Update On the Smithfield, PA. UFO/UAP Stalled Vehicle Incident

Update On The Smithfield, PA UFO/UAP  Stalled Vehicle Incident

From: Researcher Stan Gordon    www.stangordon.info

Researcher Jim Brown, who investigated this interesting UFO/UAP incident has forwarded to me an update with some additional details concerning this case that occurred on July 2, 2024, in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

You can view the original report at this link. Two Vehicles Stall On Pennsylvania Highway As Cylindrical UFO Passes Low Overhead (July 2, 2024) – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone

The following is the Updated Report.

Additional details regarding John’s vehicle. 2017 Chevy Equinox  4 cylinder ICE gasoline powered. Battery voltage measured 12.35 V under no load condition. No residual magnetic field detected on this vehicle. Power line is the same one that passes by Joe’s vehicle. One house some distance away with security camera but it was not pointed in the direction where it could capture any images. I spoke with the homeowner who was unaware of any issues related to this event.

August 11 – Update. I received a call from Joe regarding this event. He was concerned over an anonymous phone call he received about the event. The caller was a male voice asking if he was (name omitted). He was then told, “It would be in his best interest to not follow through and forget about what he experienced.”   When Joe asked who this was, the caller responded, “One who cares.”  The caller then hung up the phone. I asked Joe if he had been talking to anyone about what happened, and he said aside from me just a few local friends. I asked whether he had attempted to call John, and he said no. He stated he did not have John’s number or address. He could not figure where word got out and wondered if I had any contact with the caller. I have not received any calls about the case, and I advised Joe to disregard the call unless something else develops.

As of August 12, John has not had any contact regarding his report. I made him aware of Joe’s experience and advised him to contact me if he received any calls or contacts from any other persons regarding his report.

Additional details regarding Joe’s vehicle. 2019 Ford F 150 pickup. Gasoline powered ICE. Battery voltage measured 12.03 V under no load condition. No residual magnetic fields detected. Power lines in the area are single phase circuit nothing anomalous was observed. No houses in the area to check security cameras.


I have also released a Google Map of the area which has been marked to show the location each vehicle was stopped as well as the field where John later observed the object after his initial close sighting.

September 22 – Both witnesses were contacted as a follow up. Neither report any subsequent issues nor any other details to add to the initial report. No illness or other physical effects noted nor any psychological effects to report. Joe has lowered his confidentiality level to two which allows for release of some of the above previously restricted details in his report. I also asked a couple general questions about whether either had heard of any Glowing Spheres” or had any thoughts on that phenomena. (See separate report for details.)   Neither connected their case to that phenomena, Joe had never even heard of them, John had heard about a few  such cases but said he didn’t relate them to what he experienced.


Stan’s synopsis:

During my many years of investigating UFO/ UAP cases in Pennsylvania, there have been some detailed, low level incidents reported where several types of EM effects were reported. The following are three such cases that are quite interesting.

Huge Rectangular Object Hovers Low over Pennsylvania Highway-June 1, 2013 – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone

Did A Giant UFO Cause Power Outage? – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone

Low Level UFO Encounter with Strange Electronic and Animal Affects Reported near the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone