum door she also received an electric shock when she touched it. Neither of them could account for anything abnormal except for the repeated shocks.
Sally had met me at a conference and had my card so she called me about 8:30 and explained what was happening. I made arrangements to take some equipment out to see if I could detect the cause of the electrical activity as well as conduct an investigation into the earlier sighting. The two women opened the door several times as they endured the shock to go outside and check for any activity. Nothing was found. They noticed the intensity of the shock was decreasing over time and by about 9:00 AM it was no longer felt.
I arrived at 9:20 and began my investigation. I did an EMF sweep and found nothing unusual. A slight 60 Hz EM Field was present near the refrigerator, which was near the door, but this was in the microvolt range and not abnormal. A couple other EMF hits were found but those were associated with power lines in the house. Both women were wearing rubber soul running shoes and the kitchen floor was tile which would preclude the possibility of a static electric charge being built up from their activity.
The outside porch / patio was concrete which also would not create such a static build up. I measured the resistance between the aluminum door and Earth ground and found that while the door frame was not actually grounded, continuity was less than 100 Ohms. This would bleed off any static charge which might build up on the door. My conclusion related to the shock is that in order for such condition to be present the source would need to be continuously replaced. Static electricity would be discounted. No source for such electricity was found, no power lines in the house were in close proximity to the door or door frame. At this time the cause of the electrical shock is unknown. At this point no conclusions have been determined, investigation will continue.
Follow up to report. Date: 1 – 18 – 22. I did a follow up interview and spoke with the witness. Using a computer generated image based on her description I positioned the image on a photograph of the location where the object was seen. The size and coloration was adjusted as needed to match as closely as possible the conditions at the time of the sighting. The image attached here is the result of that interview.

A search of the area around the tree line revealed no physical evidence. I also contacted the neighbor. While the neighbor could not add anything regarding the photograph, I did question her regarding any subsequent events. Neither the witness nor the neighbor reported anything subsequent to the initial events. As a part of the investigation, I also contacted the power company and checked regarding any power interruptions at the time of the sighting. None were filed. Also no reports were received of any other sightings by area 911 services. I received no additional reports related to this from anyone in the area. Date: 2 – 22 –2022-I contacted both the witness and neighbor by phone. There have been no subsequent events in either person’s life related to this case. I will carry this case as an unknown unless additional information is reported.
J. W Brown
01-15-22-Cambria County- At 9:10 AM-A man and his wife and young son were driving home and were at a stop sign. The woman spotted about fifty to seventy five yards away what she thought was a small black bear or dog. She told her husband to turn the car around to get a better look at the animal. That is when they saw the animal crouched low to the ground and realized that it was a huge black cat, not a house cat, but what looked like a black panther. The creature had pointed ears, humped up back end like a cat. Tail was long and fat. Weight was between fifty to one hundred lbs. The body was about three feet long and covered in jet black hair. The tail was fat and had a curl at the end and appeared a bit shorter than the body. As their vehicle got closer to the animal, it got up and turned and looked at them, then walked away down the road and went down over a hill into the distance.

(Photo of Possible Black Panther taken in Cambria County, PA on January 15, 2022. Photo used with permission of the witness.)
January 17, 2022- Indiana, Indiana County- A man driving through the town during the early afternoon noticed a huge dark bird in the sky. The witness was an avid outdoorsman and realized that what he was seeing was very unusual. He quickly sped off to try to obtain a better look at the huge flying creature. He estimated that the wingspan was about sixteen to twenty feet wide. The tail was very unusual. He described the tail to me as looking about three to four feet in length with black feathers and having a triangular shaped appendage at the end. The witness observed the creature as it soared across the sky.
February 2022- Kittanning area, Armstrong County- Various sources reporting during early in the month that there were observations of a very large solid triangular object in that area. The object was reported to be of a silver color, and silent as it moved.
02-25-22- Fayette County- Members of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society went to “Area X” in Fayette County to investigate reports of loud screams. They went down very muddy rural road into woods. Around 8:30-8:45 PM they all heard a loud wood knock and heard loud howls they could not identify. It was not a coyote or fox. They were all looking up the hill where sound came from. At that same time one researcher looking in a different location saw a bright flash of light that lit up the woods for only a second.
03-04-22- Derry Township- Westmoreland County- At about 6:25 PM, it was just becoming darker in the area when a local resident looked across a field. That is when he noticed something walking low to the ground. At first, he thought it was a deer. He obtained his binoculars and clearly saw that it was a huge black cat-and actually looked like a black panther. He got in his truck and began to chase after it as it was moving through the field towards the wood line. At one point it looked toward him as he approached closer. He was traveling about thirty miles per hour and the closest that he could get to it was about fifty yards away. It took off through cow pasture and headed toward the woods. He said the animal was solid black and huge. He estimated the body length to be about three to three and one half feet long, with the tail very long, about the same length as the body. The tail was long thick and curled under and it was all black.
03-17-22- Mount Pleasant Township- Westmoreland County- It was dawn and light was just coming out when the witness heard an odd sound and observes just over the trees what was described as a great big round circle with white lights on it. It was round with no wings and spinning as it was moving steadily over tree and then over the roof of house. The witness told me they felt somewhat frightened as they had never seen anything like that before.
03-19-22-Potter County- In wooded area that has a history of paranormal, UFO and Bigfoot activity strange beams of light and small balls of light near the ground were observed.
04-06-22-Shoaf- Fayette County- A Daylight Close Range Encounter with A Mysterious Exploding Small Sphere in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.
The following report was submitted by researcher Jim Brown. Jim has been investigating UFO sightings and many other strange incidents from the Fayette county area for many years. Jim conducts a scientific approach when investigating these type of reports. Jim’s website is www.jimsdestinations.com.
Location: Shoaf, Pennsylvania area, Date: 06 April, 2022, Time: Approximately 3:00 PM
Weather: Cloud cover, dry but rain in the forecast. Wind mostly calm. Slight breeze at times.
I was contacted by the witness who wanted to know if I had any ideas about what he experienced. I know him personally and he knows I investigate unusual activity. He wanted to know if I had ever heard anything like this. He made no claim of anything paranormal, just wanted his curiosity satisfied. Since I live nearby, I also did an onsite visit to obtain more details. A summary of my investigation follows: (Names were changed to protect identity.)
John and Mary were doing yard work. Mary was spreading some mulch around a couple trees in the yard, John was pushing a wheelbarrow with some topsoil and filling holes in the ground in the back yard. Mary saw something reflective in the field behind their house, about 50 feet away. She called to John to look since he was much closer to it. He looked up and saw a balloon drifting about ten feet above the fence line. He described it as one of those mylar balloons like they have at parties. It was silver and circular, about two feet in diameter.
He watched as it drifted closer to his location. John walked a bit closer to the brush at the edge of the field while Mary continued to watch it drift closer. Both agree on what happened next. Suddenly it got very bright white. Prior to this it simply looked like it was reflecting natural light, now it appeared to shine on its own. About two seconds later both witnesses saw it explode. At the same time what they described as a small lightning bolt shot from the explosion to the ground.
The explosion sounded like a small firecracker followed by a snap like a spark. This spark started a small fire where it struck the ground. John immediately grabbed his shovel and ran to put the fire out before it spread to rest of the field. He had the fire out after a couple hits with the shovel. It was then he noticed another wisp of smoke coming from the fence line about 100 feet away in the same direction where the object had just come. He ran down there and extinguished that fire as well. Both watched the field for a few minutes for any other signs of smoke, but Nothing more was seen.
That was when he decided to call me. I was on scene about 3:45 PM and checked both areas where the fires burned. Aside from the normal ash from the dried grass that had burned nothing was found. I checked carefully for any shredded mylar or other material where the object exploded, but nothing was found. Nor was any residue that might be attributed to a firecracker. The only other material present were some very rusted sections of barbed wire which was a remnant of an old fence that used to be located in that field. John said a neighbor used to keep cows in that field years ago. Neither witness had any idea of what they had just experienced. As far as any history of paranormal activity, neither witness has had any personal experience. John is not interested in it at all and Mary’ s experience is she sometimes watches a few paranormal TV shows about ghosts. She has had no personal experiences.
Based on the limited information no definitive conclusions could be reached. Regarding the two fires, it should be noted that only a single explosion or spark was reported. I did consider the possibility that the old, barbed wire might somehow conduct the current down to the second fire location, however, the pieces of wire lying on the ground were not isolated from the ground nor was the wire a complete circuit. Therefore, there was little chance of any electrical current flowing through the wire to make a complete circuit that could a cause fire. Numerous breaks were present where the wire had completely rusted away. This would prevent any electric current flow.
Jim Brown-Investigator
04-14, 2022- Ligonier- Westmoreland County- During the afternoon just a short distance down the road from the town of Ligonier, independent witnesses observed what was described as a huge metallic object low over the trees. Some reports describe the object as solid looking that was about the length of a football field and was flat on the top and the bottom. There were rows of lights surrounding the object. A witness told me that she had to turn away from looking at the object as the lights were so bright.
04-16-22- Fayette County- At an undisclosed area, known as Area X, where there had been ongoing reports of Bigfoot activity and unusual luminous phenomena, Eric Altman and other members of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society were divided into two teams through the woods. That evening they not only observed strange lights and bright flashes of light, but they also heard loud howls and screams, as well as the sound of something heavy walking through the brush. Some members of the group also described a strange uncomfortable creepy feeling that they had not experienced previously. Later, some of the researchers became quite shaken as small balls of light of various colors exited from various sections of the woods and approached them to within a few feet. The Small Town Monsters Production Company team was on location that night filming the area for a documentary and they recorded some of that activity.
04-28-22- Trafford- Westmoreland County- It was about 9:37 PM and the sky was clear. The witness was looking toward Monroeville when he saw something in the sky that baffled him. He observed an object that had a solid outline and was football shaped. The ends were somewhat pointed, like the ends of a football. There were many lights on the object, only some were blinking. There were seven red lights in the center of the object. On top was a red, white, and yellow light. Three red lights were on the top. On the bottom were red, green, and white lights. The object looked quite large at that distance. The object was moving steadily through the sky sailing over the valley toward Pittsburgh.
04-30-22- Delmont- Westmoreland County- Residents living in a rural area near Delmont reported seeing a giant bird. The reports were similar to the numerous sightings in past years of a possible “Thunderbird.” Researcher Eric Altman and I went to the location to interview a witness who saw it clearly. The witness was quite credible and had never seen anything like it before. Early that evening he and his wife were sitting outside when he looked up and observed a massive, long black bird. It appeared so large that it gave the impression of being the size of a small airplane.

(Sketch of huge flying creature observed near Delmont, PA on April 30, 2022.)
The creature flapped its wings one time over the trees then glided through the sky out of sight. The witness heard no sound when it flapped it wings. He estimated that the wingspan was twelve-fifteen feet wide. He yelled to his wife to look at the creature, but she only caught a brief glimpse of it as it moved off in the distance. It was traveling toward Slickville.
05-08-22- Derry Twp.- Westmoreland County- A woman was taking an afternoon walk with her dogs in the Chestnut Ridge area. The surrounding nature sounds became quiet, and the birds stopped chirping. The dogs suddenly began to whine and whimper and backed up. Suddenly, she saw a figure cross a road in two strides. What she saw was not human. She told me that this was a creature that stood between seven and eight feet tall and covered with long dark brown and black matted hair and fur. The arms were longer than that of a human and hung down almost to the knees.
She estimates that the creature was only about ten to fifteen feet away and never looked at her. There was no sound or smell noticed during the experience. The creature moved up a small embankment and continued into the woods. The witness told me that after she saw the creature, she was surprised, rattled and in denial. Her dogs calmed down after the creature left the area. This general area has had a long history of encounters with a Bigfoot.

(Sketch of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot by Charles Hanna.)
05-13-22- Fayette County- Bigfoot sighting Summary- From Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society.
Eric report-The sighting took place on Rt 711 in Fayette County on 5/13/2022. It was approximately 10:30 pm and raining. The witness was driving south when he saw a tall dark upright figure standing in the left lane approximately 100 yards ahead. The witness slowed down and watched as the tall figure slowly walked from left to right across the road to the berm. The figure quickly looked in his direction and he was able to see dull red shining eyes reflecting. As he passed the figure, he went another 200 yards down the road and quickly turned around and came back but the figure was gone from sight. The witness believed the figure walked up a long gravel driveway out of sight.
The sighting only lasted a few seconds and because of the rain and dark conditions, he was not able to get a good look at the figure, other than to see the red eyes for a few seconds and saw the legs and arms moving. The witness stated the figure was too tall and massive in size to be a person, and he compared the movement to the Patterson Gimlin film. When asked about a possible height or size, he did mention that the eye reflection was higher than the 45 mph speed limit sign. The sign measured 11 ft in height, which would put the figure well over 11 feet tall. No other details could be added. Researchers Eric H Altman, Tom Mihok, Ricky Churby, and Stan Gordon interviewed the witness and searched the area for any possible evidence.
05-14-22- Latrobe- Westmoreland County- UFO Observed and Photographed Over The Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania

On the afternoon of May 14, 2022, a witness was in his vehicle sitting in a parking lot in the Latrobe, Pennsylvania, area when he happened to look up into the sky. That is when he observed an object that was moving at high altitude among the clouds. The object was moving over a section of the Chestnut Ridge east of Latrobe.
What caught the attention of the witness was that the object at first seemed to be moving slowly across the sky, then suddenly there was a burst of speed as the object moved out of sight. He was only able to observe it for about twenty seconds. The witness stated that the object, whatever it was, appeared black in color, but he could not determine the shape at that distance. He felt that the object would have been quite large for him to see it and photograph it at that altitude. The object can clearly be seen in the photo. The picture was examined by research associate Jim Brown (www.jimsdestinations.com), who has been analyzing UFO pictures and videos for many years. The photo appears to show a solid black, upside down, domed shaped object with a flat top.

(Photo of the object over the Chestnut Ridge used with permission of the witness.)
See this link for a detailed analysis of the picture. https://www.stangordon.info/wp/2022/05/19/ufo-observed-and-photographed-over-the-chestnut-ridge-in-pennsylvania-may-14-2022/
June- 22- Pittsburgh suburb- Allegheny County- During the evening, witnesses observed a round object about five inches in diameter that was about three feet above the ground and approximately thirty feet away near a house.The object was silent.
06-03-22- Pittsburgh suburb- Allegheny County- 4:30 AM- A man awakened early and noticed a bright light outside illuminating the area. About fifty yards away, the witness saw a large solid round white light emitting a foggy bright glow that was illuminating the road and surroundings. It was just hovering. He heard no sound from inside house. The object was about the size of a car. The witness watched it for two to three minutes, and saw it suddenly just disappear.
06-05-22- Greensburg- Westmoreland County- The witness was driving on Route 30 near the Donahue Road area at about 5:30 or 6:00 PM. He was sitting at a red light and looked up into clear blue sky toward the west. He noticed a silver, cigar shaped object that was motionless. He watched it for about ten seconds and was observing it when it suddenly just vanished. The witness was certain it was not a plane and could not believe what he saw.
06-09-22- Latrobe- Westmoreland County– At about 3:30 AM, the witness was awakened by his dog that seemed disturbed. The man, thinking the dog needed to go for a walk, opened the back door and observed a small bright sphere that was described as being about three inches in size, perfectly round and brilliant white. The object was about five feet above the ground moving in front of a tree in the fenced yard. The light from the object was bright but it did not radiate any light onto the surroundings. The object moved slowly just a few inches from the tree to the left side then about a foot or two and then stopped. It then lowered another foot before it headed back around the tree and moved off in the distance.
06-12-22- Greensburg- Westmoreland County- At 3:05 AM, a security system notified the homeowner who was located in a housing development outside of town of some movement outside the house. When they checked the video footage, they observed a small sphere floating very close to the house for a few seconds.
Mid-June 22- Wellsboro, Tioga County- Low Level Small Sphere with Unusual Protuberances
The incident occurred during the early morning hours between midnight and 1:00 AM. The witness had gotten up to go into the kitchen. The location was a few miles out of town. The well-lit driveway could be viewed from the windows of the house. The car was parked in the driveway, which was about twelve to fifteen feet away from the observer. It was then that the witness noticed an unusual object that was on the ground about a foot from the parked car. The object was round, solid looking, beige or white in color, and the size of a basketball. It had a surface like polished wood. The object appeared luminous but not bright and did not reflect any light. It did, however, cast a shadow.
The spherical object had a long flat wing like plank running through it (like an aircraft carrier deck) extending out to what looked like from the back to the front section. On the opposite side there were spikes sticking up and going back. The object did not move or make any sound.

(Sketch of the strange small round object observed in Tioga County, PA, in June of 2022. The sketch is used with permission of the witness.)
06-28-22-Altoona- Blair County- A man driving on a rural road at about 9:30 AM, observed a large round solid object below the clouds hovering overhead. The witness looked up at the underside of the object. The object looked to be of a red-copper color with a hollow bottom, and windows surrounding the object.
07- 01 through 07-03-22- Westmoreland and Fayette counties, various locations- Sightings from various locations of cigar or pill shaped objects some with lights. In some cases, the object suddenly vanished from sight. Also, a report of a triangular formation of lights. Also in June, security cameras recorded small spheres of light from wooded area near a home in Fayette county.
07-19-22- Elizabeth- Allegheny County- Two witnesses crossing the bridge over the Monongahela River at about 10: 15 PM, observed a huge black triangular object hovering about one hundred fifty to two hundred feet over the water. They watched as the object hovered and pivoted. The object was described as approximately three hundred feet in length. A witness told me that it was so wide that it extended out and covered both sides of the river. There were three white lights on the object and a smaller red light in the front.
07-28-22- Ligonier- Westmoreland County- A witness outside of town is awakened about 3:04 AM, and sees a small bright blue ball of light that is about eight to ten feet away outside of a window bobbing up and down. The sphere is about a foot in diameter. The light is self-contained and does not emit any external light.
Late July 2022- Dogman in Bryn Athyn, Montgomery County- In late July 2022, Researcher Eric Mintel received a call from UFO researcher and author Tom Carey. Tom and Eric met with multiple witnesses who have had encounters with and have seen this upright canine bi-pedal Cryptid moving fast through the Montgomery County countryside. Reports continue to come in. The Eric Mintel Investigates team produced a video called The Bryn Athyn Beast that is available on the EMI You Tube Channel.
08-09-02– Latrobe- Westmoreland County- A few miles outside of town, a witness who had awakened about 2:30 AM looked out the window and observed an object hovering above the trees about two hundred feet away. The witness described the object as solid, big, and round, and shaped somewhat like a cantaloupe. The object was of a bright orange and red color and glowed brightly. There was minimal illumination extending beyond the object. There were small green and blue lights on the bottom of the object. They would alternate on and off, but never on at the same time. The green lights would come on and blink on and off, then would go out and the blue lights then would come on and would do the same pattern. This took place while the object hovered. The object stayed basically in the same location and would move slightly up and down. The object then moved beyond the trees and the witness lost sight of it.
08-09-22- Greene County- This incident took place in a rural area of Greene county. This report was forwarded to me by research associate Jim Brown. This took place during the evening. There was no storm activity in the area at the time. Walking past a window, the resident observed a bright yellow white sphere about twenty feet away that was about ten inches in diameter. It was stationary at the time. The witness called his son who also saw it. They went to another window, and they still observed it. He tried to take a picture with his phone camera, however, he could not see the sphere on the screen, but he could with his eyes. They found a standard digital camera and once again, they could not see the orb, however, they could see the surrounding trees.
They couldn’t understand why they couldn’t see it with both cameras. They then located an old film camera, and interestingly they could see the sphere and surroundings through that viewfinder. That camera is, of course, a different technology than the two other digital types. After about five minutes, the sphere began to move off slowly, then just stopped a couple seconds. The object then quickly rose in altitude and moved over the field and vanished.
08-13-22- Warren County- The property owner was alerted during the early morning hours that there was some activity on his game camera. Several photos were taken of small balls of light low to the ground and further off in the woods.
08-24-22- Latrobe- Westmoreland County- The witness was near Route thirty looking toward the Derry and Latrobe area. That evening, in distance above trees, the witness observed a very bright red light similar to a taillight color that was not that high in the sky. The light looked oblong with a solid center and with uneven edges. It was described as looking similar to an oval. The object appeared to be still when it was first observed. After about two minutes, the object began to slowly move straight down from the sky and was blocked by trees and lost from sight.
Early September 22- Indiana County- Witnesses in a rural area were looking out a window that evening and observed what I was told were two pure white, three foot tall humanoid-like shaped figures. They could not see any arms or legs. The beings were a few feet apart, positioned one behind the other and floating low along the side of the road. They observed them for about fifteen seconds when the figures suddenly vanished and were gone. It was on either the same night or next evening at another location not far from the previous incident that during the early morning hours, another witness was awakened by a high pitched sound that seemed to be coming from the sky. At that same time, she noticed numerous lights moving back and forth across the sky.
Late September-22- Cambria County- A property owner in a rural location began to report seeing small balls of light of various colors in the woods that were low to the ground. During later weeks, the balls of light would appear on occasion and were recorded on his security cameras.
10-01-22- Derry- Westmoreland County- The witness was driving near the Kingston Cutoff at about 3:10 PM. He observed a solid metallic cigar shaped object cross Route 217 just above the trees. The object was gray in color and slender. It was about twenty thirty feet in length and about five feet wide with squared off edges. The object was silent and moved slow from the direction of Ligonier and was heading toward the Latrobe area.
10-05-22- Nanty Glo- Cambria County – At about 4:30 PM, two people were biking and were close to Nanty Glo when they observed a tall dark creature ahead of them on the trail. It was very dark black and estimated to be at least six feet five inches tall with very long legs. When one of the witnesses contacted me on October 12th , she told me that when they came upon the creature, it turned slightly and looked in their direction, then walked off into the woods. They only had a side view of the creature and could not see any facial features. They heard no sound and did not smell anything unusual at the time of the encounter. The encounter was very quick, and it seemed to the witness that the creature wanted to leave that area quickly. On the way back, they stopped and looked over the area where the sighting had taken place. There were a lot of leaves in the area and no tracks were found. The witness felt that she had seen a Bigfoot.
10-8-22- Small Sphere Sighted Near Uniontown- Fayette County- The following report was submitted by researcher Jim Brown who has investigated many unusual incidents over the years in Fayette county.
Date: Saturday 8 October,2022-Time: 06:00 (approx.)-Weather: Clear, 40 Degrees F
This is a summary of the case based on phone interviews. No In person interview has taken place as of 16 October. On Monday the 10th, I received a call from the witness’s wife. She was inquiring for her husband about what he claimed. According to her, he awoke about 6 O’clock and got up to read the morning paper because he couldn’t get back to sleep. I recommended he contact me directly rather than just getting the story second hand.
He called me later on the 10th and gave me the following background. He said he woke up and was planning to get the newspaper and read awhile until his wife got up. He put on his robe and slippers and went out the front door. The walk to the paper box is about fifty feet long and goes from the porch out to the road. When he got to the steps from the porch to the walk, he saw a glowing white ball of light.
It was at the end of the walk and about eye level. It appeared to be about 10 – 12 inches in diameter and was between him and the paper box. At this point the witness got extremely sleepy and initially could not recall what happened next. Later in a second interview on October 13 he said he remembered the light moved to the side, and he felt a “calling” he should go out and get his newspaper. He did so then returned to the porch. At this time the ball of light had moved between him and the porch. It was still above the walk, but in front of the steps. He said he was getting sleepy to the point he could not stay awake and the object appeared to be making a slow circular motion. This was all he could recall.
On the 13th, I also interviewed his wife regarding her part in this. She said he was getting up to read the Sunday paper because he couldn’t sleep. Note: the discrepancy in “Sunday Paper” and the Saturday date of the event is because the Uniontown paper no longer issues a Sunday edition. they put it out on Saturday as a Weekend edition.) She says she dozed off again and woke a bit before 7:00 and got up. She went to the living room expecting to find her husband in his favorite chair. Instead, it was empty, and she could see him out the front door on the porch sitting in a chair asleep. Seeing he was not dressed for 40 degree weather she immediately went out and tried to wake him. She said it was hard to get him to wake, but finally he did. They went back inside, and he gradually came around.
At first, he did not know what he was doing but eventually he became more alert and related the story to her just as he initially did for me. It was at that time he added the part I mention above about the light blocking his path as he came back from the paper box. She also added that he did have his newspaper when she woke him which indicates at some point, that he did make it to the paper box and returned to the porch. I again contacted both of them 16 October and neither has anything new to add, but both did relate the story again as they did earlier. No changes noted in the details provided. (I also inquired about any medical condition. No action taken nor plans to do so.) Nothing new has happened since the initial event as of 16 October.
10-11-22-Ligonier area- Westmoreland County- Small Sphere Appears Inside a House Five Feet from Witness.- It was three days later, about forty miles away, that another low level ball of light incident occurred in a rural location outside of Ligonier in the Laurel Highlands. This case is intriguing as it reportedly occurred inside of a house. I interviewed the witness in person and did a follow up telephone interview as well.
The witness told me that she awakened at 2:30 AM and went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, she noticed about five feet away something unusual in the living room. There was a high ceiling in that older home and hovering several feet below the ceiling was a deep blue colored sphere about a foot and a half in diameter. Inside the sphere, the witness observed a gray swirling mass that looked similar to the motion of a lava lamp. The object was silent as it moved slightly up and down.
The witness recalled taking one step toward the sphere. That is when she felt a slight tingling sensation. She said that sensation reminded her of a pre-jolt of electricity when she was near an electric fence. She recalled looking at the strange round object for about ten seconds, then suddenly became very sleepy. She immediately went into the bedroom and went to sleep. She stated to me that that experience was “so stinking weird” as she didn’t understand why she didn’t keep watching the odd object in her home.
She also told me that it was very unusual for her to just have fallen to sleep so fast after seeing the object since she suffers from insomnia and would normally have never gone into a deep sleep so quickly. When she awakened the next day, she felt very sluggish and groggy for hours.
11-01-022- 2:45 AM- Greensburg- Westmoreland County- Outside of Greensburg, a security camera system alerted the homeowner of some movement close to their home. They checked the video to see a small sphere of light floating slowly nearby for a few seconds as it moved out of view.

(Screen capture of the orb floating near home on November 1, 2022, near Greensburg, PA.)
November 3, 2022- Mount Pleasant Township- Westmoreland County , PA- I received a report of a UFO sighting that occurred at about 11:15 AM in Mount Pleasant Township. The witness stated that he has never seen anything like it before. The object was observed in the clear blue sky in the direction of Mount Pleasant High School. The object appeared stationary and looked quite large. The witness estimated it was about a football field in length. It was described as “cigar shaped” with smooth edges and white in color. The witness was certain that it had no wings, and no contrail was observed. He moved down the road for about forty five seconds and got out of his vehicle to take a better look at it. He could no longer see it. He never saw it again. He did not have his cell phone with him. He couldn’t understand how the object could have exited the area so quickly. He was quite shaken by what he saw.
11-09-22-Indiana County- A few miles from Boliver along the Chestnut Ridge area. I was able to talk with the witness on the day of the occurrence who provided a very detailed account as to what had taken place. She had exited a small building on the property at 6:50 AM, just as it was getting light outside. As she stepped outside, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. About eighty feet away, she observed a huge nine feet tall hair covered creature carrying a small deer over its right shoulder.
She thinks she scared it, as the creature, upon seeing her, let out one loud grunt. The witness said that she and the creature had eye contact for a short time. The creature was covered with gray hair. The arms were very long and hung down to at least the knees. The ears looked like a human and there was gray hair on the face. There was no smell when she saw it. The creature turned and moved off through a field and continued out of sight into the woods.
After many years of investigating thousands of unusual UFO/UAP incidents, I am of the opinion that there may be more than one origin for the unknown category of these ongoing aerial observations. In some cases that I have looked into, there seems to be a physical and non-physical component to what was observed. Many UFO/UAP incidents are explainable. Some, however, are highly unusual. Maybe someday we will have the answers.
If you have seen anything unusual recently or in the past, I am interested in hearing from you. I can be contacted by phone at 724-838-7768 or via email at paufo@comcast.net.