An Update and Possible Explanation for the February 14, 2024, Sightings
From: Researcher stan Gordon

Photo of the object seen in the sky from southern Maine on February 14, 2024. The photo is used with permission of the witness.
Since receiving the sighting reports of an unusual object in the sky that was observed from Pennsylvania, several other states, and Canada on the evening of February 14, 2024, I have been looking for information that might provide an explanation for this occurrence.
It seemed that it was more than a coincidence that space launches from separate locations were conducted on that same evening and that there might be some association with what had been reported.
Since the late 1960s in Pennsylvania, I was able to explain some UFO sightings as relating to various space activities such as the re-entry of space debris, or high altitude experiments that often originated from the NASA facility at Wallops Island, Virginia.
It has been more difficult to track down the source for this recent widespread observation. The searches by myself and others in the hours following the sightings turned up no information indicating any correlation between the launch activities and the reports that were coming in.
During the next few days, some additional reports began to show up on some other websites. However, no explanations were provided. What was reported by many of the witnesses was the slow movement of a luminous hazy object moving across the sky that emitted a mist or haze.
Late on the evening of February 19th, I received an email from a person who had read my article on this case and provided me with some information. She found a YouTube report from a fellow known as “Ian the Space Nerd” who had posted a video of an object recorded on his camera that same evening and during the same period as the other reports. The location was in Southern New Hampshire. Ian appears to have a lot of knowledge about space related activities. He indicated that what was seen was a Falcon 9 de-orbit burn.
What I saw on his video looked very similar to another Pennsylvania video I had also viewed that was recorded on the same day. Photos I had received from witnesses from distant areas, taken that evening of the object, also looked remarkably similar to what was seen on the videos.
I began to do some more research on the Falcon 9, a two stage reusable rocket designed and manufactured by the SpaceX company. I was also able to locate a photo of a previous Falcon 9 de-orbit burn event that also looked remarkably similar to the photo taken by the observer in Maine.
It seems possible that what created that spectacle in the sky on February 14, 2024, might have been a Falcon 9 de-orbit burn.