A Weekend Surge of UFO/UAP Sightings and other Anomalies in Southwest Pennsylvania –(July 28-30, 2023)
From: Researcher Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info
I have been taking UFO reports via phone since 1969. Sightings of UFOs/UAPs continue to be received on a regular basis from the public via telephone and email. Sightings are reported yearly in both daylight as well as night. Quite often, the reported sightings are determined to be misidentifications of natural or manmade objects such as sky lanterns, Starlink satellites, bright planets, drones, or meteors.
There have been, however, numerous UFO/UAP observations reported in Pennsylvania in past years, and even more recently , that can’t be easily dismissed. Some of those cases can be found in various reports on my website. There was a series of close range and low level UFO/UAP encounters that took place from October-December of 2021. That was unusual since UFO/UAP reports generally decrease during the colder weather. Since then, there has been a continuous flow of UFO/UAP observations, and these incidents have continued throughout 2023.
UFO/UAP sightings were active throughout May of 2023. There was however less UFO/UAP activity reported during June and much of July.
In past months, the most common UFO/UAP object reported has been the daylight sightings of what witnesses have described as wingless cigar shaped objects. These objects have been reported hovering in clear skies and then suddenly just vanishing never to be seen again. In other cases, the objects move extremely slowly across the sky.

Used with permission of the witness.
Observations of triangular shaped objects are being reported, as well as sightings of luminous balls of light in the sky, or very low to the ground.
The recent weekend activity:
There was a series of interesting UFO/UAP and other anomaly reports that came to my attention during the weekend of July 28-30, 2023. I began to receive reports on Saturday evening. During the next few days, other unusual incidents that took place from Friday through Sunday were also being reported.
July 28th-Researcher Kevin Paul received information that two people walking along a river trail in Greene county early that evening observed two beachball sized balls of light about twenty feet apart flying in a diagonal formation. The spheres blinked orange and white and were estimated as moving through the sky at less than two hundred feet altitude. The silent objects moved steadily off in the distance in the direction of Fredericktown.
July 28th– During the evening a loud boom was reported from Fayette county. Mystery booms have been reported for years in Pennsylvania and around the country. In many cases, explanations ranging from weather related events to Tannerite that is used for firearms target practice have been determined to be the source of such incidents. Some of the reports where loud booms were heard, and shakings felt over large distances remain a mystery. I have not heard of any source having been determined for this incident
July 28th-Eric Altman of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society informed me that a group of researchers were investigating the area that they call “Area X” during the evening. The undisclosed location deeply hidden in the woods of Fayette county in southwest Pennsylvania has a history of ongoing phenomena that is similar to what has been reported at Skinwalker ranch in Utah. The group had been investigating reports of Bigfoot activity near this location, when the location was discovered. Mysterious sounds, small orbs of light low to the ground have come out of the woods and have approached within a few feet of witnesses, and other odd light phenomena are some of the anomalies reported. On this day, they heard movement in the woods, strange moaning sounds, and heavy rocks were being thrown near them. What took place the next evening was more interesting.
July 29th- A team of Bigfoot researchers had returned to “Area X” in Fayette county. Some very strange activity reportedly took place that evening according to information that I received from Eric Altman. The researchers heard what appeared to have been a tree pushed over, and a bright red sphere of light was observed low to the ground. There were reportedly two sightings of a strange hominid creature. It was first observed in the vehicle headlights, however just outside of the light to see any good details. What was seen was a tall figure, with a head and eyeshine. Later, another witness observed a hunched over figure quickly crossing the road from right to left. It was described as being very tall and thin, with a bluish-gray color, with little or no hair. A second witness also saw it from a distance away. I was told the first witness was quite shaken after seeing the cryptid.
July 29th- A witness near Scottdale, at about sunset observed in the northern sky a round object that was bright white and possibly bluish in color. The object seemed to be slowly moving south. It was about the size of the star Vega and at approximately 60 degrees altitude. While under observation, a white puff ring emitted from it extending 10-20 times diameter outwards and had a width of about three to seven times the diameter of the object that looked similar to smoke or a contrail. The witness who is quite familiar with the sky went into the house to obtain a pair of high quality binoculars. Through the binoculars he could clearly see the ring.
He also noticed several smaller bright objects near the spherical object that seemed to be quickly moving around it. Those smaller objects were possibly flying and engaging the larger spherical object. The witness also observed a smaller less luminous object that was red in color. This object was about half the apparent size of the original sphere. That red object was moving directly downward and possibly falling.
July 29th- Ron Lanham from the Wild & Weird West Virginia research team reported that he received a report from Tucker County, West Virginia that a witness had observed a slow-moving light at about 10 PM, that had no strobes, and was zigzagging as it moved toward the southeast. Another smaller point of light was noticed above it.
July 29th -I received a phone call from a witness at 10:13 PM. He sounded very shaken and concerned. He was describing an object in the sky that he was observing at that time. He had just walked outside a few minutes before to put out some garbage. He happened to look up into the southeast sky from his location outside of Mount Pleasant in Westmoreland County. This is only a short distance from Scottdale where the earlier sighting report had originated from.
He observed what he described as a massive triangular shaped object that emitted a bright greenish-orange glow. The object was hovering when he saw it. While talking to me he became very excited stating that the object had suddenly just vanished then moments later reappeared again, however it had moved forward ahead slightly. There seemed to be an electric hum coming from it. The object did this a second, and then a third time while he watched it. The man attempted to take pictures with his cell phone camera. He could see it in the viewer however the pictures only showed a blur not the object. He could not understand why that happened.
At 10:18 PM, while under observation, the object suddenly with incredible speed, shot off toward the southwest. The object had moved out of sight in seconds. Moments later, the witness observed what he described as three military jets approaching from the direction of Donegal. The jets approached the area then made a sharp turn then headed in the direction of the object. The jets could not catch up with it. The witness heard their jet engines and was certain they were military. The man went back into the house after the incident.

The object description: The witness used the term massive to describe triangular object that looked solid looking with a green-orange glow. The object was estimated to be around three hundred feet in length. At the bottom of the object in the center, was a large round non blinking green light. There was a smaller round white light on each corner that did not blink. There was also on each corner, a smaller triangular shaped object that seemed attached to it and they were each pointing outward. The entire object was surrounded in an orange fog.
July 29th -Researcher Kevin Paul reported that on Saturday evening in Greene county around 11 PM, a woman was getting ready to take her dog for a walk when she heard a very loud, guttural series of grunts that sounded close by. The sounds were unusual and sounded similar to what a deer would make, however these were much louder and deeper.
July 30th –The witness from the Mount Pleasant area called back at 12:11 AM and was quite excited again. He had looked out a window and saw a large white light below the clouds. It was not perfectly round but looked like a bright white vertical solid egg in the sky. He went outside to get a better look. He hung up and called me back a few minutes later. He had taken pictures of the object and one image did show something.

Photo used with permission of the witness.
As he continued to watch, the object that seemed quite large moved slowly closer to the treetops. The witness was quite amazed as he watched the object make a turn and suddenly change shape from the egg into a large triangular object. The surface of the object gave the impression that it was constructed of soft black metal. There was a non-blinking white round light on each corner. After hovering for a short time, the object took off at a high speed across the sky and was quickly lost from view.
July 30th -Kevin Paul reported that a witness , around 9 PM, was dog walking near Rogersville in Greene county when he noticed a steady bright white light almost directly above him. There were no other navigational or strobe lights observed. The object was above the clouds and the witness watched as the object flew off toward the southeast at a high rate of speed. The witness told Kevin that the object took only about 10 seconds to move from overhead to out of sight over the horizon. The object appeared to wobble slightly as it moved out of sight.
I am receiving additional reports from recent days as I am writing up this report. If you have seen anything unusual, please contact me. I can be called at 724-838-7768 or email me at: sightings@stangordon.info