Small Sphere On the Ground Blocks Motorist-November 8, 2019-Fayette County, PA

Small Sphere On the Ground Blocks Motorist-November 8, 2019-Fayette County, PA

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Graphic depiction of a small spherical object based on eyewitness accounts. 2019 Copyright: Stan Gordon

Graphic depiction of a small spherical object based on eyewitness accounts.
2019 Copyright: Stan Gordon

When people talk about UFO descriptions, they commonly refer to the classic discs, as well as triangular, cigar, and in more recent years, the rectangular shaped objects that continue to be reported. What I also find fascinating are the ongoing encounters with what I have been calling mini-UFOs for many years. I began to investigate these encounters in the late 1960s and these incidents have continued to be reported even recently.

These objects are generally spherical in shape, however there have been elongated and other configurations reported. They are commonly only a few inches to about a foot or two in size. Some are only light sources while others appeared to be transparent or solid or metallic in appearance. Another strange association with these reports that is not commonly known is that there have been cases where a Bigfoot was observed in association with similar small luminous spheres. An incident of this nature occurred near Pittsburgh in May of 2019.

Most interestingly, these objects quite often have approached close to human observers as well near homes and moving vehicles. There have been reports of these smaller objects hovering in front of the windows of these dwellings and even bumping into the windows at times. There have been cases where these objects have entered homes and vehicles through opened windows then moved around the inside before exiting out an open window or other area and were then gone from sight.

More recently, one of my research associates, Jim Brown from Fayette County, PA ( received an interesting account of a small sphere that was on the ground and blocking a roadway during the mid-afternoon that day. Here is Jim’s report:

Nov 8, 2019 – Object In the Road

About 4:30 PM I received a call from a nearby witness who is aware I investigate unusual events. A transcript of his narrative follows:

“I was coming home from Masontown on the Bowood Road. As I went over the top of a rise, I saw this ball in the road just sitting there. It was about 2 feet across and was blocking the road. I couldn’t get around it so I stopped

.I sat there for a minute then decided to get out and move it so I could continue home. I even thought about taking it home as a oddity. But when I opened the car door it started to just fade away. Not quick. It took a few seconds to vanish. But then it disappeared. It never moved, just faded away. I closed the door and wondered, what the hell was that? After that I just went on home, nothing else to say.”

I asked a few questions and got some additional information. He said the object was silvery gray in color..  No details, just a sphere about 2 feet in diameter.  He could not recall if there was a shadow under it. (Weather was mostly cloudy but still should have caused a darkening under the object.)  He stopped about 50 feet away from the object.  Beyond that he had no other details to report.   No physical evidence was seen or obtained.   A few leading questions provided no additional reliable information. Limited data, no other witnesses present.







54 Years Ago Today-The Kecksburg, PA UFO Incident-December 9, 1965

54 Years Ago Today-The Kecksburg, PA UFO Incident-December 9, 1965

Will We Ever Learn The TRUTH? 

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

night view of the mockup of the Kecksburg UFO at the Kecksburg V.F.D. grounds.

Night view of the mockup of the Kecksburg UFO at the Kecksburg V.F.D. grounds.

(2019 Copyright Stan Gordon)

During the past 54 years since this event took place, I tracked down hundreds of people who had information on the Kecksburg UFO incident. I have continued to receive information that various people took photographs of the metallic acorn shaped object either on the ground, or on the back of a military flatbed tractor trailer truck that was hauling it out of the area that evening. Over many years I talked with independent sources who say they saw the black and white pictures. None of these pictures have ever surfaced. Those pictures could provide information that could help to solve this mystery.

Even in recent years, a number of elderly local residents have approached me and told me about the night they will never forget as a youngster or teen when they went to the Kecksburg area that day in 1965 and observed the military and other authorities controlling the large crowds around the area where the object had reportedly fallen.

There were many details that witnesses provided to me in the past that actually took years to confirm from various other independent eyewitnesses who didn’t know each other. One factor that I found of interest was that there were actually two separate military flatbed tractor trailer trucks near the impact location that evening among the other military vehicles on the scene.

Whatever that object was that made changes in direction along its path and dropped slowly from the sky without parachutes into the nearby woods still remains a mystery. If you have any pictures or know where they might be located, or if you have information about the incident please contact me at or call me at 724-838-7768. You can remain anonymous if you choose.

For more information on this incident read this article by investigative journalist Leslie Kean


Many individuals who were at Kecksburg  that day in 1965 went to their graves not knowing what really brought the military to that community. After 54 years doesn’t the public deserve the right to know the truth?

Rainbow-Like Phenomena Over Wooddale, Fayette County, Pennsylvania-October 19, 2019

Rainbow-Like Phenomena Over Wooddale, Fayette County, Pennsylvania-October 19, 2019

Rainbow-Like Phenomena  Wooddale, PA  October 19, 2019 (Copyright 2019 Stan Gordon)

Rainbow-Like Phenomena Wooddale, PA
October 19, 2019
(Copyright 2019 Stan Gordon)

I was invited to appear at the 2019 Bullskin Township Heritage Days event on October 19-20, 2019. Many locals stopped by my display table and shared their accounts of seeing UFOs, Bigfoot, and even Thunderbirds. Some of the UFO sightings have occurred in recent weeks and confirm other reports that I have been receiving from other sources.

The Heritage Days event is located in Wooddale near the edge of the Chestnut Ridge which has a long history of mysterious encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, and other phenomena. About 4:30 PM this afternoon, people at the event began pointing to the sky and yelling for people to look up. It was a beautiful afternoon and there were broken clouds in the sky and many contrails from passing aircraft . What everyone was seeing looked like a very colorful upside rainbow. It was a sight to see and many were baffled as to how a rainbow would appear in these clear sky conditions.

This was actually a weather phenomena and in the meteorology field this is known as a circumzenithal arc. So what was seen was technically not a rainbow at all. The strange observation is created by ice crystals high in the atmosphere.

Bigfoot Statue at the Hertiage Festival in Wooddale, PA.

Bigfoot Statue at the Bullskin Heritage Days event in Wooddale, PA.

The area around Fayette County is also well known for many Bigfoot sightings. Southwestern Pennsylvania has seen a surge of Bigfoot encounters during 2018 and 2019. If you attend The Bullskin Township Heritage Days event tomorrow keep your camera loaded since Bigfoot might be in the area. Please stop by my display table and say hello.

Mount Vernon Furnace Grounds
484 Park Road,
Wooddale PA


Smalltown Monsters Production Crew filming in Pennsylvania for the new documentary “On The Trail of UFOs”


Smalltown Monsters Production Crew filming in Pennsylvania for the new documentary:

“On The Trail of UFOs”

The Smalltown Monsters production crew recently visited Pennsylvania during their cross country trip to film the new documentary "On The Trail of UFOs". The stopped in the local area to interview Stan about the current and past UFO encounters that he has investigated.

The Smalltown Monsters production crew recently visited Pennsylvania during their cross country trip to film the new documentary “On The Trail of UFOs”. They stopped in the local area to interview Stan about the current and past UFO encounters that he has investigated.

Large Object observed at low Level in Cambria County, Pennsylvania-October 3, 2019

Large Object observed at low Level in Cambria County, Pennsylvania-October 3, 2019

The surge of UFO reports that has been ongoing for months is still actively occurring here in Pennsylvania. I am receiving information from independent sources that apparently multiple witnesses observed a very large illuminated object outside of Johnstown in Cambria County on Thursday evening.  The cases are being investigated and more details will follow. If you have seen anything unusual recently, or have any information on this incident, please contact Stan at 724-838-7768 or


Four Black Spheres Enter Unusual Cloud in Fayette County, PA. (August 15, 2019)

Four Black Spheres Enter Unusual Cloud in Fayette County, PA. (August 15, 2019)


Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania

Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania

(The following report was submitted by PA Paranormal Researcher Jim Brown. Jim’s website is This daylight UFO incident is among numerous other UFO reports that have been reported in past weeks and months in Pennsylvania. The sighting occurred east of the Chestnut Ridge.)

Stan Gordon


Date: 08-15-2019

Time: About 4:30 PM

Location: Near Markleysburg, PA (Fayette County, PA)

Witness name:  (Withheld but on file)

Weather conditions:  Cloudy earlier but clear at the time.  Temperature in the 70s.

I was contacted via my website on 8-18-2019 and asked to call the Witness, regarding a strange thing he saw in the sky earlier in the week. The following narrative is based on this conversation which took place on 8-21-2019.

The witness stated he had just gone outside for a break after doing some work in his basement.  He had noticed how clear the sky was after earlier having a thundershower.  What caught his attention was what he described as a black ball about the size of a full moon that came out of the northwest and flew into a puffy white cloud. He noticed that was the only cloud in the sky at the time.  The total time the ball was seen was only a couple seconds.

He called his wife to come out so he could tell her what he saw.  Both were on the porch looking at the cloud.  About 5 minutes later two more black balls appeared.  One came out of the east, the other slightly south of east.  About 2 seconds passed between their appearances. They also flew into the cloud and disappeared.  Both witnesses saw these two objects. Both objects moved about the same speed as the first one.

His wife went into the house to get a camera in case more appeared. While she was gone just a few seconds, a fourth object came out of the west and entered the cloud.  This one was larger than the other ones. It also had four spikes sticking out of each side of it.  These seemed to expand and shrink, possibly because the ball was rotating as it flew. Like the others it went into the cloud.  Almost as soon as it entered, the cloud turned a slightly yellow color then seemed to just “wash itself out of the sky”.

His wife had returned with the camera, but by the time she got there all that was left of the cloud was what looked like rain coming down below it.  The rain seemed to evaporate before it reached the ground;.  There was no sign of any of the black objects. He attempted to take a picture but all that was apparent was the tree line and blue sky.

He watched the sky for some time but saw nothing more.  Some clouds appeared after a while, but these were just normal cumulus clouds forming over the mountains as is common this time of day. No other effects were noted, no sounds or other abnormal weather conditions.  Later that night there was another rain shower.


Western Pennsylvania Conference On The Unexplained-Nov. 9-10-2019

Western Pennsylvania Conference On The Unexplained-Greensburg, PA.

November 9-10, 2019
Ramada Greensburg Hotel & Conference Center , Greensburg, PA.

Children under 12 FREE and FREE parking.



Low Level UFO Encounter with Strange Electronic and Animal Affects Reported near the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania

Low Level UFO Encounter with Strange Electronic and Animal Affects Reported near the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania

June 4, 2019-Youngstown, PA (Latrobe area)

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

On the evening of June 4, 2019 two people were traveling near the Youngstown side of the Chestnut Ridge not far from Latrobe in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The sky was clear with good visibility. The passenger in the car suddenly yelled out, “What are those lights”? The driver was watching the road and didn’t notice them until they were pointed out.

The passenger was confused about what she was seeing since it looked so unusual. She saw what appeared to be a glass tube cylinder among bright lights that seemed to be covered with a smoke or haze. The cylinder appeared to be attached to a large V shaped object with several rows of different colored lights.

This sketch of the object was drawn by one of the witnesses.

This sketch of the object was drawn by one of the witnesses.

The driver pulled the car over and stopped the vehicle so he could view what the other person was watching. The man said he was amazed when he looked up and noticed the odd sight in the sky approximately 80-100 yards away from the vehicle. Hovering about 60 feet over the trees was a very strange looking object in the shape of a V. The V shape was made up of numerous small rectangular shaped white lights. These lights were glowing but would brighten and dim at times. The driver estimated that there could have been 50 or more lights. The object was estimated to be about 40-50 feet long.

Above the smaller lights were four larger round lights that were strobing and orange, blue, red, and green in color. The brightness of these colors appeared pale compared to the smaller rectangular white lights. These lights seem to strobe from left to right. There was a larger light that produced a beam that was scanning the sky above the object.

The driver lowered the windows as they continued to watch the object. The two observers were amazed that the hovering object was completely silent. As the witnesses continued to watch the object, some odd affects took place. The driver stated that it was as though “the electronic system of the car was having a seizure.” The radio was off at the time, however they suddenly began to hear an odd clicking sound inside the vehicle but they were unable to locate the source. At the same time it was noticed that the dash lights were dimming on and off with the beat of the clicking sound. The driver also stated that soon after he was having a problem with his cell phone dropping the signal several times.

The observers watched the object for about 3 minutes but became very disturbed by the encounter and decided to leave the area and continue down the road. The passenger stated,  “we were beside ourselves in awe.” They didn’t even think of trying to take a picture.

The object was still hovering as they began to drive down the road going about 30 miles per hour. That is when something else strange occurred. About 30 seconds after they left the location of the observation, a deer ran out from the woods in front of their car. The driver of the car is an experienced outdoorsman and said the deer looked dazed and confused. It was moments later that another deer did the same thing. Then just a short distance down the road a bird hit the car windshield and continued on. As they continued for another short distance an even stranger animal encounter took place.

The driver, who is very familiar with the native animals around the area, saw a creature that startled him. He said this creature stopped about 7 feet in front of his vehicle. This creature was directly in his headlights and he got a good look at it. He knew what it was but the animal has been declared extirpated in Pennsylvania for many years.

He is certain he saw a “wolverine.” The animal looked directly at the vehicle and was about 4 feet long from tail to snout. It had light brown hair with dark spots with tuffs of tan and white hair. It had its mouth open and showed its teeth before running off. Its body was thicker than the fishers that have been seen around this area. The witness said he was dumfounded. As they continued on, more deer quickly exited the woods.

The driver commented, “all of these animals seemed confused and frightened. They were all crossing the road as to evade something that had scared them. I was in a state of amazement at what we encountered. I’ll never forget that strange night.”

Photo of a section of the Chestnut Ridge in the area near where the object was observed.

Photo of a section of the Chestnut Ridge near where the object was observed.


In recent weeks, the national news media has been giving some serious attention to the UFO phenomena and focusing on observations made by our Navy pilots. I set up my UFO Hotline in 1969 to report sightings in the Keystone state and my phone never stops ringing with current and past observations. When I began in the field investigations of UFOs and other phenomena in 1965, it became apparent that many UFO sightings could be explained as natural or manmade in origin. However every year, I receive UFO reports from across Pennsylvania that are not so easily explained away.

During my nearly 60 years of research I have investigated multitudes of low level UFO incidents where large structured objects were observed at very close range. Many of these incidents occurred in daylight and were observed by more than one witness. These detailed close range UFO encounters have continued to occur in more recent years. During the last year and continuing into 2019, I have continued to receive reports of unusual aerial objects that are not easily dismissed.

The sighting that I have detailed occurred along the Chestnut Ridge. This area has a long history of mysterious encounters. There are commonly annual reports of UFOs, Bigfoot, and other anomalies reported through the Chestnut Ridge area of Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana counties in Pennsylvania. If you have any Pennsylvania UFO or Bigfoot incidents you would like to discuss I can also be contacted at:

UFO Hovers Over Chestnut Ridge Outside of Latrobe, PA-June 4, 2019

Photo of a section of the Chestnut Ridge outside of Latrobe, PA Copyright 2012 Stan Gordon

Photo of a section of the Chestnut Ridge outside of Latrobe, PA  Stan Gordon

On the evening of June 4, 2019, two people driving on a rural road near the Chestnut Ridge several miles from Latrobe, reported a detailed observation of a large structured object hovering low over some trees. The incident involves some possible electromagnetic effects and strange animal reactions as well. I am still gathering more details on the case and I will be providing an updated report.

If you have any information on this incident please let me know.

UFO-Bigfoot- Cryptid Encounters Continue to be Reported in Pennsylvania During 2019

          UFO-Bigfoot- Cryptid Encounters Continue to be Reported in Pennsylvania During 2019  

          The surge of UFO & Cryptid Encounters in PA during 2018 has continued into 2019.  This is a listing of some of the cases that have come to my attention.

Footprint in the snow in Derry Township, PA on January 21, 2019.  Photo used with permission of the witness.

Footprint in the snow in Derry Township, PA on January 21, 2019.
Photo used with permission of the witness.

01-19-19-Derry Township-Footprints in snow suddenly appear across yard.

01-22-19-Wellsboro, PA (Tioga County) 4:23 PM 2 people observe orange luminous ball about 3,000 feet in sky. Object moved, hovered and ascended into sky.

01-24-19- Hopwood, PA Fayette County-via Jim Brown-There was a very heavy snow at the time. A man was cleaning snow when he saw a black sphere hovering about 300 feet above trees. He watched for 5 minutes. The object seemed to diminish in size rather than moving away. He tried to take pictures but snow was so heavy he couldn’t capture it.

01-25-19-Between 1-1:30 PM in Belle Vernon in parking lot at a local business. Two people observed a huge black bird with football shaped (bulb like area) at end of tail. The creature flapped it’s wings slowly.

02-09-19-Rt 130-Several miles outside of Greensburg. At about 5:30 AM- A Bigfoot about 7-8 feet tall with dark brown hair and long arms barely moving ,suddenly appeared about 50 feet in front of a car. The creature moved across the road then seemed to suddenly vanish.

02-17-19-UFO seen by numerous people in Cranberry, PA. 4 or 5 white lights moving up and down in sky.

2-22-19-Mars, PA. Witness heard coyotes howling however a louder and longer howl heard at the same time.

2-25-19-Carrol Township (Washington County, PA) near Mon-Valley-Looking out window woman saw huge bird on neighbors home. 3 ft tall, with very large wingspan. Swooped down and shredded rabbit.

03-19-19-Plum Boro-8:30 PM-Man taking out garbage looked up and saw triangular object low in the sky making very faint air vent rushing sound. “like a pizza slice in the sky.” 3 non-blinking white lights at each point and one larger red light bottom, that alternated from brighter to dimmer. Moved off within a minute toward Springdale.

4-19-19-Reports of a giant black wolf-like creature that stands 3-4 feet tall  in Butler County. Supposedly started around March 2nd and a recent report as of 4-18-19. Dark figure moved in front of car so fast like a blur.

05-01-19-(Early May, 2019)-Allegheny/Westmoreland County border-1 AM a witness looking out window sees dark hair covered 4 ½ to 5 feet tall Bigfoot walk through yard into woods. Seconds later, a small sphere of light exits woods then shines beam and it vanishes.

05-15-19-Greene Co. (Sycamore) In the yard were 5 large full paper bags of apples. Next morning one of the bags was neatly opened and was completely empty of the apples. Apples lying around were eaten including the core. Next to the bags was a clear right and left footprint about 8-9 inches long that appeared 4 toed. It was raining and witness went into house to find camera and when she returned tracks were washed out.

06-01-During the evening about 400 feet from Benner’s Meadow Run campground where the Bigfoot Camping Adventure event was held, some  visitor’s were walking around the heavily wooded area. A young girl saw what appeared to be a footprint. Her father took a picture of it and made a cast.

Possible Track found near the event campsite

Possible Track found near the event campsite. Photo used with permission of the witness

06-02-19-About 8:30 AM I arrived at the campsite and was told about the possible footprint being located the evening before. My friend Tom and I followed a group of people to look around that location. On the way up I was studying the thick wooded area and noticed one tree about 10 feet or more off the ground that was healthy and had one branch that appeared to be  torn, twisted and broken. No other damage to trees in the area. Some other researchers went deeper into woods and found trees with bent branches. This is similar to other tree damage that has been showing up in other areas where Bigfoot activity has been reported.


The heavily wooded areas around Farmington, PA. Many Bigfoot encounters have been reported from throughout Fayette County in past years.

Copyright Stan Gordon