Category: Thunderbird

Mystery Booms, UFOs, Bigfoot & Cryptids Reported in Pennsylvania in 2018

Mystery Booms, UFOs, Bigfoot & Cryptids Reported in Pennsylvania in 2018 From Researcher: Stan Gordon Many strange reports from across Pennsylvania have been coming to my attention since the start of 2018. Some UFO incidents have been explained as misidentifications of bright planets and stars, and meteorological events. As I mentioned in a previous …

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Thunderbird Sightings near the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania?-January 2018

Thunderbird Sightings near the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania?-January 2018 Up on the Chestnut Ridge not far from Ligonier, people are again seeing huge birds at close range and on the ground. One witness said some of these huge flying creatures that were “big and black” had wing spans that were estimated to be around 20 …

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Mysterious UFOs, Bigfoot and Cryptid Encounters Reported Across Pennsylvania in 2017

Mysterious UFOs, Bigfoot and Cryptid Encounters Reported Across Pennsylvania in 2017 From Researcher Stan Gordon Every year mysterious incidents occur in Pennsylvania. 2017 was a very active year for strange phenomena of various kinds. Observations of mysterious objects in the sky were reported in daylight as well as at night. People reported very close …

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Invasion On Chestnut Ridge film Comes Out October 20, 2017

Invasion On Chestnut Ridge film Comes Out On October 20, 2017 The film that many of you have been waiting for will be released on Friday, October 20, 2017. Invasion On Chestnut Ridge, is produced by Seth Breedlove of the Small Town Monsters Production Company. This documentary covers some of the famous UFO and cryptid …

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January 10, 2017- Flying Humanoid Reported in Kentucky/Ohio Area

January 10, 2017- Flying Humanoid Reported in Kentucky/Ohio Area Lon Strickler at the Phantoms & Monsters website, has been keeping the public updated on the recent wave of winged humanoid sightings around Chicago. While I focus on the ongoing anomalies in Pennsylvania, I commonly receive other crypitd reports from across the country. Earlier this …

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Invasion On Chestnut Ridge -Tentative Release date: October 20, 2017

Official trailer for “Invasion on Chestnut Ridge” released July 17, 2017 by Small Town Monsters Invasion On Chestnut Ridge Tentative Release date: October 20, 2017                             Seth Breedlove, filmmaker and Director, and the Small Town Monsters production crew recently …

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2016 Was Very Busy with UFO Sightings, Bigfoot and Cryptid Encounters across Pennsylvania

  2016 Was Very Busy with UFO Sightings, Bigfoot and Cryptid Encounters across Pennsylvania From Researcher: Stan Gordon  Many Pennsylvanian’s reported encounters of the mysterious kind during 2016.  Witnesses reported strange formations of lights in the sky, and loud booms that shook houses in some areas.  There were also reports of strange footprints, odd animal …

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October 2, 2016-An Update of Some 2016 PA UFO and Cryptid Reports:

October 2, 2016-An Update of Some 2016 PA UFO and Cryptid Reports: There have been many UFO and cryptid incidents reported from across Pennsylvania since the start of 2016. Since March, there has been a surge unusual incidents being reported from many locations in the state, but much of the activity has been in the …

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Many Strange Encounters with UFOs and Mysterious Creatures in Pennsylvania During 2015

Many Strange Encounters with UFOs and Mysterious Creatures in Pennsylvania During 2015 From Stan Gordon               Did you see anything strange in the sky last year? Were you out in the woods and encountered a mysterious animal unlike anything that you had ever seen before? Did you experience an …

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Mysterious Creatures, UFOs, and other Strange Incidents Reported Across Pennsylvania During 2014

  Mysterious Creatures, UFOs, and other Strange Incidents Reported Across Pennsylvania During 2014 Strange encounters reported from 51 counties across the Commonwealth. From Researcher: Stan Gordon Daylight sightings of large cigar shaped objects, encounters with strange creatures such as Bigfoot, black panthers, mountain lions, and Thunderbirds (huge birds with massive wingspans) were among …

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