December 24, 2011 Lawrence County I received a report that a large green object was observed during the early evening from the New Castle area. The witness described seeing a large green disc shaped object moving very fast in the sky. The witness felt that what he saw was not a meteor due to its …
Category: UFO
unidentified flying objects
Jan 20 2012
Two rows of orange lights over Fayette County
December 20, 2011 While driving during the early evening, two people observed a series of odd orange lights in the sky. They stopped their vehicle and got out for a better view. Moving across the sky from Uniontown towards Connellsville, were two rows of orange balls, totaling about 15-20 in number.
Jan 20 2012
Formations of luminous lights over eastern Pennsylvania
November 25, 2011 Montgomery County There were numerous reports of luminous lights moving slowly across the early evening sky in Montgomery County. About 7 pm, one UFO sighting was reported near Trooper, PA and was submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center. In that report, 12 round orange objects were observed crossing the sky from …
Jan 20 2012
Cigar shaped object with windows
November 19, 2011 McKeesport, Allegheny County Two people in a car driving in McKeesport observed a cigar shaped object at about 11:15 am. The object which was moving towards to northeast appeared to be metallic and silver in color. There were no apparent wings, lights, or any identification markings visible. One witness saw what he …