Strange Frequencies Radio interview

January 27, 2013

Strange Frequencies Radio interview

4-5 PM


Unknown Origins Radio

Unknown Origins Radio

December 17, 2012

9-10:30 PM




Another Mystery Boom Reported in West Virginia

Another Mystery Boom Reported in West Virginia

December 8, 2012-5:45 PM

Marion County, West Virginia

I have received information that a loud explosive type boom was heard around 5:45 PM near Farmington in Marion County, West Virginia. The sound was also reportedly heard near Rachael, West Virginia as well.  Both locations are south of Morgantown, in Marion County. The sound was described as quite loud and like a “ka-boom”. If anyone has more details on this please let us know.

Large Boomerang Shaped Object over West Virginia home

December 5, 2012-9 PM

Oakhill, Fayette County, West Virginia

Large Boomerang Shaped Object over West Virginia home

I received this report from a witness not long after the occurrence. This fellow along with another person watched something quite unusual in the sky that was unlike anything they had ever seen before.  The incident occurred about 9 PM near Oakhill, West Virginia.  The witness and a friend were outside smoking and looking up at the clear sky for meteors when their attention was drawn to a large object that seemed quite low.  The object which was boomerang shaped was moving from the south towards the east and over the top of the house.

The boomerang shaped object made no sound, and was described as flat and somewhat V shaped, and a big solid craft. The entire front edge of the object was glowing with a blue-white light that seemed to occasionally pulsate. The entire object was covered in a mist, even though the sky was clear. The outline of the object was determined as a result of the lighting and mist. The man explained that it gave the impression that the craft was hiding or “cloaking”. The witness also wondered why something that large and low in altitude would not make any sound.

Star-like Object ascends into sky

Star-like Object ascends into sky

Lancaster County, PA

November 18, 2012-7:30 PM

The witness was outside and observing some aircraft in the western sky. His attention was drawn to a star-like object moving from the southeast towards the northwest for several seconds. The object then appeared to stop, and within about three seconds the object began to rapidly ascend into the sky until it was lost from sight.

Strange object near Homer City Power Station

Strange object near Homer City Power Station

Homer City, Indiana County, PA

November 18, 2012-Approximately 4 AM

Two people observed what looked like a can shaped object with various color lights that seemed to be over the Homer City area. The object which was observed for an extensive period of time, moved up and down, and made a zig-zag pattern in the sky.

November 17, 2012-Cigar Shaped Object Seen in Cambria County, PA


November 17, 2012-Cigar Shaped Object Seen in Cambria County, PA.

From Researcher: Jim Brown, Independent Research Associate

Date; Saturday 17, November, 2012   Time approx 3:45 PM

Sky conditions were clear, light breeze, Temp about 40 degrees F.

The witness was outside working in the yard near his garage.  He noticed a dark object moving from the south-west tree line coming toward him, moving northeast. It appeared as a cigar shaped shadow, dark in color, no detail could be seen.  He watched it for about 20 – 30 seconds until it was directly overhead.  At that point it appeared more football shaped, possibly due to parallax as the viewing angle changed.  He estimates it to be approx. 500 – 1000 feet overhead.

For size comparison he states it was about the size of a dime held at arm’s length.  At the point when it was overhead he blacked out. He does not recall any discomfort he just remembers finding himself lying on the ground.  When he looked up the object was still visible, continuing to move slowly to the northeast. It was about 45 degrees above the horizon at this point moving away from him.

When asked about any recollection of other details he could remember nothing. He had no other physical effects of note.  He could recall thefootball game on the radio he had in the garage had ended and the post game show was on when he first saw the object.  The post game show was still in progress when he woke. The station was contacted and I verified the time frame of the show segment.  From this it was concluded that the time period he was blacked out was short, likely no more than a couple minutes at most.

This was also used as the basis for the time of sighting as he did not have a watch or clock available outside.  He does not recall the object stopping at any point, thus if we assume it continued its steady motion overhead, the time frame he was out would be a matter of only 10 – 15 seconds.  This however is supposition as he cannot relate what happened while he was down. After regaining his composure and getting up he went into the house and sat down for a while.  He said he didn’t experience any lasting effects from the event, He debated reporting it until Tuesday when he did a search online for UFO investigators and came to my website. I will remain in contact with him in case new developments occur. Follow up contacts with weather and other authorities revealed no other reports or explanation for this object to date.

UFO Sightings Continuing In Pennsylvania during November 2012

UFO Sightings Continuing In Pennsylvania during November 2012

As I had previously mentioned, on November 16, 2012, numerous UFO incidents were reported from widespread areas across Pennsylvania. I am still accumulating details, and awaiting other information concerning the events of that day. I will be posting  a summary of those cases in the future.

UFO sightings however have continued to be reported from various counties in western and eastern sections of the state.  The following is a summary of some of those cases. I will have more detail on some of these reports and will update the incidents when that information becomes available.

To see Jim Brown’s photo analysis of videos taken in eastern sections of the state on November 16, 2012 click on:



Breaking News! Widespread UFO Activity Reported Across Pennsylvania on November 16, 2012

Widespread UFO Activity Reported Across Pennsylvania on November 16, 2012

Reports of formations of lights, and low level sightings of boomerang shaped objects were reported from across Pennsylvania mainly during the late afternoon on November 16, 2012. These sighting accounts have been reported to various sources, and information is still being collected on these incidents. I will be posting a more detailed report on this event once I am able to do more investigation and have more details.

If you saw a UFO on November 16, 2012, or recently, please contact me at or

Mystery Boom Reported in Fayette County, Pennsylvania

Mystery Boom Reported in Fayette County, Pennsylvania

Smithfield, PA

November 15, 2012-12:04 PM

Over the years there have been reports of mystery booms, and localized vibrations and earth shakings. Many of those cases were found to have rational explanations, but some remain mysterious. In past years such cases have been reported in Pennsylvania, as well as other parts of the country and even overseas. I have recently heard of possible similar activity in nearby West Virginia as well. If you have any knowledge of this type of activity, please contact me.

The following report was just received from researcher Jim Brown.

The boom heard in the Smithfield area occurred at 12:04 PM on 15 November. I heard it at my home.  I also received two calls from nearby residents inquiring about it as well. One is a neighbor, the other from just outside Smithfield about 3/4 mile away from me. It was a single boom, not rumbling like thunder but more like an explosion. From my location it appeared to be more above me than something associated with the ground.  I base this observation on the fact I heard it rather than felt much vibration of the house itself.  It was not exceptionally loud, although it was easily heard above the sounds of TV which was on in the same room.

 I also checked for any magnetic field disturbances on my anomaly detector /data logger which was running at the time, as well as for any residual infra sound components.  Nothing was detected in either case. Both of my callers described it the same as what I heard, a single boom. One said he thought a truck had wrecked at first although that was not the case.  I monitored the 911 dispatch and no reports were sent out to police or fire so it is my assumption the event was local to my area.

 I made calls to the weather service and local police to determine if anything was reported, no reports of anything out of the ordinary at this time. I am continuing to monitor for magnetic anomalies as well as an infra sound sensor into a recorder in event of a repeat of whatever it was.