More Mysterious Close Encounters with Ground Level Orbs (Mini-UFOs) Reported In Pennsylvania-October 23, 2022
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
As I have mentioned in my previous report, UFO Activity Ongoing in Pennsylvania- Encounters with Small Spheres of Light Close to the Ground Increasing-August 13, 2022 – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone, encounters with small spheres low to the ground and in some cases approaching near witnesses have reportedly been taking place for months from various areas of Pennsylvania. The following report was submitted by researcher Jim Brown who has investigated many unusual incidents over the years in Fayette county.
Sphere Sighted Near Uniontown,Pennsylvania
Date: Saturday 8 October,2022
Time: 06:00 (approx.)
Weather: Clear, 40 Degrees F
This is a summary of the case based on phone interviews. No In person interview has taken place as of 16 October.
On Monday the 10th, I received a call from the witness’s wife. She was inquiring for her husband about what he claimed. According to her, he awoke about 6 O’clock and got up to read the morning paper because he couldn’t get back to sleep. I recommended he contact me directly rather than just getting the story second hand.
He called me later on the 10th and gave me the following background. He said he woke up and was planning to get the newspaper and read awhile until his wife got up. He put on his robe and slippers and went out the front door. The walk to the paper box is about fifty feet long and goes from the porch out to the road. When he got to the steps from the porch to the walk, he saw a glowing white ball of light.
It was at the end of the walk and about eye level. It appeared to be about 10 – 12 inches in diameter and was between him and the paper box. At this point the witness got extremely sleepy and initially could not recall what happened next. Later in a second interview on October 13 he said he remembered the light moved to the side, and he felt a “calling” he should go out and get his newspaper. He did so then returned to the porch. At this time the ball of light had moved between him and the porch. It was still above the walk, but in front of the steps. He said he was getting sleepy to the point he could not stay awake and the object appeared to be making a slow circular motion. This was all he could recall.
On the 13th, I also interviewed his wife regarding her part in this. She said he was getting up to read the Sunday paper because he couldn’t sleep. Note: the discrepancy in “Sunday Paper” and the Saturday date of the event is because the Uniontown paper no longer issues a Sunday edition. they put it out on Saturday as a Weekend edition.) She says she dozed off again and woke a bit before 7:00 and got up. She went to the living room expecting to find her husband in his favorite chair. Instead, it was empty, and she could see him out the front door on the porch sitting in a chair asleep. Seeing he was not dressed for 40 degree weather she immediately went out and tried to wake him. She said it was hard to get him to wake, but finally he did. They went back inside, and he gradually came around.
At first, he did not know what he was doing but eventually he became more alert and related the story to her just as he initially did for me. It was at that time he added the part I mention above about the light blocking his path as he came back from the paper box. She also added that he did have his newspaper when she woke him which indicates at some point, that he did make it to the paper box and returned to the porch.
I again contacted both of them 16 October and neither has anything new to add, but both did relate the story again as they did earlier. No changes noted in the details provided.(I also inquired about any medical conditions, no action taken nor plans to do so.)
Nothing new has happened since the initial event as of 16 October.
Small Sphere Appears Inside a House Five Feet from Witness
It was three days later about forty miles away that another low level ball of light incident occurred in the Laurel Highlands. This case however is even more intriguing as it reportedly occurred inside of a house. I interviewed the witness in person and did a follow up telephone interview as well.
The witness told me that she awakened at 2:30 AM and went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, she noticed about five feet away something unusual in the living room. There was a high ceiling in that older home and hovering several feet below the ceiling was a deep blue colored sphere about a foot and a half in diameter. Inside the sphere the witness observed a gray swirling mass that looked similar to the motion of a lava lamp. The object was silent as it moved slightly up and down.
The witness recalled taking one step toward the sphere. That is when she felt a slight tingling sensation. She said that sensation reminded her of a pre-jolt of electricity when she was near an electric fence. She recalled looking at the strange round object for about ten seconds, then suddenly became very sleepy. She immediately went into the bedroom and went to sleep. She stated to me that that experience was “so stinking weird” as she didn’t understand why she didn’t keep watching the odd object in her home.
She also told me that it was very unusual for her to just have fallen to sleep so fast after seeing the object since she suffers from insomnia and would normally have never gone into a deep sleep so quickly. When she awakened the next day, she felt very sluggish and groggy for hours.
In the rural area where this incident took place and not known to the witness, I have been receiving other reports from locals who have been experiencing strange incidents in the woods as well as others who reported UFO sightings.
Historical Low Level Mini-UFO Cases:
October, 2017-Small Haystack Shaped Object Glides Inches Over Driveway
An even stranger mini-UFO encounter took place in late October near Fayette City, PA in Fayette County. Early that morning, a man went outside to warm up his wife’s car. As he walked down the steps he looked toward her car and saw something only about 10-12 feet away by the right bumper. The lights were on and the area around the car was well illuminated. The witness said he saw an object that was about two feet tall, and shaped like a haystack. The object was translucent, and shiny, and a milky-white color. There were vertical ribs that seemed to be the superstructure that looked like chrome straws that could be seen through the translucent structure. The object which was silent was gliding 1-2 inches off the ground, was motionless when he first saw it.
Whatever the object was, after several seconds it must have realized that the witness had approached until he was about 6 feet from it. It suddenly zoomed extremely fast across the driveway to the left side of the car, then made a perfect right angle turn along the driver’s side of the car into the dark and was not seen again. The entire incident lasted only seconds. The witness wished he had his cell phone with him so he could have taken a picture. The witness has no idea what he saw but feels that it may have been some type of a probe.

Nov 8, 2019 – Object In the Road
From researcher Jim Brown from Fayette County, PA (
About 4:30 PM I received a call from a nearby witness who is aware I investigate unusual events. A transcript of his narrative follows:
“I was coming home from Masontown on the Bowood Road. As I went over the top of a rise, I saw this ball in the road just sitting there. It was about 2 feet across and was blocking the road. I couldn’t get around it so I stopped .I sat there for a minute then decided to get out and move it so I could continue home. I even thought about taking it home as a oddity. But when I opened the car door it started to just fade away. Not quick. It took a few seconds to vanish. But then it disappeared. It never moved, just faded away. I closed the door and wondered, what the hell was that? After that I just went on home, nothing else to say.”
I asked a few questions and got some additional information. He said the object was silvery gray in color.. No details, just a sphere about 2 feet in diameter. He could not recall if there was a shadow under it. (Weather was mostly cloudy but still should have caused a darkening under the object.) He stopped about 50 feet away from the object. Beyond that he had no other details to report. No physical evidence was seen or obtained. A few leading questions provided no additional reliable information. Limited data, no other witnesses present.
There are other low level ball of light incidents continuing to be reported from other areas. In recent weeks UFO sightings have been reported from various locations in the Keystone state. I am also currently looking into recent Bigfoot sightings reported in western Pennsylvania. Other unusual incidents such as loud booms heard over widespread areas are also being reported.
If you are aware of any unusual incidents specially in recent weeks, please contact me either via phone at 724-838-7768 or email:
Stan Gordon