Giant Bird Observed Near Jeannette, PA-March 25, 2014

Giant Bird Observed Near Jeannette, PA-March 25, 2014

There have been reports for many years from all across Pennsylvania of observations and even close encounters with huge birds with tremendous wingspans. The birds are generally described as dark brown or black in color. In some cases these creatures have been observed at quite close range. These sightings continue to be reported from various statewide locations.

On the afternoon of March 25, 2014, a man was taking a walk near Jeannette, PA and happened to look up into the sky. The sky was quite cloudy at the time and the witness noticed what appeared to be a small aircraft towards the east. As he continued to watch what he thought was a piper cub, he realized that it seemed to be moving too fast for a small aircraft. As he focused on it he was startled to see that “the wings were turned up at the end.”

The man realized that the dark colored object he was seeing was not a small airplane but appeared to be a huge bird. As he watched, it glided towards the west and brushed the clouds at times. He never saw it flap its wings. While it was difficult to judge the altitude of the creature, the witness estimated that the wingspan was about 15 feet across. The man wanted to get a better look so he ran into his house to grab a pair of binoculars. When he returned outside, the bird was continuing to glide and quickly moved out of sight. He never had the chance to observe it through the binoculars.


Pulsing Silent Object over Hempfield Area-March 14, 2014-Westmoreland County, PA

Pulsing Silent Object over Hempfield Area-March 14, 2014

Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

 A couple was having breakfast before getting ready to go to work at about 6:15 AM on March 14, 2014, when something outside the window drew their attention. Towards the southeast they noticed a bright pulsating light. It was still dark outside and they watched as the strange light moved closer in their direction.

The observers soon realized that the object which was moving towards the northwest was made up of a series of lights. In the front was a large yellow colored light that was pulsating in a steady pattern. At the back was another yellow colored light that did not pulsate. On each side of the object were steady white lights. The object which was moving at about the speed of a small single engine airplane, passed overhead at an estimated altitude of 300-500 feet. The people opened a window to listen for any sound but nothing was heard.

The witnesses are very familiar with the local aircraft and helicopter traffic which commonly pass over the area. They are baffled by what they saw.


Possible Bigfoot Activity Reported Across Pennsylvania in Early 2014

Possible Bigfoot Activity Reported Across Pennsylvania in Early 2014

Alleged sightings of Bigfoot continue to be reported yearly from across Pennsylvania. I have been receiving reports of Bigfoot sightings and other events possibly related to Bigfoot activity during the early months of 2014 from various locations in the Keystone State.

During February down in Schuykill County, witnesses reported encountering a tall hair covered creature as well as hearing strange screams and seeing large footprints in the snow. In one instance the owner of a very large dog reported that her animal cowered for the first time, moments before she observed a tall creature with long matted hair walking in the snow.

There was a report of some possible Bigfoot activity reported in Greene County also in February. Residents in a rural location reported loud howls and screams, and dogs in that area cowering and wanting to go inside of houses. The people around there are familiar with bear and coyotes and say the sounds they are hearing are much louder and of a deeper tone.

In March on the same day, residents from both the Derry Ridge and near the Youngstown Ridge reported finding strange footprints. Also in March, a person over in Armstrong County was reporting strange animal sounds and odd smells, and something banging on the side of a house.


Low level UFO incidents, Mysterious Creature Encounters Among the 2013 Weird Incidents Reported from Pennsylvania

Low level UFO incidents, Mysterious Creature Encounters Among the 2013  Weird Incidents Reported from Pennsylvania

From Researcher:  Stan Gordon

A large rectangular object hovered low over a major highway, and residents of Pennsylvania reported encounters with Bigfoot, giant birds, and other strange creatures. These were some of the strange incidents reported from across the Keystone state during 2013. Other people reported such things as mystery booms, strange animal screams, mysterious footprints, as well as various other paranormal events. Some people submitted photos and videos of anomalies that they could not explain.

During 2013, my desk was covered with reports of UFO sightings and other unusual incidents from statewide locations that originated from 50 counties of the commonwealth.  I also received reports from nearby states such as West Virginia, Virginia, and Ohio. Quite often,those who experience strange events will either contact me directly, or report their experiences to other research groups or independent researchers. Such sources include the PA Chapter of (MUFON) The Mutual UFO Network,, Peter Davenport’s, “National UFO Reporting Center,”, and the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society,  I maintain contact with many research groups and Pennsylvania  as well as with national researchers.

In 1959, I began to log reports of mysterious happenings. In 1969 I started taking calls from the public on UFO sightings and other unusual occurrences and I continue to receive phone and e-mail sighting reports on a frequent basis.  It was after the Kecksburg UFO incident in 1965 that I began to conduct on the scene investigations of such odd occurrences. It was during that time that it became apparent that the majority of UFO sightings and other strange encounters reported could be found to have a natural or man-made explanation. Many UFO sightings that people call me about are determined to be misidentifications of such things as bright stars and planets, meteors, search lights, space debris, Chinese lanterns, and even rare meteorological events.  Some Bigfoot sightings and even observations of other unusual animals are commonly found to be misidentifications as well.

An odd blob on the ground near Latrobe was identified as a slime mold known as “dog vomit fungus”. On a yearly basis, however, some UFO sightings and other oddities reported can’t be so easily explained away. During the last couple of years in Pennsylvania, we are seeing an increase of UFO cases where structured objects are being observed at a low level and at very close range.

UFOs of various shapes and sizes were reported statewide during 2013. Sightings of disc, cigar, triangular and spherical objects were reported. Observations of rectangular objects appeared to be on the increase. Over the years, UFOs have appeared frequently over the rivers and lakes of Pennsylvania. During February, in the Monongahela River in Washington County, four to six roughly round transparent objects moved in a random group through the water about 40 feet from shore. Behind each object was a trail about six feet long suggesting they were propelled?  Each object protruded about 3-4 inches above the water causing a disturbance. Suddenly the objects all stopped at the same time and disappeared from sight.

One March evening, seven to nine yellowish- gold colored rectangular objects moved in a formation, “like a train in the sky,” over the Greensburg area. On the evening of June 1st, a woman and her three year old child were traveling eastbound of Route 30 in North Huntingdon Township in Westmoreland County.  Ahead of them was a 55 feet long solid rectangular object hovering silently about 60 feet above the highway.  The woman said the object, “looked like the gondola of a blimp without the blimp.” The object was described as two tiered, and the lighting configuration was unlike conventional navigational lighting. As they passed under the object, all of the dashboard electronics in the car went dead. The woman attempted to take a picture with her iPhone but the camera function would not load up. She lost her cell phone signal as well. As the woman accelerated down the road and away from the object, all electronic functions returned to normal.

In July, near Jeannette, a large dark elongated cloud was observed in a clear sky that seemed out of place.  From the left side of the cloud appeared a long rippling line of what looked like burning smoke that was rolling out. From the end of that line a baseball sized sphere of light appeared and began to move toward the east and closer to the witness. As the object moved, it increased in size from that of a baseball to nearly that of a volley ball. The silent object stopped about 50-60 feet away in front of the witness, and several hundred feet off the ground.  The object hovered for several seconds then accelerated in speed and zoomed off into the sky toward the south.

Reported encounters with huge hair covered bipedal creatures have been a part of Pennsylvania history. Hundreds of Bigfoot sightings have been recorded from many parts of the state. Residents living around the Chestnut Ridge in Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana counties continued to report possible Bigfoot activity during 2013. In January, in Indiana county, strange whining sounds and something banging on the side of a country home unnerved a family who found a series of five toed footprints in the snow.

Eric Altman, Director of the PA Bigfoot Society, saw a slowdown in sighting reports, track discoveries and encounters in 2013.   The group did receive several reports in the spring in Fayette County and again in the fall.  Reports also were submitted from Westmoreland County from communities close to or within proximity of the Chestnut Ridge.  During the fall months, the P.B.S. also received and investigated claims from Clearfield, Elk, Pike, and Lycoming Counties.  No conclusive evidence was collected and some of these cases are still being investigated.

In December, hunters a few miles north of Greensburg came across a series of footprints unlike anything they had ever seen in the woods. The tracks were 11 ½ inches long and 5 ½ inches wide. There were 4 toes in the front, and one toe off to the side. They were similar to pongid or ape-like tracks. Over the years, similar tracks have been found from across the state.

Observations continue of giant birds with massive wingspans (Thunderbirds).  On May 17th, during the afternoon, a man on a motorcycle riding on a rural road in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, was surprised when a huge flying creature passed from left to right about 50 feet in front of him. The dark colored flying creature was only about 8-10 feet above the roadway.  The witness stated that the “wingspan was gigantic,” and estimated it to be 20 feet or more in length.

During June, a mystery animal was observed and photographed in Unity Township, Westmoreland County. The animal was a little larger than a fawn, with a face somewhat like a dog and had large ears. The body of the animal was estimated to be about 2 to 2 ½ feet long with a tail about a foot long.

The entire animal was described as really dark brown and completely hairless. The tail was long and skinny. The creature appeared to be very thin, and the back legs of the animal appeared to be longer than the front legs. The weirdest physical detail of the animal was a very prominent snout. In past years I have received similar such reports from other locations in the state.

To report a UFO or Bigfoot encounter or any strange event from Pennsylvania, contact Stan at 724-838-7768 or via e-mail at: Visit Stan’s website at:








Daylight Sighting of Elongated Object near Madison, Pennsylvania-January 29, 2014

Daylight Sighting of Elongated Object near Madison, Pennsylvania-January 29, 2014

Westmoreland County, PA

On the afternoon of January 29, 2014, two people were traveling in a car on a country road about one mile outside the borough of Madison when they noticed something very unusual in the sky. A strange object could be seen as they continued their journey, but the view of the object was obstructed by trees along the road. The driver pulled over at a clearing to get a better look at the object that appeared to be motionless. The object was estimated to be about a mile up in the sunny sky.

The craft according to one witness looked to be cigar shaped.  He stated to me during an interview, “it looked like a cruise missile but sitting still.” The other observer thought the object looked more rectangular and quite long. The object was either white or silver and color, but that was unclear due to the sun reflecting off the surface of the object.

The silent object had no windows, propellers or markings. The two observers were able to see the left side of the craft from their position.  They did notice what appeared to be a small wing which was very stubby along the left side. They did not notice any other wing structures.  They watched the object for about 30 seconds while it hovered. The object suddenly moved off and traveled toward Pittsburgh. As the object moved across the sky, no propeller or engine sound were heard.

The witnesses had never seen anything like this before. One thought was that this was some type of new drone operating in the area and coinciding with the Presidential visit that same afternoon in Pittsburgh.  The description however is unlike any of the drone prototypes that I am familiar with.

If anyone else saw this object please contact me at or 724-838-7768.







Cigar Shaped Object Observed Northwest of Greensburg, PA-December 20, 2013

Cigar Shaped Object Observed Northwest of Greensburg, PA-December 20, 2013

Westmoreland County, PA

On the evening of December 20, 2013, a resident went outside for a cigarette break when she noticed an unusual object hovering in the sky about 500 feet above the ground. The witness is familiar with the medical helicopter traffic that frequents that area, but this was something different.

The object which looked very large in the sky was long and shaped like a cigar. It also was surrounded in a white light. The witness also heard an odd buzzing sound while it was under observation.  Another witness only a couple of blocks away reported seeing something similar at about the same time.


Attention Attendees: January 25, 2014-Greensburg-Hempfield Library UFO-Bigfoot Lecture *Postponed until February 1, 2014 (due to weather)

Attention Attendees: January 25, 2014-Greensburg-Hempfield Library UFO-Bigfoot Lecture

*****Postponed until February 1, 2014, due to weather.

“Strange Encounters of Pennsylvania” presentation by Stan Gordon

Lecture and book signing

The library has received a large response of people signing up for the 1-2:30 PM lecture and book signing on Saturday. That session is filled and no further reservations are being taken for the afternoon event.

Due to the interest in the program, the library has decided to also schedule a morning lecture and book signing which will be held from 10-11:30 AM on the same date. There are still a limited number of seats available for the morning session. If you are interesting in registering please call the library at 724-837-5620.

white out conditions in Greensburg, PA  on January 25, 2014.

white out conditions in Greensburg, PA on January 25, 2014.


Snow storm on January 25, 2014, at Greensburg, PA

Snow storm on January 25, 2014, at Greensburg, PA

UFO Exits from Strange Cloud Formation-July, 2013


UFO Exits from Strange Cloud Formation-July, 2013

Jeannette, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland County

Sketch of the UFO incident as drawn by the witness Used with permission of the witness

Sketch of the UFO incident as drawn by the witness
Used with permission of the witness

I recently interviewed a witness who had observed a very strange event near Jeannette, Pennsylvania, in mid-July of 2013. The man was disturbed over what he had experienced, but did not report the account until recently. This observer is very credible and made some drawings to help explain the activities that took place during the incident.

It was a nice evening and there was a clear blue sky on the evening of the incident. It was around dusk and the witness decided to sit down on the outside steps and relax a few minutes. As he was looking towards the north he noticed a large dark gray elongated cloud about as large as a football field. The cloud looked out of place in the surrounding clear sky.

As the man looked at the cloud, he was startled to see a bright white flash of light that just flashed once on and off in the center of the cloud. The witness wondered if it was lightning, but thought it unusual due to the clear sky he was seeing. Then 1-2 minutes later the witness watched as a very long rippling line of what looked like burning smoke appeared and rolled out from the left side of the cloud. This cloudy formation was similar to the color of the cloud and covered an extensive section of the sky as it extended out towards the south.

As the man continued to observe, he glimpsed for only a second what appeared to be a metallic object, shaped like a boomerang that appeared towards the end of the rolling cloud-like formation. Then at the end of the cloud line, a bright light appeared and stayed visible. The light was spherical and at that distance appeared to be about as large as a baseball.  The ball of light which made no sound, began to move east and towards the direction where the witness was located. As the sphere of light continually moved along its path, it continued to grow in size from that of a baseball to the approximate diameter of a volleyball.

Then the light sphere stopped in front of the witness at a distance of approximately 50-60 feet away, and about 600-900 feet off the ground.  The color of the object changed from an orange-yellow to mainly orange hue. The object was only visible for a few seconds while it hovered before it suddenly accelerated in speed and zoomed off into the sky towards the south, and was gone from sight in seconds.






Hunters Find Strange Footprints near Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Hunters Find Strange Footprints near Greensburg, Pennsylvania

Photo of one of the tracks taken on December 5, 2013 Copyright 2013 Stan Gordon

Photo of one of the tracks taken on December 5, 2013
Copyright 2013 Stan Gordon

 Early on the morning of December 2, 2013, I had been notified that a hunter walking through a heavily wooded area a few miles north of Greensburg came upon a strange footprint unlike anything he had ever seen before along a deer trail. He is familiar with the tracks of animals common to Pennsylvania, and realized that what he saw was quite unusual.

The next morning the hunter returned to the area and noticed another similar odd footprint that was not there the day before. This track was going up hill, where the previous one was heading downwards. He then texted a friend, who is an experienced hunter, about what he found and also forwarded to him a photo of one of the footprints.  His friend was also unable to identify the track and they decided to meet at the location in the woods where the tracks were located.  A total of five footprints were found in the area. Some of the prints were more detailed than the others .

The second hunter provided some detailed information.    “At 2 PM I picked up the plaster mix and water and shortly after met up with my hunting buddy. We walked into the woods and he showed me the first track (1st print). It was unusual but not real clear and I couldn’t draw any conclusions as to what type of print it was or what had made it. He then took me further up the deer trail to the second print (2nd print). This print was much cleaner and clearly showed what appeared to be a large (barefoot) foot print. The print measured   11 ½ inches long and 5 ½ inches wide and there were five very distinguishable toes.

We then started looking around and further up the deer trail came upon another print (3rd print) with the same characteristics. The measurements were identical but while the first print was traveling down the hill, this print was going in the opposite direction. The distance between the 1st and 3rd prints was about 25 yards with the 2nd print in the middle of the two. The 2nd print was the cleaner of the three so we decided to return to it and attempt to make a plaster cast of the print.

While the plaster mix was setting up on the 2nd print, I noticed another unusual track (4th print) about 6 feet away. It appeared that something had slid in the mud and while there weren’t many distinguishable marks the width was about the same as the other three prints. As we looked closer at the trail we then discovered a 5th print another 6 feet down the trail. To clarify the prints were in the following order:

3                            2  4  5                   1

As I previously stated the distance from print 1 to print 3 was about 25 yards. The distance from print 2 to print 5 was just under 12 feet, meaning that the steps from print 2 to print 5 are in the six foot range. The other thing that struck me as odd was the depth of the prints. There were numerous deer prints on the trail and with their hard narrow hoofs they were sinking down 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch into the soil.

Human boot prints were leaving an indentation of about a 1/4 inch, so while the soil was muddy on top it was very firm underneath. The print (#2) that we made the cast from was about a 1/4 inch deep at the heel but the front of the foot, especially the toes had left an impression that was 1 inch to 1 1/4 inches deep. Four of the five prints (1,2,3,5) had similar characteristics in length, width and heel / toe position. Print 4 (slid in the mud) didn’t have clear definition but the width matched and the depth (as in print 2) indicated that something very heavy had left the marks.”

I wanted to go out to examine the footprints, but I had to wait until one of the hunters could arrange to take me out to the location. On the morning of December 5, 2013, I was contacted by the second hunter who offered to meet with me and take me to the location of the tracks. Unfortunately a heavy rain storm was just moving into the area at the same time. I climbed up a muddy hill and proceeded into the thick woods during a downpour trying to see the tracks before they were washed away. We made it to the location just in time to get a quick look at them as they filled up with water. I was able to take several pictures however.

There was one important detail that both hunters and a third party also confirmed. The footprints had a total of five toes. However, there appeared to be four toes in the front, and one toe on the side. The cast did not come out as detailed as the fellows would have liked. The toes are apparent but hard to see on the photo of the cast. While these tracks are unusual, they are not unique. They are similar to pongid or ape-like tracks. Similar tracks have turned up across Pennsylvania over the years, as well as in other states.

The hunter who had found the original footprint during an interview also mentioned to me some interesting other activity from the same area.  On the morning when he discovered the second footprint something else odd had occurred. The hunter was surprised when a rather large tree about 150 yards away suddenly fell with a loud crashing sound. Also within a few days of the tracks being located, another person walking in the general area came across an extremely large pile of dark brown feces unlike any droppings that he had ever come across in the woods.


“Sun Dog” Observed Over Washington County, PA-December 3, 2013


“Sun Dog” Observed Over Washington County, PA-December 3, 2013


photo used with permission of Cliff Standard

photo used with permission of Cliff Standard

On the afternoon of December 3, 2013, Cliff Standard was driving south on Route 19 traveling from Canonsburg to Washington, Pennsylvania. He noticed something unusual in the sky as he passed near an intersection. What he saw “looked like two suns in the sky.” To his right was the actual sun, and on his left appeared to be another sun behind some clouds. Cliff was able to take a picture of the odd sky phenomena.

Cliff contacted me and we discussed the details of what he saw. Over the many years that I have been receiving UFO reports I have found that quite a number of strange observations in the sky can be attributed to various weather phenomena some of which are rarely seen.

From what I learned from Cliff, and after studying the photo which he had forwarded to me, I was quite sure that he had observed what is known as a sun dog or scientifically called parhelion. This effect is produced by refraction of light through ice crystals. This generally occurs later in the day at a lower sun angle. The phantom sun appears as a bright image on either side of the sun. I wanted to confirm my thoughts with a weather expert and contacted Richard Kane, Meteorologist-in-Charge of the National Weather Service office in Pittsburgh. Kane confirmed that what was seen was indeed a sun dog.