2024 Pennsylvania UFO and Cryptid Sightings Update

From: Researcher Stan Gordon

2024 Pennsylvania UFO and Cryptid Sightings Update

The year 2024 year has been continually busy with reports from the public reporting various unusual incidents. Residents from around the Chestnut and Laurel Ridge areas have been reporting not only UFO sightings, but cryptid encounters as well.

Daylight and nighttime encounters with small orbs of light low to the  ground and at close range have been reported from several counties. Daylight reports of large cylindrical wingless objects observed at low level have been reported in past months.

Residents from the Derry area of the Chestnut Ridge as well as from other ridge locations have been reporting strange screams and howls from the woods unlike the sounds that they have been used to hearing from the local wildlife. Possible Bigfoot tracks have also turned up in various locations. Other possible Bigfoot activity has also been reported.

Interestingly, there have been several reports from widespread locations of possible “Thunderbirds.” Witnesses from both western and eastern sections of the state have provided detailed accounts of seeing these huge flying creatures. Most of the reports were in daylight and at close range and low altitude. I will provide more detailed information on these cases at a future time.

If you have seen anything unusual, please contact me  so that I can compare the information with other reports. I can be called at: 724-838-7768 or contacted via email at: sightings@stangordon.info.