A Third Low Level Wingless Cylindrical UFO/UAP Has Been Reported in Daylight During April 2024 in Southwest Pennsylvania
From: Researcher Stan Gordon

A third sighting of a similar UFO/UAP was reported on April 22, 2024. The witness was outside taking a walk at 3:35 PM, when he noticed something odd in the partly cloudy sky. The object was toward the east and appeared to be low over the Irwin or Jeanette area. This would again be over a populated location.
The man grabbed his cell phone and was able to take one photo as the object passed behind some trees. What the witness observed was described as a silver-white cylinder. It had no apparent wings or tail. The object appeared to be more reflective than luminous. The witness said the object gave him the impression of something streamlined or possibly flat, and it looked possibly rounded at the front.
The witness is familiar with the air traffic that flies over this area regularly and commented that the object was moving from north to south. According to the witness, “it was traveling smoothly and silently, perhaps at the height of only 1,000-2,000 feet.” The man said the object was traveling to low in the sky compared to other aircraft he often sees. The object was described as moving low over the terrain, and that it seemed to be more gliding than flying and moving in a straight line. The object was traveling north to south.
While the witness acknowledged that it was impossible to judge how far away the object was from him, he estimated that the object might look similar in size to a large shipping container or a truck tractor. The witness mentioned that in the photo, the object looks possibly very large and above the clouds, however when he saw it, the object seemed to be of moderate size and not near the clouds. He lost sight of the object as it moved behind the terrain, houses, and trees. The observation only lasted several seconds.
The witness immediately called a friend who checked his FlightAware app on his phone. The only flight in the area detected at that time was moving south to north and at a much higher altitude that is used by commercial aircraft.
A photo analysis was conducted by Ron Lanham of Wild & Weird West Virginia. Ron indicated that he could not see any visible flight surfaces or vapor trails, and whatever the object was it didn’t appear to have the shape of a conventional aircraft. The object also seemed to be reflective and had an indication of being a solid object in frame.
You can read about the other recent sighting at this link.
If you witnessed these events, or anything else unusual, especially if you live in Pennsylvania, you can contact me via email at: sightings@stangordon.info, or via phone at 724-838-7768.