BREAKING NEWS!-Ongoing UFO/UAP sightings And Other Anomalies Are Being Reported in Southwest Pennsylvania (posted August 16, 2023)

BREAKING NEWS!-Ongoing UFO/UAP sightings And Other Anomalies Are Being Reported in Southwest Pennsylvania (posted August 16, 2023)

From: Researcher Stan Gordon

I had previously mentioned that some detailed UFO/UAP incidents had taken place during the weekend of July 28-30, 2023. Additional sighting reports have been coming in that took place during July, that had not been reported.

August has been busy with both daylight and nighttime observations. Interestingly, not only have there been UFO/UAP sightings, but the public is reporting encounters with Bigfoot and other cryptids as well. Other anomalies are also being reported. Some of these cases are quite interesting. I am still gathering more details and interviewing witnesses.

Mount Pleasant area (Westmoreland County)  UFO/UAP Incident-August 15, 2023

There was an interesting UFO incident that reportedly took place during the early evening in this area. I understand that other people around the area reportedly also saw it. If you saw something unusual,  please contact me.

I will release an update on some of these more recent cases at a future date.

If you have seen or experienced anything unusual,  please get in touch with me.

I can be called at 724-838-7768 or email me at or