Photo of some of the Cast and Crew of ” A Wish For Giants” with Stan at the Levity Bigfoot Festival

 Photo of some of the Cast and Crew of ” A Wish For Giants” with Stan at the Levity Bigfoot Festival


The 2nd Annual Knock & Howl Bigfoot Festival was held at the Levity Brewing Company on August 26, 2017, in Indiana, PA. There was a great crowd and the audience was very interested in the Bigfoot subject. Indiana County has a long history of Bigfoot encounters. Some members of the cast and crew of the upcoming movie “A Wish for Giants” took a group photo at the event. The film will be released in February of 2018.

Huge Fireball Reported Over Pennsylvania-August 25, 2017

Huge Fireball Reported Over Pennsylvania-August 25, 2017

What appears to have been an extra bright fireball meteor (bolide) was reported from Westmoreland County, Pa on August 25, 2017 at about 9:12 PM. There were apparently many residents that observed the object from communities from across the county. The object was observed moving from the southeast to northwest and described as bright white-orange fireball with a long blue-green trail. No sound was reported from those I talked with and the object was observed for about 5 seconds.

The American Meteor Society is reporting widespread sightings of the object from 10 states. They also have reports from the counties of Allegheny, Westmoreland, Indiana, and Fayette and from many other parts of the state. If you saw the fireball from the Greater Pittsburgh area, please let me know what you observed and from what location. I can be contacted at or 724-838-7768.

January 10, 2017- Flying Humanoid Reported in Kentucky/Ohio Area

January 10, 2017- Flying Humanoid Reported in Kentucky/Ohio Area

Lon Strickler at the Phantoms & Monsters website, has been keeping the public updated on the recent wave of winged humanoid sightings around Chicago. While I focus on the ongoing anomalies in Pennsylvania, I commonly receive other crypitd reports from across the country. Earlier this year I interviewed a witness who had a strange encounter in the Kentucky/Ohio area.

The witness was driving east bound on Route 52 on a desolate area of road, about a ¼ mile from the Ohio River. It is my understanding this took place around the Ohio/Kentucky border in the vicinity of Ashland, Kentucky.

That evening there was a cold, misty rain occurring with few cars on the road. Suddenly only about 35-40 feet off the ground, the driver observed a silhouette in the approaching traffic lights and then from the headlights of his vehicle what appeared to be a large humanoid creature with huge wingspan. The witness described the humanoid body as about 5 to 5½ feet long. The skin color was dark tan, not black or brown. The wings of the creature were estimated to have a wingspan of 12-15 feet and no feathers were observed on the body only what appeared to be skin.

The witness only observed the creature for several seconds as it approached him and passed overhead. The man stated that he never saw the wings flap, and that the wings were spread out. He did notice that the joints of the wings were very pronounced, that the legs were held together and held back, and that the arms were held along the side of the body and extended to around the thighs. The witness heard no sound during the few seconds that he observed the winged creature.


Mystery Oversized Moth-like Creature Reported in Pennsylvania

Mystery Oversized Moth-like Creature Reported in Pennsylvania

From Stan Gordon

sketch used with permission of the observers

sketch used with permission of the observers

During 2017, there have been a variety of cryptid reports from across Pennsylvania. Among those incidents that have reportedly occurred were encounters with Bigfoot, black panthers, thunderbirds, and other odd creatures.

The areas around the Allegheny National Forest located in the Northwestern part of Pennsylvania, has had a long history of reports of UFOs, Bigfoot, and other mysterious events. On July 8, 2017, a couple who lives near the forest area encountered something that has them baffled. It was about 9 a.m. that day when the wife went outside to the deck located on the back of their country home. On a post the woman noticed what looked to be an oversized moth that was resting on a 6×6 vertical post.

The moth looked to be about 11 inches long and about 5½ inches wide in the area that was described as the shoulders. The overall shape gave the impression of looking like an hour glass figure. They also noticed that there were either two antennas or pointed ears located around the top of the head area that appeared to be about one inch in length. The head appeared to be tucked inside the body while it was resting. The observers estimated that the wingspan would have been around 15 inches when open.

The wife called her husband out to also observer the creature. The wife thought that the creature was beautiful, and that the color was a pale green iridescent on the outer part of the wings and a cream color skin texture in the middle. The man said he was amazed at what he saw and had never seen anything like it before. They said the best way to described it was “like an overgrown moth.”

They continued to watch the winged creature that appeared to be sleeping. His wife then touched the creature which she said felt smooth. The wings actually felt skin-like, not like feathers or fuzz. The witnesses could not see through the wings. The creature did not move when touched. The woman also noticed that there was no powdery material on her hands that you generally get from coming in contact with the wings of a moth.

The couple had to leave the house for a while. Before they left however his wife went into the house to get a camera to take a picture of the strange winged visitor. The woman stood about a foot away from the creature and turned on the power switch but the camera would not turn on. The camera had always worked well so they replaced the batteries. The camera still it would not turn on. The next day they tried the camera again and it powered up as normal and worked fine.

When the couple was walking to their car they noticed a second similar winged creature resting on the outside wall of their home about 10 feet off the ground. When they returned home a while later, both of the creatures had gone.

The couple has provided a sketch of what they saw. The sketch shows back of the wings and the red area behind it is the 6×6 vertical post that the creature was resting on vertically.

Addendum: It may just be a coincidence that the camera malfunctioned when the woman attempted to photograph the odd looking winged creature. Many years ago I began to notice some cases where photographic equipment malfunctioned when a person attempted to take a picture of a UFO or other phenomena. In more recent years this has been reported in some significant UFO encounters in the state. This phenomena has also been reported by others involved in various paranormal research as well.










A Wish For Giants- Movie Trailer To Premier at the 5th Annual Strange Encounters of Pennsylvania Conference

A Wish For Giants- Movie Trailer To Premier at the 5th Annual Strange Encounters of Pennsylvania Conference in Johnstown, PA.

Announcing The Premiere Showing of the trailer for the Upcoming Film- A Wish For Giants

A family oriented movie that was filmed in Pennsylvania. The story is based on the novel by Kittanning author Aaron Dunbar, about a young girl with a life threatening illness. Her special wish is to find Bigfoot. Stan will have a small role in the film. The trailer will be shown during the 5th Annual Strange Encounters of Pennsylvania conference on August 5, 2017 in Johnstown, PA. Author and Producer Aaron Dunbar will be attending the event.

Where: 5th Annual Strange Encounters of Pennsylvania Conference

August 5, 2017-9:00 AM-8 PM

East Taylor Fire Hall, 403 Donruth Lane, Johnstown, PA

Information: 814-241-6123 or 814-254-514

Did You See Anything Strange in the sky during the 2017 Westmoreland County (PA) Air Show?

Did You See Anything Strange in the sky during the 2017 Westmoreland County (PA) Air Show?

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Screen capture from video used with permission of the witness

Screen capture from video used with permission of the witness

The fantastic 2017 Westmoreland County (PA) Air Show took place on June 24-25th at the Arnold Palmer Airport located in Latrobe. A few days later, I was contacted and shown a short video taken on Sunday afternoon during the airshow when the Blue Angels were doing their amazing demonstration. The witness had gone to the area to see the performance of the F-18 Hornets and was positioned near Whitney, just a short distance from the airport.

The witness video taped the F-18 demonstration and later went home to review what he had recorded. He recalled that four of the Blue Angels had flown over his head and he followed them until they went out of sight. He then focused on a single F-18 moving in the opposite direction. As he watched the video,

Something odd appeared that he did not see when he was recording the event. A short segment of the video footage shows a dark object in the vicinity of the single aircraft.

The device used to take the video was a trac phone with low resolution. The video and photo still captures from it were examined by researcher Jim Brown who has had a lot of experience working with photo analysis of other alleged UFO and Paranormal photos and videos.

As determined in Jim’s report, the most likely explanation is that the object is some type of balloon. It is my understanding however that the airspace around the airport was restricted during the time that the airshow was active, and no aircraft or other devices should have been in the vicinity.

I would be interested to know if anyone else attending the airshow observed, photographed, or video taped anything unusual in the area that weekend. I can be contacted at 724-838-7768 or via email at:

photo enhancments of object from Jim Brown analysis. Used with permission of witness and Jim Brown

Photo enhancements of object from Jim Brown analysis. Used with permission of witness and Jim Brown

The following is Jim Brown’s Report:

Analysis of Video of Unknown Airshow Object


The video was received as an MP4. It shows a plane passing in front of a

cloud. Near the plane is an unknown object that appears to fade into the

cloud as the plane passes. The object does not change position relative to

the cloud while the image follows the plane across the cloud.  Resolution

is low; no definitive detail can be observed in the original video clip.


A camera anomaly (dead pixels, etc.) can be ruled out since the object

follows the cloud as the camera is shifted.  This also applies to lens

flare as the object remains stationary with respect to the background even

as the camera pans across the cloud.


In an attempt to resolve detail I first applied an enlargement to three

screen (frame) captures.  This was done using the Weimer method to

minimize pixelization.  The detail appears to shift slightly, the first

image shows a darker area at the bottom of the object while later images

lose this effect becoming more uniform in nature.  Since resolution is low

this effect may be due to relative position of the object as it hits each

frame.  MP4 Compression of the image may account for the effect adjacent

pixels have on the image.


The triangular effect seen in the first screen capture is a result of the

low resolution.  This is common when pixels are triggered by surrounding

ones.  One can also see this effect when viewing the video and noting how

the object appears to change shape from frame to frame as it approaches

those adjacent pixels.


I also did a multi-frame overlay using a pixel weight scan in an attempt

to compensate for the low resolution issue.  The numeric value of each

pixel in the field containing the object was overlaid and averaged.  Nine

frames were used in this operation.  The result indicated a pattern that

would apply to a spherical shape, although no detail was resolved.  The

lower center of the sphere appears darker than the upper portion by 30%.

This would match what would expected based on an object in that position

illuminated by overhead sunlight. Coloration was neutral; the object appears to

be very dark or black based on pixel weighted values.


Conclusions based solely on the visual appearances in the video are

speculative at best.  The pattern matches what would be expected if the

object was a small balloon, although due to the airshow in progress

airspace was restricted.  Whether this is a possibility would need to be

verified by air traffic control at the show.


Jim Brown

Independent Research Associate


Mysterious Smoke Ring over Greensburg, PA? (June 28, 2017)

Mysterious Smoke Ring over Greensburg, PA? (June 28, 2017)

Smoke Ring over Greensburg, PA 2017 copyright Stan Gordon

Smoke Ring over Greensburg, PA
2017 copyright-Stan Gordon

 In past years residents of the state have reported on strange smoke rings that have been spotted at times. There are generally explanations for many of these cases. There is also an explanation for the large ring of smoke seen over Greensburg, PA on the evening of June 28, 2017. About 7:45 PM, a small aircraft was circling over the area, and emitted a black smoke trail that created the smoke ring. It was odd looking but there was an easy explanation.


Invasion On Chestnut Ridge -Tentative Release date: October 20, 2017

Official trailer for “Invasion on Chestnut Ridge” released July 17, 2017 by Small Town Monsters

IOCRInvasion On Chestnut Ridge

Tentative Release date: October 20, 2017


Tom Ankney with the Small Town Monsters crew tells his story for the first time about seeing a UFO hovering over the Chestnut Ridge.

Tom Ankney with the Small Town Monsters crew tells his story for the first time about seeing a UFO hovering over the Chestnut Ridge.

A section of the Chestnut Ridge near Derry, PA where many Bigfoot encounters have been reported.

A section of the Chestnut Ridge near Derry, PA where many Bigfoot encounters have been reported.














Seth Breedlove, filmmaker and Director, and the Small Town Monsters production crew recently visited southwestern Pennsylvania. They were taking footage and doing interviews with various witnesses about the strange occurrences that have been taking place for many years on and around the Chestnut Ridge that extends through Westmoreland, Fayette and Indiana counties in this area. Stan will be appearing in this new documentary sharing some of his personal investigations.

Stan with the film crew at Kecksburg.

Stan with filmmaker Seth Breedlove at Kecksburg.

There has been a long history of UFO sightings, encounters with Bigfoot and other cryptids, as well as many other anomalies reported through this area. The crew will cover many eyewitness accounts covering subjects from Kecksburg to some very strange UFO and cryptid encounters. Look for the release of “Invasion on Chestnut Ridge” around October 20, 2017.





A Wish For Giants-Coming to the Big Screen in 2018 (or sooner)


Stan (left) with Aaron Dunbar, author and producer and Alexa Mechling appearing as Roxie Madison in the film.

Stan (left) with Aaron Dunbar, author and producer and Alexa Mechling appearing as Roxie Madison in the film.

A Wish For Giants-Coming to the Big Screen in 2018 (or sooner)

A family oriented movie that was filmed in Pennsylvania. The story is based on the novel by Kittanning author Aaron Dunbar, about a young girl with a life threatening illness. Her special wish is to find Bigfoot. Stan will have a small role in the film.

Cryptid Encounters Continue in Pennsylvania During 2017

Cryptid Encounters Continue in Pennsylvania During 2017

 Strange Screaming Sounds Reported

 In January, strange screams were reported from the Derry side of the Chestnut Ridge as well as from a heavily wooded area of Schykill County. The sounds reported were both very similar in that they were high pitched and siren-like, and they continued on for a prolonged period.

I have been receiving reports of some Bigfoot encounters that have reportedly taken place in Southwestern Pennsylvania this year. I am trying to obtain more details on these possible encounters. I am also receiving other unreported encounters with some odd creatures that have taken place in recent years.

 Strange Animal reported Near Latrobe, PA

In February of 2017, two people were driving down a rural road near Latrobe, PA when a unusual animal was noticed ahead of them. The incident occurred around 2 AM and the observers had a good look at the mystery animal as it moved through a field. Whatever it was it looked to be about the size of a deer and had the build of a greyhound dog. The animal stood about 4 feet tall, was dark brown in color and was thin and graceful in its movement. The creature had no tail but had a long pointy snout. (Note) In the last couple of years I have been receiving other reports of strange dog-like creatures as well.)

 Black Panther Sighting in Crawford County, PA?

In late April of 2017, a witness in a rural area of Crawford County, Pennsylvania observed a strange animal near her pond. The animal had a furry body that looked “as black as black could be.” At that distance, the animal appeared to have a body about three feet long, and the tail length was about the same. The tail hung straight back and curved up at the end. The witness felt that what she saw was a panther.

If you have seen anything unusual in Pennsylvania please contact me at: