Upcoming Radio Interviews- April, 2013

Upcoming Radio Interviews- April, 2013

April 12, 2013

Through The Keyhole with Karyn Dolan


7-9 PM

April 14, 2013



9-11 PM


Mountain Devil: The Search for Frank Peterson – Movie Trailer-April 1, 2013

Mountain Devil: The Search for Frank Peterson – Movie Trailer

This movie trailer was just published on April 1, 2013. This docudrama is expected to be released about June, 2013, and will include various Pennsylvania Bigfoot researchers including Eric Altman and Stan Gordon.



UFO Formation “Like a Train in the Sky”-March 9, 2013

sketch of objects in formation over Greensburg, PAUsed with permission of the witness

sketch of objects in formation over Greensburg, PA
Used with permission of the witness

UFO Formation “Like a Train in the Sky”-March 9, 2013

March 9, 2013-Approximately 9:30 PM

Greensburg-Westmoreland County, PA

A man was outside doing some star-gazing on the evening of March 9, 2013, when he observed something that startled him and has left him baffled. The witness was looking up into the clear dark sky when at about 9:30 PM, he observed 7-9 objects toward the southeast. The man was startled by what he was seeing and he told me that the best way to describe it was that they looked “like a train in the sky.”

When I went to the location of the sighting to interview the witness, he pointed out the path that the objects took as they moved high over downtown Greensburg. The objects each appeared to be rectangular in shape and seemed similar to boxcars. Each one looked identical in that they appeared yellowish-gold in color, and the surface appeared to be speckled with a slight gold illumination.  All of the objects looked as though they had a texture of lighted bumps.  The witness explained to me that these didn’t appear to be separated lights but a constant illumination.

They all moved together in formation like ducks, however they were not in a V, rather in a staggered diagonal line.  The witness could see the sky between each object, and there was nothing connected to them.  As the silent objects continued to move they all kept about the same distance from each other. The objects never changed positions and remained perfectly in formation as they traveled. The objects moved high above and to the right of the county courthouse and continued to move smoothly towards the northwest.

The objects were observed for about 10-12 seconds before the view of the objects was blocked by trees and houses. The formation was silent and moved consistently in the same formation and never changed speed or direction. The witness estimated that from their distance and altitude, the objects appeared to be quite large.

Note:  I received other independent reports on this same night, and around the same time frame from other observers who watched something different from what this witness observed. For more details see: http://www.stangordon.info/wp/2013/03/10/mystery-luminous-sphere-moves-over-pittsburgh/







Small Sphere Seen Through Window

Small Sphere Seen Through Window

March 21, 2013-Approximately 8:15 PM

Masontown, PA-Fayette County

Investigated by J. Brown


Masontown, Pa. – 21 March, 2013 – Approximately 8:15 PM. The witness was sitting in his house watching TV with his son.  The curtain on the window was open allowing a direct view outside.  A light caught his attention coming from the window.  He saw a light, best described as a small glowing ball through the glass. Both he and his son saw the light. It was about 6 feet from the window, in front of a large tree in the yard. His thoughts were that someone was in his yard shining a light into the window.

Fearing a possible break in or other intrusion he went to the den and armed himself with a gun and a flashlight before going out the side door to confront the intruder. His son continued to watch from inside.  Upon turning the corner of the house he shined his flashlight toward the ball of light. It immediately shot straight up into the sky and vanished. His son witnessed the same from inside the house.

Both witnesses were interviewed and gave the same account of the events. More in-depth questioning also brought out a few more details.  The object was described as a solid, glowing sphere, not simply a light source. No other detail could be seen, although both said it had well defined edges. It was about 10 – 12 inches in diameter based on comparison to the tree trunk diameter. The position was well below the horizon as seen from the window, thus confirming its nearby location.

When asked about how it moved both witnesses said it had little to no movement until it shot into the air.  At that point it was still seen as a rapidly moving sphere, not a beam of light.  Several branches of the tree extended above the object’s location.  Neither witness could definitively say whether it went through the branches or between them, however both said the direction upward was direct with no discernible shift as it moved through the tree limbs.

Weather conditions were mostly cloudy, Temperature in the 30s at the time. No sound was heard, nor any other effects noted.  No physical evidence was found after the sighting.  A follow up contact 25 March, 2013 provided no additional information.

Breaking News-Fireball Lights Sky Over Pennsylvania- March 22, 2013

Bright Fireball Over Pennsylvania-March 22, 2013

What appears to have been a brilliant fireball meteor was reported this evening at approximately 7:53 PM from Pennsylvania. One witness I talked with located outside of Harrisburg, said he saw a streak of light followed by a “doughnut of black smoke,” then observed a brilliant white flash in the sky. The entire observation lasted 2-3 seconds.

Check out the American Meteor Society website http://www.amsmeteors.org/2013/03/eastern-usa-fireball-march-22-2013/ for updates where they are reporting multitudes of reports from many states along the east coast.

While this appears to have been a bolide meteor, I think we need to await any confirmation of possible space debris re-entry, since some Russian debris was forecast to re-enter in the next few days.

If you saw the fireball over PA, please send me a report so I can track the observations.

Stan Gordon

Huge Circle of Lights Observed in York County, Pennsylvania

Huge Circle of Lights Observed in York County, Pennsylvania

March 14, 2013-6:28 AM

Wrightsville, PA-York County, PA

A man was doing some computer work at about 6:28 AM on the morning of March 14, 2013, when he noticed a series of bright lights through a nearby window. The lights seemed to be moving quite slow and were low in the sky caught his attention. His first thought was that it was an aircraft but as he looked through the window, he soon realized that this was something unlike anything he was familiar with.

What he observed was a perfect circle of approximately 12-15 bright white lights, most of which were steady and non-blinking.  At the right and left side of the circular pattern there were two lights in those areas that did pulsate different colors such as green, red, blue, and yellow.

Upon seeing this, the man yelled to a friend to come quickly to see what he was watching. According to the witness, the object was very large and comparable in size to a commercial jet liner. The object was moving very slowly and it took about 15-20 seconds to pass by a window that was only about 3 feet wide. The witness could not understand why he was unable to hear any sound from an object that large in size and at such close range.

The object was estimated to be about 300-500 feet in altitude and approximately the same distance away from the observers. The object took about 20-25 seconds to move over an area that was about 2 football fields in distance as it passed the window then moved beyond the trees. The object was observed as it moved northeast toward the direction of Mount Joy in Lancaster County,which was across the Susquehanna river.

The witness I interviewed said he was certain that others in the area had to see this object since many people were on the road at the time. The man also told me that he had never seen anything like this before, and did not believe in UFOs until now.

graphic sketch of the circular light pattern

The graphic was used with the permission of the witness

Graphic sketch of the circular pattern of lights

(Graphic used with permission of the witness.)












Brilliant Fireball over Pittsburgh-March 13, 2013

Brilliant Fireball over Pittsburgh

March 13, 2013- 4 AM

North Hills of Pittsburgh-Allegheny County

A brilliant fireball meteor was reported over the Pittsburgh area during the early morning hours of March 13, 2013. A witness was in her driveway located in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh when she happened to look skyward. She first noticed towards the north what looked like a trail of sparks.  Moments later, a very large brilliant fireball “just came out of nowhere,” and moved fast towards southwest.

The fireball was of an orange-red color, with blue on the outside. The object was observed for about 3 seconds as it moved out of sight and was blocked by trees in the distance.  The witness I talked with was very nervous following the observation and was expecting to hear an explosion, but no sound was heard.  She had read about the recent meteor event in Russia and thought this object was about to hit something locally as well.

A weak annual meteor shower called the Gama Normids, was scheduled to peak during this time period.

If you saw this fireball please contact Stan at: paufo@comcast.net.

Penelope’s –Greensburg, PA-June 22, 2013-Discussion and Book Signing

Penelope’s –Greensburg, PA-June 22, 2013-Discussion and book signing

1-5 PM

101 S Pennsylvania Ave, Greensburg, PA 15601

((724) 838-7030

 See a display of Stan’s information and collection in the front window of Penelope’s starting June 1, 2013.

Come join Stan for a discussion about UFOs, Bigfoot & other strange happenings around Westmoreland County and other statewide locations. Stan will be signing copies of his books and DVD.

Delmont Public Library-April 20, 2013-UFO-Bigfoot Lecture & Book Signing

Delmont Public Library-April 20, 2013

1-2:30 PM-“Strange Encounters of Pennsylvania” lecture and book signing.

77 Greensburg Street, Delmont, PA 15626

(724) 468-5329

The 6th Annual Butler, PA Paranormal Conference-April 27, 2013



The Butler Organization For Research Of The Unexplained & The Center for Unexplained Events

Aka B.O.R.U. & CUE are pleased to announce: The 6th Annual Butler, PA Paranormal Conference

The Conference Will Be Held Saturday April 27, 2013

Location: The Tanglewood Senior Center, 10 Austin Avenue

Lyndora ( Butler ) Pa. 16045

From 10:30 am to 7:00 pm Admission At The Door $10.00

Get $1.00 Off With Donation Of A Non-Perrishable Food Item

Scheduled Speakers: Stan Gordon, Rev. Robin Swope, Craig Hines,

Doug Waller, Alison Kruse

Vendors, Book Signings, merchandise

There Will Be Door Prizes And Raffles, Food And Much More.

Contact Dan Hageman At 724-284-9734 www.boru-ufo.com

Brian Seech At 724-777-4803 www.centerforunexplainedevents.com