Brilliant Colorful Meteor Reported Over Westmoreland County Pennsylvania and Elsewhere-June 7, 2020.

Brilliant Colorful Meteor Reported Over Westmoreland County Pennsylvania and Elsewhere-June 7, 2020.

There were apparently numerous reports around Westmoreland County, the Pittsburgh area, and from other states last night reporting what is believed to have been a brilliant meteor crossing the sky last night.  The observations occurred around 9:45 PM local. One report from an observer in the Latrobe area told me that what he saw looked like a very bright tear drop shaped object that was a turquoise green color. The object appeared to be moving toward the west and looked as though it was dropping in altitude.

So far I have not seen any data suggesting reentering space debris for this date and time. While no major meteor shower was expected during this time period, a sporadic meteor event can happen at any time. The American Meteor Society- ( reported numerous sightings from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, West Virginia, and other states for this event.

 I am interested in hearing from anyone who saw the meteor in the Greater Pittsburgh area. You can contact me at 724-838-7768 or via email at You can also report UFO sightings and other strange incidents as well.

Over the last few months some UFO sightings have been reported that are interesting and not so easily explained.

Stan Gordon

Pennsylvanians Still Experiencing Mysterious Encounters During 2020

Pennsylvanians Still Experiencing Mysterious Encounters During 2020

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

My phone line has continued to be active with calls from the public reporting UFO sightings and other unusual incidents during the 2020 year. Some UFO sightings, however, were explained as misidentifications of Starlink satellite processions passing over the area, and as the bright planet Venus in the evening sky. There were some sightings that were weather related.  Some of the cases, however, were more interesting.

I received reports about such things as strange animal sounds in rural areas to mystery booms shaking homes. There were sightings of strange objects in the sky, unusual footprints and odd animal reactions. I talked to witnesses who reported seeing strange creatures such as possible Thunderbirds, and Black Panthers. I also received information concerning possible Bigfoot and other cryptid encounters.

Here is a synopsis of some of the interesting cases that have come to my attention.

January, 2020- A witness reported seeing what looked like two aircraft very close together in the sky, or possibly just one very large object toward the Latrobe area. Around the same time, there were reports of a loud boom in that area.

January, 2020- A motorist driving on Route 79 northbound near the Lone Pine exit in Washington County observed a gray triangular object below the clouds. There was a very bright blue-white single light on what seemed to be the front of the object. The object looked somewhat similar to a stealth bomber. The witness slowed down to watch the object, which suddenly seemed to vanish and was not seen again.

February, 2020- Dan Hageman, Director of the (BORU) Butler Organization For Research of the Unexplained, reported that he had been receiving a number of sightings concerning cylindrical and egg shaped objects being seen in the Butler area. One case involved a cylindrical object moving at a fast speed across the sky that came to a complete stop in a split second. A witness watched as a sphere emerged from the cylinder shape. Both objects then moved off in different directions across the sky. I have been receiving information concerning cigar, triangular, spherical, and rectangular objects being seen from various locations in Pennsylvania.

February 2020- Indiana County-A bright sphere of light surrounded by four smaller lights was observed in the sky. After a few minutes, the objects were gone.

March, 2020- In the last few years, I have been reporting on some unusual reports that have taken place in Westmoreland County as well as other locations in the state. These incidents concern encounters with a tall hairless very skinny humanoid creature that various witnesses swear they have seen. I have interviewed some credible people who observed  this strange creature at very close range. Lon Strickler recently interviewed a camper who gives a detailed account of his strange experience with a similar being in Allegheny County.

March, 2020- During March there were reports near Jeanette and Greensburg of an extremely large dark bird (Thunderbird) observed over the area. One man told me that he was driving only a few blocks away from downtown Greensburg one afternoon when suddenly, the shadow of a huge bird moved over the front of his vehicle. The driver said another motorist pulled up next to him and asked him if he had seen the bird moving overhead.

March, 2020- At a rural location in the Laurel Highlands during the afternoon, a man walked into a building where the door had been left open. Suddenly, a large dark animal ran past him only 10 feet away. The body of the animal was estimated to be about 3 to 3 ½ feet in length and was jet black in color. The witness was able to provide a detailed description of the animal and what took place. He was certain that what he saw was a black panther. When people talk of such creatures, they are generally referring to a jaguar or leopard, which are not common to this part of the world. There has been a long history of sightings of such out of place animals throughout this area of Pennsylvania and many other locations as well.

March, 2020- Cryptozoologist Ron Murphy and his children decided to take an afternoon walk. They were roaming through rural Derry Township when Ron and his daughter Willow, noticed a series of odd looking footprints on the wet ground.  The tracks were estimated to be about 8-10 inches long and approximately 3-4 inches wide. The stride was less than 3 feet in length. One track showed some indication of toes, but another track showed what appeared to be clear impressions of 3 toes. Both right and left tracks were evident. This area is in the vicinity of the Chestnut Ridge where this is a long history of many strange encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot, and various cryptids.

April, 2020- An experienced weather observer and photographer was taking photos while a heavy thunderstorm was in the Cambria County area. When he was checking over his pictures, there was a very strange image of elongated white objects that appear over the Laurel Ridge. The man is familiar with camera and weather anomalies and had never seen anything like this before.

May, 2020-About sunset near Williamsport, a group of people, observed two objects in the northeast that appeared to rise up from the ground about 30 seconds apart from 2 different locations. The first object was very large in the sky with a bright orange glow and no sound. The light suddenly went out and they saw what looked like the body of an aircraft like a stealth bomber that was jet black in color. The first object moved off at a steady speed across the sky toward the west and was lost from sight. The second object soon did the same and was lost from sight in about a minute.

If you have seen or experienced anything unusual in Pennsylvania, please email me at: or call me at 724-838-7768. Visit my website at:










The 2020 Kecksburg (PA) UFO Festival Is Cancelled Until 2021

The 2020 Kecksburg (PA) UFO Festival Is Cancelled Until 2021

I have been notified by Ron Struble, Chairman of the Kecksburg UFO Committee at the Kecksburg V.F.D. that they have made the decision to cancel the 2020 UFO Festival that was scheduled for July 24-26, 2020. This was of course due to the Coronavirus that has been active in this area and elsewhere.

The annual Kecksburg UFO Festival has become a very popular local and national event and visitors from throughout the country have been attending in recent years. The Kecksburg V.F.D. is looking forward to hosting the UFO Festival July 23-25, 2021.

Please pass this information onto other interested people and stay safe and healthy.

Stan Gordon

Strange Footprints Found in Derry Township, PA-March 24, 2020

Strange Footprints Found in Derry Township, PA-March 24, 2020

On March 24, 2020, cryptozoologist Ron Murphy and his children decided to take an afternoon walk. They were roaming through rural Derry Township when Ron and his daughter Willow, noticed a series of odd looking footprints on the wet ground.

The tracks were estimated to be about 8-10 inches long and approximately 3-4 inches wide. The stride was less than 3 feet in length. One track showed some indication of toes, but another track showed what appeared to be clear impressions of 3 toes. Both right and left tracks were evident.


This area borders close to the base of the Chestnut Ridge that extends through this section of Westmoreland County. This mountain range extends through Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana Counties in southwestern Pennsylvania, and extends too West Virginia near Morgantown. This mountainous area has a very long history of mysterious events. Multitudes of people for years have encountered UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, and various other phenomena in this region. These strange encounters continue to be reported yearly.

In January of 2019, a series of similar small footprints were seen in the snow very close to the area where these most recent tracks were found. While I have received reports of larger five toed and three toed footprints being seen in locations around this general area, I have also had many reports of similar smaller footprints being observed as well. There were similar footprints found along the Loyalhanna Creek in 1987, and other reports since then in Derry Township.

Numerous Reports of Multiple Luminous Objects Crossing the Sky in Pennsylvania- March 5, 2020

Numerous Reports of Multiple Luminous Objects Crossing the Sky in Pennsylvania- March 5, 2020

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

This photograph of the Starklink satellites was taken over Ligonier, PA (Used with permission of the witness.)

This photograph of the Starlink satellites was taken over Ligonier, PA
(Used with permission of the witness.)

I received many phone and email reports concerning sightings of numerous luminous objects moving across the evening sky on March 5, 2020. The reports originated from various locations in Southwest Pennsylvania, the Greater Pittsburgh area and elsewhere. Most reports were consistent having occurred about 8:10 PM. local time.

Many people were outside looking at the bright planet Venus in the western sky, when their attention was drawn to a series of moving lights that would brighten and dim at times. The lights were moving quite slowly and seemed to follow the same trajectory as they moved across the sky.

The lights appeared to be almost equally apart. As observers watched, additional similar lights began to appear and followed along the same path one behind the other. Many observers believe that they saw 15 to as many as 30 of the objects that looked like a trail of lights moving across the sky.

There have been other similar such sighting more recently and I was aware of an  explanation. What the observers saw last night was the passage of a Starlink satellite procession which is a project of an American spaceflight company known as Space X. They are launching numerous smaller satellites into space to help provide less expensive internet coverage to locations where there is limited service.

When the sky conditions are clear enough, these series of satellites can be seen without the use of a telescope or binoculars.

While many such UFO sightings commonly have explanations, there have been numerous other UFO sightings being reported in the past months and weeks that are not so easily explained. If you see anything unusual please contact me at 724-838-7768 or via email: at

Large Triangular Object Suddenly Just Vanishes in Washington County, PA. January 23, 2020


Large Triangular Object Suddenly Just Vanishes in Washington County, PA.

January 23, 2020


A man traveling north on I-79 in Washington County during the early morning observed a strange object moving east to west that was below the cloud ceiling. The witness said the object appeared to be solid and triangular in appearance. The object did not display any normal navigational lighting. What caught his attention was a single very bright blue-white light which appeared on the front of the object. The motorist slowed down his speed to get a better look when it suddenly seemed to just vanish and disappear.


UFO Activity Continues To Be Reported in Pennsylvania in 2020

UFO Activity Continues To Be Reported in Pennsylvania in 2020

UFO sightings and other phenomena continued to be reported through the end of 2019. Activity began to settle down in November as the cold weather came in, however UFO sighting reports picked up again in December.

One interesting case took place during the afternoon of Nov 8, 2019. A man who was traveling on a rural road outside of Masontown observed a silver gray sphere about 2 feet in diameter on the ground and blocking the road ahead of him. The man couldn’t figure out what it was, but decided to approach the object and move it so he could continue his journey. He was about 50 feet away from the object when he opened the car door and noticed that the object was starting to fade away. It slowly began to continue to fade away and completely disappeared.

In November and December a number of triangular shaped objects were observed around the state. During the early morning hours of December 19,2019 a motorist traveling on a road between Harrison City and Level Green observed a large object that looked rectangular or triangle depending on the angle it was observed. The bottom surface was flat.It had a very large white light at the bottom with 2 red lights on the corners.


Conjunction of the planets Venus & Jupiter (Copyright Stan Gordon)

Conjunction of the planets Venus & Jupiter
(Copyright Stan Gordon)

2020 Reports

 There were a number of UFO sightings as well as cryptid and other anomalies reported to various sources including myself during January of 2020. Some of the UFO reports were explained as astronomical or meteorological in nature. There were additional reports of large triangular objects reported statewide. Near Ligonier during the early morning, an observer reported a series of dozens of bright lights in a row traveling high across the sky.

If you have seen anything unusual let me know. I can be contacted at 724-838-7768 or via email at:





























Two New Films Coming in 2020 for the UFO & Bigfoot Audience

Two New Films Coming in 2020 for the UFO & Bigfoot Audience

The Smalltown Monsters production crew recently visited Pennsylvania during their cross country trip to film the new documentary "On The Trail of UFOs".  The stopped in the local area to interview Stan about the current and past UFO encounters that he has investigated.

The Small Town Monsters production crew recently visited Pennsylvania during their cross country trip to film the new documentary “On The Trail of UFOs”. They stopped in the local area to interview Stan about the current and past UFO encounters that he has investigated.


On the Trail of UFOs – Trailer #2 “Abduction”

A new documentary from Producer Seth Breedlove of Small Town Monsters


Mountain Devil 2: The Search for Jan Klement

From Producer Ryan Cavalline of Legend Hunters Films

Stan with Ryan Cavalline at the filming in Fayette County, PA.

Stan with Ryan Cavalline at the filming in Fayette County, PA.











Coming in 2020 Mountain Devil 2 The Search For Jan Klement

Coming in 2020
Mountain Devil 2
The Search For Jan Klement

Stan being interviewed for the new film "Mountain Devil 2"

Stan being interviewed for the new film “Mountain Devil 2”


2019 An Epic Year for UFO and Cryptid Encounters in Pennsylvania

2019 An Epic Year for UFO and Cryptid Encounters in Pennsylvania

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

 The year 2019 was very active with reports of UFO sightings, Bigfoot and cryptid encounters as well as other phenomena across Pennsylvania.What was interesting was that many of these reports concerned detailed observations with some at close range and others taking place in daylight.

The 2019 year also marked 60 years of my research into the UFO phenomena and cryptozoology. Many readers will find it of interest that I have never personally seen a UFO or Bigfoot, however, I have interviewed thousands of witnesses over the years and I have seen some interesting  physical evidence while out in the field investigating such incidents.

Stan in his weather and radio communications monitoring room.

Stan in his weather and radio communications monitoring room.

My research into the UFO and Bigfoot phenomena began in 1959 when I was 10 years old. I began field investigations of these anomalies after the Kecksburg incident in 1965. I have been taking calls from the public concerning these reports since 1969. It became apparent soon after my investigations began that many of the strange observations reported could be explained with proper research. Many UFO sightings were misidentifications of natural or manmade sources. Some of the sightings were explained as bright meteors, sky lanterns, bright planets, and odd meteorological events. Some Bigfoot sightings were explained as bear, large shaggy dogs, or hunters in camouflage.

During 2019, there were reports of large triangular, cigar, spherical, and rectangular shaped objects observed from various areas such as locations in Westmoreland, Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, Armstrong, Washington and many other counties. There were reports of the “mini-UFOs” that I have been investigating since the 1960s. They are generally small in size and quite often spherical in shape. They have approached close to observers, and have entered homes and cars through open windows.

In the past, there have been annual reports of both UFOs and cryptids, and various other strange encounters from credible eyewitnesses that could not be so easily dismissed. Witnesses to these various phenomena come from all walks of life including men, women, and children. Some were educators, engineers, police officers, hunters, and pilots. They had nothing to gain by reporting these accounts, and most want no publicity.

I receive current UFO, Bigfoot, cryptid, and other anomaly reports on a regular basis via phone and email reports. I also maintain contact with many research groups and independent researchers in the field who also receive incident reports from their local areas.

The following is a synopsis of some of the interesting cases that came to my attention from across Pennsylvania during 2019:

January 2019– I received a number of reports of possible Thunderbird encounters from various locations. One report from the Mon Valley area described a huge black bird that had a bulb shape appendage on the end of its tail. The creature made slow wing flaps as it moved across the sky.

January 21, 2019- During the early morning hours a series of strange footprints were seen in the snow in Derry Township. These tracks were similar to others that have been found over the years around Derry Township near the Chestnut Ridge.

Footprint in the snow in Derry Township, PA on January 21, 2019. Photo used with permission of the witness.

Footprint in the snow in Derry Township, PA on January 21, 2019. Photo used with permission of the witness.

January 22, 2019- During the afternoon in Tioga County, witnesses observed a luminous orange sphere that maneuvered around the sky, then hovered and ascended into the sky and was gone.

January 24,2019- Near Hopwood during a heavy snow in the afternoon, a witness shoveling snow during the snow storm observed a black sphere hovering about 300 feet over some trees in the area. The object seemed to diminish in size rather then move off. The witness watched the object for about 5 minutes, and tried to take a picture, but the snow was so heavy he was unable to capture the image.

February, 2019– During the dark early morning hours on Route 130 several miles outside of Greensburg, a 7-8 feet tall, hair covered creature with long arms that hardly moved walked across the road about 50 feet in front of a car. A witness told me that the creature seemed to suddenly just appear, walk across the road and was just gone from sight. Also during February, I received several reports of mystery booms that reportedly shook homes in Westmoreland County.

February-March 2019– Reports were received from various counties in Southwest Pennsylvania of loud screams and howls from wooded areas. In one report from Butler County, residents heard coyote howls, and at the same time heard a much louder and longer howl.

February-March– More reports of odd lights in the sky, loud screams and howls, and giant bird reports.On March 19th in a suburb of Pittsburgh, a witness reported seeing a large triangular object low in the sky with three non-blinking white lights at each point, and a large red light beneath the object.

March-April 2019– Numerous reports of strange howls and screams from rural Delmont, Apollo, and other locations. In early April, a witness in rural Allegheny County reported observing  a 4-5 foot tall Bigfoot with dark hair and long swinging arms near the woods behind his home.

April 2019– Reports were circulating around Butler County that a creature described as a giant black wolf  that stood 3-4 feet tall had been attacking animals in the area. One witness told me that a large dark animal ran so fast in front of his car that it only looked like a blur.

May 2019- In a rural area near North Versailles in Allegheny County a man described to me seeing what appeared to be a small Bigfoot walk across his yard then went into a wooded area. Moments later at that exact location, a small sphere of light exited the woods and shined a beam of light from it and then vanished from sight. In Greene County odd 4 toed footprints were found in the vicinity of where a large amount of apples went missing.

June 4, 2019– A significant UFO incident occurred near the Youngstown side of the Chestnut Ridge outside of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Two people traveling through the area that evening saw something in the sky that evening that they couldn’t explain. The passenger saw it first and was confused about what she was seeing since it looked so unusual. She saw what appeared to be a glass tube cylinder among bright lights that seemed to be covered with a smoke or haze. The cylinder appeared to be attached to a large V shaped object with several rows of different colored lights.

The driver pulled over and observed a V shaped object hovering about 60 feet over the trees. The object was estimated to be about 40-50 feet long and was made up of 50 or more luminous white rectangular lights that would brighten and dim at times. Above the smaller lights were four larger round lights that were strobing and orange, blue, red, and green in color. The brightness of these colors appeared pale compared to the smaller rectangular white lights. These lights seem to strobe from left to right. There was a larger light that produced a beam that was scanning the sky above the object.

The driver lowered the windows as they continued to watch the object. The two observers were amazed that the hovering object was completely silent. As the witnesses continued to watch the object, some odd affects took place. The driver stated that it was as though “the electronic system of the car was having a seizure.” The radio was off at the time, however, they suddenly began to hear an odd clicking sound inside the vehicle but they were unable to locate the source. At the same time it was noticed that the dash lights were dimming on and off with the beat of the clicking sound. The driver also stated that soon after he was having a problem with his cell phone dropping its signal several times.

The observers watched the object for about 3 minutes but became very disturbed by the encounter and decided to leave the area and continue down the road. The passenger stated, “we were beside ourselves in awe.” They didn’t even think of trying to take a picture.

This sketch of the object was drawn by one of the witnesses.

This sketch of the object was drawn by one of the witnesses. (Used with permission of the witness.)

The object was still hovering as they began to drive down the road going about 30 miles per hour. That is when something else strange occurred. About 30 seconds after they left the location of the observation, a deer ran out from the woods in front of their car. The driver of the car is an experienced outdoorsman and said the deer looked dazed and confused. As they continued down the road more animals were exiting from the woods as though they had been frightened by the object.

Also during June, more UFO sightings continued to be reported. There were also reports of possible Bigfoot activity. A possible footprint was found near Fairchance as well as odd tree damage observed. A healthy tree about 10 feet tall had a branch that appeared to be torn, twisted and broken. No other trees in the area showed anything similar. This same type of tree damage was also observed in the last couple of years in other areas of southwest Pennsylvania where Bigfoot activity had been reported.

A possible Bigfoot track was found on the evening of June 1, 2019, not far from the campsite event. The next day while looking over the area Stan noticed some odd tree damage to a healthy tree.

A possible Bigfoot track was found on the evening of June 1, 2019 near Fairchance. The next day while looking over the area Stan noticed some odd tree damage to a healthy tree.

I also received reports from other sources that there have been more sightings of a tall, very skinny, humanoid creature with long arms. There have been a number of similar reports of this cryptid observed in southwestern sections of Pennsylvania since 2017.

Depiction of the skinny and tall humanoid creature reported since 2017 from various areas of PA. Copyright Stan Gordon

Depiction of the skinny and tall humanoid creature reported since 2017 from various areas of PA. Copyright Stan Gordon

July 2019- A motorist driving along a rural road not far from Youngwood noticed something unusual. About 15 feet away stepping out from a series of bushes, he noticed a 3-4 feet tall hairless humanoid creature. The skinny being had an oval shaped head and black eyes. As soon as his headlights illuminated that area, the creature quickly moved back into the bushes.

On a property in Fayette County where there have been ongoing UFO, Bigfoot, and paranormal  incidents for several years,witnesses reportedly saw a large Bigfoot observing two smaller Bigfoot creatures that were close by. In the Acme area, a creature described as 6 feet tall, covered with gray hair and long arms was reported on more than one occasion. In the area where the creature had been seen a strong unpleasant smell was also reported.

Bigfoot Statue at the Hertiage Festival in Wooddale, PA.

Bigfoot Statue in Fayette County. Stan Gordon Files

Beginning in July and continuing through October of 2019, I was receiving widespread reports from such areas as Ligonier, Mount Pleasant Township, and Delmont where observers at night were seeing  bright light sources high in the sky that at times hovered, performed  loops, and zig-zagged. On occasion  more than one object would join another object in the sky then would take off at a high rate of speed.

 August 15, 2019- A witness told researcher Jim Brown what he had observed near Markleysburg at around 4:30 PM. What caught his attention was what he described as a black ball about the size of a full moon that came out of the northwest and flew into a puffy white cloud. He noticed that was the only cloud in the sky at the time.  He called his wife to come out so he could tell her what he saw.  Both were on the porch looking at the cloud.

About 5 minutes later they saw two more black balls appear that came from different directions and flew into the same cloud and also never came out. His wife went into the house to get a camera and while she was gone a fourth object came out of the west and entered the cloud.  This one was larger than the other ones. It had four spikes sticking out of each side of it.  Almost as soon as it entered, the cloud turned a slightly yellow color then seemed to just “wash itself out of the sky”.

During late August in Armstrong County, a witness on a beautiful morning observed what appeared to be a solid silver oval shaped object hovering in the clear sky. The silent object, estimated to be 80 feet long, was hovering then moved off slowly. The solid object suddenly began to slowly fade from view beginning at the back end of the object and extended towards the front until it vanished from sight.

September 2019- During the early morning near Brownsville, a large cigar shaped object was observed moving slowly through the sky. The object had 8-10 lights in a row that were red and blinked on and off. The object was estimated to be about 100 feet in length. During the observation, something similar to a fluorescent tube emitted from the main object and went under it then returned back up to it. During September there were many other UFO reports. Bigfoot activity was being reported from eastern Pennsylvania.

October 2019– On the evening of October 3, 2019, a series of UFO encounters began in Cambria County near Johnstown. Witnesses near South Fork reported seeing a large metallic cigar shaped object with many bright lights moving very low above the ground. Later that evening another report came in from the Nanty Glo area. A witness reported seeing a cigar shaped object that looked metallic and was completely illuminated and very bright. The object seemed to be about 60-70 feet long and was moving through an area of fog. The object began to fade in and out and alternated from very bright to dim then just vanished from sight. Over the next week, other UFO sightings were reported from around the same area.

Near Scottdale a large elongated object with many very bright white lights moved very fast across the sky making a loud high pitched sound. There were many other UFO reports from other locations in the state. In Erie County a witness reported observing a conical bright beam of light in the sky that projected to the ground. There were several bright white flashes and a bright illumination, then suddenly it zoomed  across the sky and was gone in seconds.

November 2019– During the afternoon of Nov 8, 2019 a man traveling on a rural road outside of Masontown observed a silver gray sphere about 2 feet in diameter on the ground and blocking the road ahead of him. The man couldn’t figure out what it was, but decided to approach the object and move it so he could continue his journey. He was about 50 feet away from the object when he opened the car door and noticed that the object was starting to fade away. It slowly began to continue to fade away and completely disappeared.

December 19, 2019– A motorist driving near Harrison City during the early morning observed what appeared to be a hovering large solid object that had a huge round light on its flat bottom and two red blinking lights at each corner. That same afternoon, a report came in from Jefferson County of possibly 30 silver or translucent objects moving in a V formation across the sky. The witness was certain what was observed were not geese at the altitude the objects were moving at.

There have historically been many UFO and cryptid encounters reported in Fayette County along the Chestnut Ridge. Researcher Jim Brown has investigated several of the Fayette County incidents mentioned in this report.

The summary of the reports you have read are some of the strange incidents that were reported during 2019. A surge of UFO, and cryptid activity actually began in January of 2018 throughout Pennsylvania and continued throughout 2019. Check out my website: for more details about some of these incidents. I have also heard reports of sightings of black panthers, mountain lions, and Dogman encounters.

To report a UFO, Bigfoot, Cryptid, or other strange occurrences from Pennsylvania, you can call me at 724-838-7768 or email me at You may remain anonymous if you prefer.





What Was That Bright Light In The Sky?

What Was That Bright Light In The Sky?

The Planet Venus with the crescent Moon December 28, 2019 Stan Gordon Files

The planet Venus with the crescent Moon
December 28, 2019
(Stan Gordon Files)

December 28, 2019

It was a beautiful clear sky over Greensburg, Pennsylvania on the evening of December 28, 2019. On that evening an astronomical event took place, when bright planet Venus was close to the crescent Moon.

Over the years Venus has been responsible for many UFO reports on very clear and cold nights. The atmospheric conditions will at times make the planet look like it is moving up and down or to suddenly appear and disappear. So this UFO commonly turns out to be an IFO.

Happy New Year to all!
