The Case of the Phantom Giant Bird January 1, 2013-3 PM South Greensburg, PA On the afternoon of January 1, 2013, two women and a young boy decided to take a walk through a wooded area near South Greensburg to enjoy the beautiful scenery. It was about 32 degrees and clear visibility in the area. …
Category: Thunderbird
Jan 11 2013
EERIE UFO Conference-May 4, 2013
Oct 16 2012
Mysterious incidents Continue to be reported in Westmoreland County and Statewide
Mysterious incidents Continue to be reported in Westmoreland County and Statewide This year has been very active with UFO sightings and strange creature encounters. I have interviewed witnesses who experienced some truly strange experiences, some of which were life changing. People have reported close range and low level observations of what appeared to be aerial …
Jul 12 2012
Giant Bird On Roadway
April or May, 2012 Leechburg, PA Giant Bird on Roadway-Early Spring 2012-Leechburg, PA During the late morning the witness was driving on Route 356 onto Armstrong Road in Leechburg. The weather was partly cloudy. As she traveled down the road she noticed ahead what appeared to be a very large bird on the road, …
Jun 27 2012
Thunderbirds, Bigfoot and the Current Outburst of Extreme High Strangeness
Hosted at Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland Part of Unknown Country™
Apr 04 2012
Giant bird observed over the Mon River
February 19, 2012 Monessen, Westmoreland County, PA Two people riding in a car were traveling on Route 906 towards Monessen along the Monongahela River. It was late afternoon when they saw what they thought was a small aircraft about 1,000 feet up in the sky moving at an odd angle. They were startled when the …
Jan 20 2012
Giant bird-like creature near Factoryville, PA
October 31, 2011 Wyoming County This is the report as provided by Dan, the witness: I was driving on RT 11 in Factoryville, PA today around 2:45 pm. It was sunny out almost 50 degrees (41.56951, -75.79923) heading west , I looked to the south west in the sky, about 1/2 to 3/4 of a …