Black Triangular UFO/UAP Changes Shape Over House During Daylight in Fayette County, Pennsylvania-November 16, 2023.

Black Triangular UFO/UAP Changes Shape Over House During Daylight in Fayette County, Pennsylvania-November 16, 2023.

From: Researcher Stan Gordon

The following information was received from my research associate Jim Brown. Jim received the initial details from one of the two witnesses on the day of the occurrence. The sighting took place on November 16, 2023, at approximately 2 PM. The weather was mostly clear with the temperature near 60 degrees. The sighting occurred in the Point Marion area in Fayette County.

Jim was able to interview both witnesses, and also conducted a follow up interview with them on November 21st. No additional information was obtained and there were no further unusual sightings.

The incident began when the neighbor, “Mary Smith” a pseudonym, was going outside to enjoy the nice weather, and noticed a strange object about fifty feet above the roof of her neighbor’s house. Her first thoughts were that someone may have been doing some roof work and this was a tarp blowing around or that it was some type of kite. She soon realized that the object was quite unusual.

When Mary first saw the object, it appeared to be a solid black triangular object. As she continued to watch it began to change its physical shape from a triangle to a square. It was difficult to judge the size since the object was in a constant shape changing motion. She did indicate that it was about 20-30 feet away from any point across the object during either configuration. The object also looked to be about four feet in thickness. The object had no lights, was silent, and no surface features were observed.

Mary was intrigued by what she was seeing, and thought that she should call her neighbor, “Jane” also a pseudonym, to tell her about the object that she was watching over the roof of Jane’s house. She rang the phone, however there was no answer. She did  however leave a message. Mary, still fascinated by the unusual object, went back to looking at it. She never thought about taking her phone to try to obtain a picture. She did notice that the object was rising higher into the sky.

Mary decided to walk over to Jane’s house to get a better look at the object. That is when she realized that Jane was outside doing some yard work. Jane had no idea about what was happening until Mary pointed the object out to her. When both witnesses observed the object, it was estimated to be about five hundred feet in the sky and moving higher.

Jane explained to Jim that when she saw the black object it was changing shapes and that it was hard to give a definitive size as it was changing. “Sometimes it appeared as a square that was drawing itself into a triangular form. One corner of the square would pull itself into the body and at the same time another area along the edge would extend out to become another point.”

This activity continued as the object was gaining altitude. Jane, who had been working outside also did not have her phone with her. They watched the object continue to rise higher for about two to three more minutes until it just became a dark spot in the sky and was lost from sight.


The location of this sighting is about three to four miles from the Fort Martin Coal Power plant. Fayette County is a highly active area historically for UFO/UAP sightings as well as other anomalous incidents.

UFO/UAP sightings continue to be reported from across the state in recent weeks and months. Some of these reports can be viewed on my website: There have also been additional reports of small spheres observed at exceptionally low level.

If you have any information on these sightings or have seen anything unusual, you can contact me at 724-838-7768, or at

Jim Brown’s website: