Mysterious Cross Shaped UFO Seen Over Cambria County, Pennsylvania (August 20, 2024)

Mysterious Cross Shaped UFO Seen Over Cambria County, Pennsylvania (August 20, 2024)

From: Researcher Stan Gordon

This is the photo of the object taken on August 20, 2024, near Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The photo is used with permission of the witness.

On the evening of August 20, 2024, a witness located a few miles outside of Johnstown, Pennsylvania was looking up at the moon. The sky was noticeably clear at that time. The witness noticed something else to the left of the moon that was more interesting.

The man told me that what he saw looked like a solid cross or plus symbol shaped object that was white with a yellow tone to it. The witness estimated that the object appeared quite low and only about three hundred feet high in the sky. He could clearly see what looked like the solid appearance of the object. The witness found it hard to explain the shape change that the object performed as he watched it for several minutes.

The witness explained that while watching the single cross shaped object, suddenly a second similar object would attach to it. Then a third and fourth similar object would appear, and all four objects than seemed intertwined. Then suddenly the other three objects would disappear and only a single object would be observed. This type of cycle of activity would take place five or six times over a few minutes. It was while the single object was seen that it suddenly just vanished and was not seen again. The witness stated to me, “It just like shut off and it was gone.”

It was during the time that only the single object was seen, that the witness grabbed a small inexpensive digital camera and snapped a few pictures. Only one of the pictures produced a clear image.

The photo was examined by researcher Jim Brown, who has a lot of experience examining and analyzing alleged UFO and other anomalous pictures. Jim’s Homepage -aka – DESTINATIONS (

Jim enhanced the photo taken of the object as best as possible. The blue circle around the object was done by the witness prior to him submitting the picture. Jim said that the object in the photo appears to be a solid object and does not appear to be a blur. He said that the object seems to be a tube of some type looped back on itself. He noted that there was no additive effect like you would expect if it was a single point and the image crossed over itself. Jim went on to say, “This one actually seems to cast a shadow of itself on itself. Note the darkening at the point where it crosses over.”

 The witness had never seen anything like that before and wonders what that object might have been.

Synopsis: Reported sightings of cross shaped objects are quite rare among the many types of UFO shapes reported over many years from around the country and the world.

This UFO/UAP sighting was reported during a wave of UFO/UAP sightings that have been reported in recent months from across Pennsylvania. July of this year was continually active, and sightings are continuing through August.

If you see anything unusual you can contact me via email me at: or call me at 724-838-7768.