Small Sphere On the Ground Blocks Motorist-November 8, 2019-Fayette County, PA
From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Graphic depiction of a small spherical object based on eyewitness accounts.
2019 Copyright: Stan Gordon
When people talk about UFO descriptions, they commonly refer to the classic discs, as well as triangular, cigar, and in more recent years, the rectangular shaped objects that continue to be reported. What I also find fascinating are the ongoing encounters with what I have been calling mini-UFOs for many years. I began to investigate these encounters in the late 1960s and these incidents have continued to be reported even recently.
These objects are generally spherical in shape, however there have been elongated and other configurations reported. They are commonly only a few inches to about a foot or two in size. Some are only light sources while others appeared to be transparent or solid or metallic in appearance. Another strange association with these reports that is not commonly known is that there have been cases where a Bigfoot was observed in association with similar small luminous spheres. An incident of this nature occurred near Pittsburgh in May of 2019.
Most interestingly, these objects quite often have approached close to human observers as well near homes and moving vehicles. There have been reports of these smaller objects hovering in front of the windows of these dwellings and even bumping into the windows at times. There have been cases where these objects have entered homes and vehicles through opened windows then moved around the inside before exiting out an open window or other area and were then gone from sight.
More recently, one of my research associates, Jim Brown from Fayette County, PA ( received an interesting account of a small sphere that was on the ground and blocking a roadway during the mid-afternoon that day. Here is Jim’s report:
Nov 8, 2019 – Object In the Road
About 4:30 PM I received a call from a nearby witness who is aware I investigate unusual events. A transcript of his narrative follows:
“I was coming home from Masontown on the Bowood Road. As I went over the top of a rise, I saw this ball in the road just sitting there. It was about 2 feet across and was blocking the road. I couldn’t get around it so I stopped
.I sat there for a minute then decided to get out and move it so I could continue home. I even thought about taking it home as a oddity. But when I opened the car door it started to just fade away. Not quick. It took a few seconds to vanish. But then it disappeared. It never moved, just faded away. I closed the door and wondered, what the hell was that? After that I just went on home, nothing else to say.”
I asked a few questions and got some additional information. He said the object was silvery gray in color.. No details, just a sphere about 2 feet in diameter. He could not recall if there was a shadow under it. (Weather was mostly cloudy but still should have caused a darkening under the object.) He stopped about 50 feet away from the object. Beyond that he had no other details to report. No physical evidence was seen or obtained. A few leading questions provided no additional reliable information. Limited data, no other witnesses present.