The Kecksburg , Pennsylvania UFO Incident-59 Years Later-A New Detail Revealed
From: Researcher Stan Gordon

This is a sculpt depiction of the seamless Kecksburg acorn shaped UFO created by Ron Lanham of Wild & Weird West Virginia
On December 9, 1965, an object of undetermined origin fell from the sky into a wooded ravine near the community of Kecksburg in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. What that object was has remained a mystery.
I was sixteen years old at that time when I began to document the sightings of the fiery object as it was breaking on Pittsburgh area news that evening. News accounts mentioned sightings of the object from Ontario, as well as other locations such as Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The phones were ringing at police departments, newspaper offices, and radio and TV stations around Pittsburgh as sightings of the object in the sky were being reported over that area at about 4:47 PM.
Over the years since the occurrence, I tracked down hundreds of witnesses and many sources who had detailed information concerning the Kecksburg incident. Many witnesses that evening, including news reporters confirmed that the military was in the Kecksburg area conducting a search for the fallen object.
Numerous witnesses also confirmed that the object was later transported from the impact site on a military flatbed tractor trailer truck. Other independent sources confirmed that the object was taken to Lockbourne Air Force Base near Columbus, Ohio. It arrived during the early morning hours of December 10, 1965. The truck and object were kept in a hangar at that base. The hangar was surrounded by an armed security team. That truck stayed there for a brief time then continued onto Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the object was placed inside of a building at that facility. It was not Hangar 18.
For a more detailed account of the incident, see my report, The Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO Recovery 58 Years Ago Today and Still No Answers-December 9, 2023 – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone
It is unfortunate that many witnesses who were involved with this incident in 1965, have passed away. There are others who are quite elderly, and some are not in good health. Some witnesses however were children or teenagers in 1965, and they still recall details from that evening quite well. Many witnesses went to their graves without having answers from the government about what the object was that caused so much commotion that day in 1965.
During my many years of research into this case, there were certain details that I had received that I did not make public until I had enough independent sources that could confirm what had been reported. In some cases, it took years before I released that information.
One such detail was that witnesses from Ohio and Pennsylvania reported observing one or two military jets that were following along the path that the object had just taken over that area. Witnesses indicated that the aircraft appeared to be pursuing the object that they had also observed. Military jets were reportedly seen east of Greensburg following the path of the object soon after it had made a turn toward the south and continued moving toward the Kecksburg area.
A few months ago, I surprisingly received an email from a person who provided some interesting information that related to the Kecksburg case. The person involved was not from Pennsylvania, he was from Michigan. It was related to me by that writer that he was an inadvertent witness to the incident. The witness made me aware that he was elderly and not feeling well and he wanted to pass on this information to me while he was still around.
He told me that a relative asked him to go to a meeting about UFOs about 8-9 years ago. A speaker mentioned the Kecksburg incident. This witness never heard about the Kecksburg incident until then, but after hearing the details he realized that what he saw seemed to relate to the information he had heard.
The witness told me via email and later during a phone interview that there were certain details he recalled that could confirm that what he experienced did take place on December 9, 1965, the day the Kecksburg incident occurred.
The witness remembered that on that day a personal experience had taken place that was important to him. He also recalled hearing on the news that day that a meteor had been sighted over Michigan. He told me that he and his date went that day to a drive in restaurant that had car service. It was located in a northern suburb of Detroit near Pontiac.
The witness recalled it was just getting dark outside at that time. The couple got their food, and then backed into an area away from where they had received their food order.
As the witness explained to me, It was soon after that a meteor (or something) passed over moving through the sky and traveling from northwest to southeast. It looked like a big dark ball or something that was surrounded by flames that were red and yellow in color. The object was moving fast across the sky, and he only saw it for about 8-10 seconds. He did not recall any sound.
As the object passed over, the sky and surrounding area lit up like a bright sun. There were three or four other cars parked nearby. The insides of the cars were all illuminated for seconds as the object passed over. What had just occurred was shocking to the witness and his girlfriend.
What happened very soon after the object had passed was even more frightening to that witness. Passing directly overhead, the witness observed an F-101 Voodoo military fighter jet that was trailing the object. The military jet fired a missile at the object as it moved directly along the same path. Moments later, the sky was again illuminated. The witness stated that what he saw “scared him quite a bit.” The man also mentioned that six other people had also witnessed what had taken place.
The witness in his statement to me said” It’s definitely not normal for a fighter jet to shoot a missile over a major U.S. city, and the possibility of WWIII popped into my head.”
The witness told me that he did more research and found out that red molten metal was reported to have also fallen that day near Sterling Heights, Michigan. He was speculating that the debris may have been associated with the missile strike on the object since this was in the correct area.
The witness had a longtime interest in aviation and was familiar with civilian and military aircraft. He was certain as to the type of military aircraft he saw that day.
During my interview with the witness, I found him to be very credible and sincere. I want to thank him for coming forward and presenting this new and important detail that adds to the mystery of what the object was that fell into the woods near Kecksburg in 1965.
If you have any information on this case, you can find my contact information on my website: