Pennsylvania UFO UAP Incidents Reported During 2023-Ground Level Balls of Light Cases Continue To Be Reported.
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
UFO/UAP activity and reports of other anomalies were quite active during 2022.
Reports of unusual incidents have continued into the 2023 as well. Some UFO/UAP reports were misidentifications of the planets Venus & Jupiter. Some of the other reports however are more interesting.
Among the cases reported was a possible UFO/UAP observation reported from the Irwin area during early January. During the afternoon, a silver/white wingless cylindrical shaped object was seen moving steadily across the sky in the distance. The object moved into a cloud bank but was never seen emerging from it. No aircraft was reportedly in the area at the time since the witness had checked with a flight tracking App.
That same evening a few miles from East McKeesport, a witness reported observing a large solid object in the sky that looked similar to an upside down plate. The object appeared to be thicker in the middle section and had a dome on top. The object was covered with numerous yellow lights. Some of the lights were steady while others blinked.
During early February, a witness at 1:30 AM in rural Mount Pleasant Township observed a solid ball of light about the size of a basketball moving steadily about 7-8 feet above the ground and about 8 feet from the window. The luminous sphere moved steadily from the side of the house and across the yard. The small object began to rise higher into the sky and passed over a neighbor’s house and moved out of sight. The object was silent.
Also, during February, I received information from Greene county, that a witness had observed a small ball of orange light near a tree that began to move closer to a house and increased to the size of a child’s balloon. The object reportedly continued to move until it made contact with the side of a building then just vanished.
On February 12th a witness reported a detailed UFO/UAP observation that took place near the Cambria-Bedford county border. It was about 6:45 AM when the witness observed a bright luminous object hovering over a power line. The object was moving back and forth then hovering, then continued to move back and forth. He pointed the object out to his wife and obtained his binoculars. He described the object as a solid elongated object that had a shape similar to a Tic-Tac or Good and Plenty candy.

As the object moved closer to his location the object appeared to have a solid metallic surface. Also, four bright orange elongated lights suddenly came on in the front section of the object. An unusual tail appendage was also observed. No sound was heard until it came closer to his home which is when a low humming sound was noticed. The object was at a low altitude and was described as the size of a school bus in the sky. It continued to move across the sky and out of sight. The witness stated that the object moved slower than any aircraft.
I received information from Researcher Jim Brown that another quite unusual UFO/UAP incident had taken place in Fayette county during late February. The incident occurred near Farmington at about 2 AM. The witness went outside on his porch when he observed a bright ball of light hovering over some trees in the distance. The object was moving slightly forward and backward. A beam of light emitted from the object down into the trees. The beam was moving around the trees below as though searching for something.
It was second later when the beam was directed toward the witness. According to Jim’s report, the man was temporarily blinded by the illumination from the beam. He also felt heat like that from an infrared heat lamp on his face and arms. He soon had his vision back, and the warm effect also had stopped, however the object and beam were gone. Jim stayed in touch with the witness who reported no lasting vision problems nor visible burns or marks on his body.
On the afternoon of March 7th, two men observed a cylindrical object that appeared in the clear sky in Washington county. The object was described as elongated and cylindrical and appeared white in color. The object had no visible wings and no sound was heard as it moved slowly in a straight trajectory across the sky. The wings and engine noise of other aircraft in the area at the time were easily discernible.
Besides other UFO/UAP reports, the public is also reporting Bigfoot activity and other anomalous events.
Early in the year an experienced hunter in Fayette county reported loud bi-pedal heavy walking sounds and noises of trees breaking in an area where there has been a history of Bigfoot encounters. Similar reports were received from the Laurel Highlands not far from Ligonier of something large and heavy walking close by near the woods. Soon after they heard loud whoop-whoop sounds from the nearby woods. The dogs on the property became very upset at the time.
In early February I received information that there had been ongoing Bigfoot activity from around Elk County. I was able to interview two separate witnesses from different encounters. Both daylight and evening sightings have been reported. One of the creatures seen was described as standing 8-9 feet tall, covered with black and gray hair, had very long arms and was broad shouldered.
Also, in February in an area between the Chestnut Ridge and Laurel Ridge, a small four feet tall, small Bigfoot covered with gray hair was observed during the early morning. Loud whoop-whoop sounds were heard at the same time coming from the nearby woods. The smaller creature ran quickly toward the area where the sound was originating from. Two days later in the same area, a terrible odor similar to rotten eggs permeated the property. The animals were also quite upset at the time.
There have been several reports from widespread areas across the state of loud mystery booms, some heard and felt over large areas.
(If you have seen anything unusual in recent months or in the past, specially from Pennsylvania, please contact me. I can be reached at 724-838-7768 or via email at: