Low Level-Close Encounter UFO Incident under Investigation in Pennsylvania-June 1, 2013

Low Level-Close Encounter UFO Incident under Investigation in Pennsylvania

June 1, 2013-North Huntingdon Township, PA

I am currently gathering more details concerning a very close range, low level UFO encounter reported on the evening of June 1, 2013. I will be posting more details once I complete my report.  Keep  checking back for details.

If you saw anything unusual in the sky on that date, or recently, I would be interested in hearing from you. Please contact me at paufo@comcast.net.



Penelope’s In Downtown Greensburg, PA Displays Stan’s UFO & Bigfoot Materials

Penelope's downtown Greensburg , PA.UFO-Bigfoot display

Penelope’s downtown Greensburg , PA.
UFO-Bigfoot display


Come Join Stan at Penelope’s, 101 South Pennsylvania Avenue in Greensburg, on June 22, 2013, from 1-5 PM. A discussion about UFOs, Bigfoot and other Pennsylvania mysteries, as well as a book signing will take place.


Another Fireball Meteor Reported from the Pittsburgh area and Other States-May 30, 2013

Another Fireball Meteor Reported from the Pittsburgh area and Other States

May 30, 2013

Approximately 11:05 PM

The American Meteor Society has reported receiving numerous reports of a fireball meteor that was observed at about 11:05 PM from a widespread area. The majority of sightings originated from Ohio and Indiana, but other reports were received from Pennsylvania and several other states. There were some reports from around the Pittsburgh area as well.

One report I received, originated from the North Versailles area.  The witness estimated that the meteor was traveling southeast to northwest and appeared fairly low in the sky. The observer reported that the meteor had an amber and green color.

You can make a report on the fireball by going to the American Meteor Society website:




Summary Report on Alleged Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting Case 5-16-2013

Summary Report on Alleged Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting Case 5-16-2013

Released by the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society    www.pabigfootsociety.com

Primary Investigators

 Stan Gordon– Independent Bigfoot and UFO Researcher

Ron Gallucci– Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society member

Eric Altman– Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Director

 Case summary:

 On May 14, 2013 at 2:41 pm, The PA Bigfoot Society received its first email in regards to the case: 

 The email read “Today in Somerset county PA a turkey hunter shot and killed an animal he claimed is a Sasquatch. The state police were called and responded to the scene, according to chatter on the local police frequencies the officers confirmed there was an unidentified animal shot and killed. Details are a bit fuzzy at this time. Any investigative assistance would be appreciated.

May 14, 2013 at 3:20 pm. 

 The Pa Bigfoot Society received a second email. This one had a name and contact phone number attached.  The email read  “Hello, YES this is legit, a strange report came over the scanner here in Somerset, Pa. just a few miles from Flight 93 memorial. The message went to the local Police department.  The report stated that a hunter had shot a Sasquatch while hunting turkey this morning.  This is the first day of Spring Turkey in Pennsylvania. Later a second confirmation message on the scanner stated that yes there was a body but was unable to identify who or what it was. This all started about 10:30 AM and continued through most of the day.  The location was stated as Russell or Rustic Road (too fast to be sure) here in the local area of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Just wanted to let someone know.”

 Both emails were then forwarded off to PBS investigator Ron Gallucci because he is a nearby resident and closest to the area.   The emails were also forwarded off to long time UFO/Bigfoot researcher Stan Gordon. Both Stan and Ron made contact with the author of the second email. Stan reported he contacted the email author and amateur radio (ham) operator who had made contact with the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society concerning the police radio transmission. From him Stan learned that the radio chatter in question had actually been heard by his friend who is another ham operator. Soon after, Stan talked with that man directly and learned some additional details.

 The person who heard the transmission has a public safety scanner radio, better known as a police scanner, which is programmed to receive the Somerset County Public Safety radio transmissions that would include police, fire, and EMS. The radio transmission was broadcast over the scanner, and not over ham radio equipment. The man stated that he had heard a radio transmission come across a county police frequency.  

The man stated he heard the Somerset County Dispatch Center contacting an area police department, but he was unsure as to what municipality it was. What he said he heard was that a hunter had called and stated that he had shot a Bigfoot. He soon heard some radio chatter from police who were reportedly joking about the report. It was about 20 minutes later that he said he heard a police officer radio back and state, “there was a body.” He said the next radio transmission to the officer was, “call the center.”

 The witness also mentioned to Stan that soon after he heard the sound of what appeared to be a large helicopter near his house. The sound was so loud it shook his house, so he went outside to take a look. It was then that he observed a formation of four Army Apache helicopters approaching from the north and moving in the direction of Somerset. The man frequently sees such helicopters flying around that general area, but he thought the timing was interesting since the choppers were moving toward the direction of the location where the report of a Bigfoot had allegedly been shot just a short time before.

 The investigation:

 Ron is a long time resident of the area and has made multiple contacts in law enforcement and other departments due to his former career. Ron placed calls to a trooper he knows that worked in the State Police Barracks at Somerset, and a contact he knows in the Somerset 911 call center.  His contact in the Somerset barracks he knows was not available.  Ron called the Somerset 911 call center and it was confirmed there was a call to the center but it did not involve a Bigfoot being shot. It was in regard to a gentleman that discovered large human like tracks, and that he believed were Bigfoot prints. 

 Ron then was informed of the municipal police department that investigated.  Being that Ron has contacts at the Paint Township Police Station,  Ron called and spoke to the Police Chief about the incident. .  It was at that time, informed him of the situation and invited him to meet in the office on 5-16-2013, to discuss the case and findings.  The Chief also told Ron they had photos of what they believed were bear prints.  No discussion or mention of a Turkey Hunter shooting a Bigfoot was discussed at that time.

 May 14, 2013:

 Thanks to another PBS member, Eric was given the address to a website called Broadcastify or http://www.broadcastify.com/.  This website houses archived EMS, Fire, and Police transmissions.  The website had the archive for Tuesday March 14, 2013. Eric listened to the files and found that there was a call dispatched out of the Somerset 911 call center to a local municipality police force to investigate.   Eric has been able to download the file.   This is available upon request.  

 The transcription from the recording is as follows.

 Begin Transmission “Dispatcher:  Did you have a Mr. ###### at ## Spruce Street?”  Police officer:  “Negative.”  Dispatcher: “He called the 911 call center advising he called the state game commission and no one has returned his calls and he is requesting an officer to his house as he has proof of Bigfoot.”  Police Officer: “Bigfoot, Right?”  Dispatcher:  “Affirmative, he wants an officer to come to his residence.” “Apparently he has proof of Bigfoot.”  Police Officer: reply was unintelligible. End of Transmission.

 May 15, 2013. 

 Contact was made with the Game commission, and it was Stan’s understanding that the Pennsylvania Game Commission in that area had no knowledge of the incident and was not involved in any investigation dealing with this matter.

on May 14, 2013, In the evening, newspaper accounts were posted on line that a Turkey Hunter shot another person on April 30, 2013 in Somerset Township, Wisconsin.  Some are speculating that this is the source of the rumor.  It does not account for the witness who claims he heard the scanner report of a Bigfoot shot and confirmed by police on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at approximately 10:30 am.  We are unable to determine if this plays a role in the case or not.

 May 16, 2013

 Eric Altman called the Somerset State Police Barracks on Thursday morning.  Eric spoke with the daylight dispatcher.  When asked about any involvement of the Somerset State Police in regards to the claim, the daylight dispatcher stated she was not aware of any.  She also stated she was working that day and did not talk to anyone filing any type of claim or statement about Bigfoot to the barracks.

 The Dispatcher then told Eric she would check into it further and call him back.  Twenty minutes later the dispatcher called and stated the Somerset State Police did not receive any calls or information about it, nor went to investigate any shooting.  The dispatcher stated she did find out there was a call into the 911 Call Center on Tuesday May 14, 2013 and Paint Township Police were dispatched on an Animal Complaint issue of an individual claiming to find large Bigfoot tracks in the forest.  Police responded, took photos and determined the prints to be Bear prints.  Two sets of tracks were found.  A large set and a smaller set. The tracks were identified as bear tracks.  

 May 16, 2013.

 Ron Gallucci met with Chief of police and met with him today verifying this did indeed happen. He met with him, found out an elderly gentleman filed an animal complaint of “proof of Bigfoot.”  An officer responded and confirmed they were 2 sets of tracks.  A large and small set of tracks which suggested a Mama bear and cub.  Photos were taken and Ron has a copy of the photos, police report and I have a copy of the 911 transmission of the call requesting an officer that took place at 11:30 am on Tuesday May 14. 

 Ron also checked the claim about the low flying military helicopters.  It was found out that there were no military helicopters sent to collect a body.  However there are always low flying helicopters in formation and they do fly over that area multiple times a week due to the municipal airport being close by.   

 Stan also added he is aware that the Pennsylvania Army National Guard operates Apache helicopters out of the nearby John Murtha-Johnstown-Cambria County Airport and commonly conduct training missions around that area.

 In Conclusion: 

 We cannot determine what was heard nor find evidence to confirm what the Ham Operator witness heard on his police scanner on May 14, 2013 at approximately 10:30 am.    Stan, Ron and Eric were able rule out the claim of a Bigfoot being shot and killed by a turkey hunter and confirmed by police. 

 We have confirmation from the Somerset State Police, Somerset 911 call center, Paint Township Police department and the Pennsylvania Game Commission that to their knowledge, there has been no Bigfoot reportedly killed, no body confirmed nor recovered. We have the 911 call center audio file of the dispatched track discovery call, a copy of the police report from the Paint Township police department and photographs of the bear prints. 

 Additional notes from researcher Stan Gordon:

With all of the police scanners in the area you would think that others would have heard the report of a Bigfoot being shot and there being a body. Surely this would have drawn much interest from local people making inquiries as well as the news media. That hasn’t happened, however the man who says he heard the broadcast seems certain as to what he believes he heard.

 The 911 communication tapes confirm that there was radio traffic about possible Bigfoot evidence being found in the area, however nothing about a shooting or body of a Bigfoot has been located on the recordings.

I am very familiar with emergency radio communications and the chatter of such scanner radios. On occasion there can be some distortions in such radio transmissions making it difficult to understand what was being said. Also I have found myself at times only partially concentrating on what is coming over the scanner radio while being occupied with other matters. It is a possibility that fellow could have mistakenly heard certain details about the Bigfoot activity in the area that day.

 Stan Gordon


 Ron Gallucci

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Investigator

 Eric Altman

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society



Update on Possible Military jet UFO Pursuit on April 17, 2013 over Southwestern Pennsylvania

Update on Possible Military jet UFO Pursuit on April 17, 2013 over Southwestern Pennsylvania

On the evening of April 17, 2013, I received a phone call from the father of a young man who, along with several other fellows, had observed something strange in the sky that evening. The father had called me at 8:17 PM, and the incident had reportedly occurred about 15 minutes previous to the call.  At that time I talked with both the father and the witness concerning what had taken place.

The father told me that he was picking up his son at his place of employment outside of Latrobe.  When he got to the location, he noticed his son and some other employees looking up at the sky. He didn’t know what was going on and didn’t get out of the car to find out.  When him son got in the car, he told his father about a strange event that had occurred in the distant sky. After talking with his son about the incident the man contacted me.

I learned from his son that he had just finished his work shift and was exiting through the rear entrance of the building when he noticed several coworkers looking up at the sky.  There was still some light out, and it was off in the distance towards the west that he observed a strange object at a very high altitude. The witness at first thought that it was the fuselage of a helicopter. The object appeared to be dropping straight down from the sky “like a bomb falling”. The object was black in color, and long and narrow in shape. There were what appeared to be about four round large lights on the side.

The object was dropping and spinning as it fell. Suddenly, he noticed what appeared to be two military jets with contrails approaching in the sky. The first jet came from the east and began to close in on the object approaching it from the back. The second aircraft approached from the west, and came straight toward the object. The witness told me at that time that there appeared to have been some interaction between the aircraft and the black object. The fellow is unsure what occurred, but he believes the aircraft either bumped or fired on the object, at which time the object suddenly began to spin and descend faster.

The object continued to fall lower in the sky, but was lost from sight by the observers. The two aircraft then departed from the area, moving back toward the direction they originated from.  The entire observation lasted about 3 minutes.  As of this writing I still have been unable to talk with the other observers. I hope to be able to do this at some future time.

I did learn that a resident of Latrobe was walking his dog at about 8 PM, when he noticed an odd aircraft contrail towards the western sky.  The man said this contrail stood out because it was shorter and brighter than others he normally has seen and it seemed to be climbing higher in the sky rather than going horizontally.

There were apparently some other UFO reports from across the state reported on this same date to (MUFON)  the Mutual UFO Network. Most interesting was a UFO report they received from the Pocono Summit area of Monroe County. The sighting account describes the observation of a black cylinder shaped object moving at a high rate of speed. I find that interesting since it is similar to the observation reported near Latrobe.

If you have any details on this or other incidents, please contact Stan @ paufo@comcast.net


Fayette County, PA Bigfoot Sighting Reported-March 21, 2013


Fayette County, PA Bigfoot Sighting Reported

March 21, 2013- Fayette County, PA

A report of a Bigfoot encounter is being investigated by the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. The following report was provided by Eric Altman, Director of the PBS. The incident occurred about 2:30 AM on the morning of March 21, 2013, in rural Fayette County. There was a full moon at the time, and the area was well lit and the conditions were dry.

The witness who was doing some part time security work at the time was making his rounds and driving down a back road.  He was driving by the entrance of a gas well site and had his high beams on when he noticed something in the vicinity of the pump.

The man stopped his vehicle and shined a spotlight on that area to obtain a better look. That is when he saw the creature. The witness told Altman that he saw a creature that was approximately 8 feet tall, and covered with reddish-brown hair. The facial area looked similar to a cave man, and the animal was estimated to weigh about 400 to 500 lbs.  Since the field was on private property the man did not move towards the area. Once the creature had moved off  and could no longer be seen, the witness continued on.  The man filed a report of his encounter with the PBS a few days later.

On March 30, 2013, Eric Altman and a team of PBS members drove to the area of the sighting  and met with the witness. The man took them to the location where the sighting had taken place. After obtaining permission from the land owner, a search was conducted for any evidence, but nothing was found. The PBS conducted an interview with the witness and found his testimony to be credible and felt that he was being honest about his observation.

Other Bigfoot sightings have been reported around Fayette County within a 10-15 mile radius of this location during the last few years.

For more information visit the PBS website@ http://www.pabigfootsociety.com/





Stan Returns to KDKA Radio-Live from DiSalvo’s Station in Latrobe-April 25, 2013

Stan Returns to KDKA Radio-Live from DiSalvo’s Station in Latrobe-April 25, 2013

The Robert Mangino Radio show

April 25, 2013

9-10 PM

News Radio 1020 KDKA-Pittsburgh, PA

Listen Live@ http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/personality/robert-mangino/

Did Military Jets Pursue a UFO Over Southwestern Pennsylvania?

Did Military Jets Pursue a UFO Over Southwestern Pennsylvania?

April 17, 2013

Latrobe, Westmoreland County, PA

I am currently investigating a UFO incident that occurred on April 17, 2013, at approximately 8 PM. I have interviewed one witness, and I am attempting to talk with several other people who reportedly observed the event as well. The sighting took place near Latrobe in Westmoreland County.

The incident involves a solid object that was observed in the western sky at a very high altitude. That object was seen dropping from the sky and moving towards the ground. While under observation, what appeared to be two military jets approached from different directions, and moved towards the object.

I am gathering more details on this incident and I am looking for additional Pennsylvania UFO reports, as well as any observations of military jets being observed around the Pittsburgh area on this date. If you have any information concerning this event, please contact me @ paufo@comcast.net.


Edge of the Unknown radio show hosts Live UFO Summit-April 21, 2013


Edge of the Unknown radio show Hosts Live UFO Summit-April 21, 2013


Buffalo, New York’s premier crypto-paranormal radio show, Edge of the Unknown, is carried live on WECK FM 102. FM, and 1230 AM. It can be heard streaming live every Sunday night from 9-midnight @ http://www.breezebuffalo.com

On Sunday night, April 21, 2013, from 9PM to midnight, Mark Henry the show host will feature a live round table discussion on the UFO subject and Cryptozoological matters. This UFO summit is in preparation for the upcoming PA MUFON Eerie UFO Conference in Erie, PA scheduled for May 4, 2013.


Come join us for the first EERIE Conference

Come join us for the first EERIE Conference

Those scheduled to appear on the program include MUFON Pennsylvania State Director – John Ventre, UFO Investigator and Author – Stan Gordon, UFO Investigator and Author – Bob Galganski, and Professor of Anthropology – Dr. Phil Haseley.

Come join us for the first EERIE Conference

Stan will be speaking about strange creature sightings in Pennsylvania

For more information: http://mufonpa.com/wp1/?page_id=925

Sewickley Township Public Library, Herminie, PA-May 11, 2013-Lecture & Book Signing

Sewickley Township Public Library, Herminie, PA
May 11, 2013
1-2:30 PM

Free public lecture on UFO sightings and Bigfoot encounters in Pennsylvania.  There will be a display and book signing as well.

For information on this event contact: Sewickley Township Public Library, 201 Highland Avenue, Herminie, PA 15637. Phone 724-446-9940. sewtwp@nb.net.