Cryptids-Thunderbird Sightings Increase Across Pennsylvania During 2024
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
There has been a long history of encounters with huge flying creatures throughout the Keystone State. Many of the witnesses to these encounters are reluctant to report what they have seen since they realize that what they observed isn’t supposed to exist. I have interviewed numerous people who claimed to have seen giant birds with massive wingspans. There is no doubt however, that some of these observations were misidentifications of large birds common to Pennsylvania such as the Great Blue Heron, Turkey Vultures, hawks and eagles. Some of the reports, however, seem quite unusual.
I have been out in the field investigating reports of Thunderbirds and other cryptids since the 1960s. As with UFO/UAP reports, it is difficult to estimate altitude and size of an object high in the sky. Some of the Thunderbird sightings that I have investigated were observed at an exceptionally low altitude, or actually reported on the ground and in some cases eating roadkill. The most often estimation of the wingspan reported has been between ten to over twenty feet.
While there have been similar descriptions over the years, there appears to be several categories of these huge flying mysterious creatures. Most commonly have been observations of exceptionally large dark brown or black feathered huge birds. There have also been other reports of generally black, leathery skinned, and featherless giant bat-like creatures. Even more unusual are some very detailed reports from witnesses that I found quite credible of what they described as encounters with flying behemoths that looked prehistoric. Some observers claimed that the flying creature they saw looked similar to a pterosaur that had a diamond shaped configuration on the end of its tail.
While quite rare, in more recent years I have heard of an increase in reports of huge white winged creatures reportedly being sighted. I heard a report a few years ago from another local researcher that a witness told him that she had observed an exceptionally large white flying bird that looked transparent as it passed overhead.
You think the previous reports are strange, then how about the sightings of what people have described as dragons or even winged humanoids such as the “Butler Gargoyle.” Most everyone is familiar with the famous Mothman encounters reported in West Virginia during 1966-1967. During the years since then, I uncovered information that during that same time period of the late 1960s, there were reportedly similar Mothman type encounters taking place around the Pittsburgh area.
There was a wave of huge flying creature observations reported from across the state in recent months. Many people now refer to these incidents as Thunderbird sightings.
Synopsis of 2024 Pennsylvania Thunderbird reports.

A section of the Chestnut Ridge in Westmoreland County, PA. There has been a long history of Thunderbird, Bigfoot, cryptids, and UFO sightings along the Chestnut Ridge area.
01-28-24-Derry side of the Chestnut Ridge (Westmoreland County) At about 7:30 AM, the witness looked out a window and observed a huge white bird standing on the ground next to a tree. It was several feet tall and had a wingspan of about twelve feet. There appeared to be a black elongated crest on the head. The witness also noticed that the creature had a black beak. The creature began to flap its wings and appeared to be having trouble rising from the ground. It finally rose above the trees and moved out of sight. The total observations was about thirty seconds. This area of the Chestnut Ridge in Southwestern Pennsylvania has a long history of Bigfoot, cryptids, Thunderbird, and UFO encounters.
03-12-24-Harrisburg suburb (Dauphin County) The witness was driving through the area at about 3 PM and was approaching a traffic light at an intersection. The sky was clear and blue at the time. While the driver was stopped at the red traffic light and looking up at it, an exceptionally large bird was observed. The witness estimated that the creature had a wingspan of at least twenty feet tip to tip. When first observed, the monstrous bird was estimated to be about eighty to one hundred feet overhead and gliding.
The giant bird appeared to be black in color. The windshield view was blocking some sections of the body such as the head and tail. The driver looked back at the red light then looked again at the bird. The bird suddenly opened up its wings giving an impression of a large drape. According to the witness, “It had feathered shiny scallops on an all-black background.” Also seen was a streak of white feathers about halfway down the scallops. The witness was certain that the wingspan could cover the two sides of the road.
The driver looked back toward the traffic light that had turned green. When she looked back toward the bird it was no longer in sight. The witness did not see it fly in any direction and could only assume that it had risen straight up above the car or moved behind her car.
That witness told me that this was the strangest thing ever experienced. It was also mentioned that the big bird was like a creature out of a Jurassic Park movie. The observer was shocked by what took place.
03-21-24 (Pittsburgh suburb (Allegheny County) This witness observed a huge bird around 4:30 PM, about one hundred yards away and about fifty feet above the ground. The witness was driving at the time when he spotted an exceptionally large black bird with an estimated ten-twelve foot wingspan. It dropped down to the height of a telephone pole and moved toward the Dashields Lock and Dam on the Ohio River. It appeared to have loose plumage along the back section of the wings. There were reportedly other witnesses involved.
04-28-24 (Washington Township (Westmoreland County near Armstrong County) The driver of a vehicle was driving on Route 66 and made a sharp turn to the right heading South. It was about 4:45 PM when he observed a huge black or dark colored bird gliding toward the southeast that passed directly over his vehicle about one hundred feet above the ground.
The witness said the wingspan was huge and covered the width of the entire road. He estimated that the wingspan was about seventeen feet in length. He only had the creature in sight for about 5-10 seconds as it passed over the trees.
05-24-(Fayette County, PA) A witness reported seeing an exceptionally large odd looking bird in a rural location. When it was first observed, it was gliding low over the area. The witness estimated that each wing was about ten feet long and they looked odd and skinny. The tail was featherless and had an odd, shaped appendage at the end.
05-16-24-Rural Latrobe area (Westmoreland County) This witness was returning home from work at about 2 AM and driving down Donohoe Road traveling toward the Latrobe area. He turned off that road and continued down another rural roadway. The man told me that he had an experience that he couldn’t explain. He told me that he had encountered a massive bird. He stated to me, “It was so huge, I couldn’t believe it.” As he was slowly driving early that morning his headlights focused on the underside of the body of a giant bird. When he first saw it, the winged creature appeared to be leaning forward and had just began to flap its wings. He was of the opinion that it had just jumped off a nearby telephone pole. It was low enough then to be seen in his headlights and not that far away from his vehicle.
The witness saw the body of the creature from a sideways view. He was not able to see the head or tail. The creatures body looked quite long, and over two feet wide and was covered with dark brown or black feathers. The feathers had a fish scale-like appearance. While the feathers were generally dark, there was some white color seen around the belly area. The witness estimated that the total wingspan could have been about ten-twelve feet or more as he could not see the full wings. The witness soon lost sight of it as it flew off. He heard no sound from the creature and his window was down. The entire observation only lasted several seconds.

Sketch of the Thunderbird seen outside of Latrobe by the witness. Used with the permission of the witness.
Most witnesses who have a UFO, Bigfoot or cryptid encounter seek no publicity. In many cases, those people who encountered such an anomaly told me that this was the first time they had ever experienced something that they could not explain. Some of those people told me they used to laugh at others who claimed to have had similar encounters. Those people aren’t laughing anymore. Over the years, some witnesses shared with me that what they experienced was a life changing experience.
I continue to be involved with the investigation of numerous UFO/UAP and cryptid encounters that are reported yearly from across the state. While many such sightings have been explained as originating from manmade or natural sources, there remain some incidents that are not so easily explained away,
There have been periodic waves the last few years of various anomalistic incidents.
The year 2022, will be remembered for the unprecedented increase of reports of low level encounters with mini-UFOs- those small luminous orbs or balls of light reported close to the ground, or on the ground, and in some cases approaching within feet of witnesses.
During 2023, There were numerous daylight observations of large cylindrical wingless objects hovering at low level in various locations. There were also reports of large triangular objects also observed at low level. Numerous Bigfoot sightings were reported from across the state, and many were observed at close range. Many of the Bigfoot encounters also occurred in daylight. Low level orbs or balls of light were continuing to be reported.
The 2024 year has been busy with UFO/UAP incidents, as well as various cryptid cases being reported. I will be posting more details on these cases in the future. The wave of Thunderbird encounters has been fascinating. As of this writing, I have not received any additional possible Thunderbird reports.
If you have seen anything unusual, you can contact me via email at: or call me via phone at 724-838-7768.