Glowing Sphere near Harrison City

Glowing Sphere near Harrison City

September 13, 2012- around 8 PM

Harrison City-Westmoreland County, PA

A report was received that several people near Harrison City had observed something unusual in the sky around 8 PM on September 13, 2012.  The observers noticed a bright object in the sky that was orange in color and was flickering. Their first thought was that they were observing a planet.  The object, however, was moving from the east towards the west.

The sky was very clear at the time and they watched as the object approached closer. The object was not that high in the sky and according to one witness I talked with, “the glow of it gave the impression of being spherical.” As they continued to watch the silent glowing sphere, it seemed to become quite large in size. One witness who was familiar with the Planet Venus said it looked similar to this object, however, the glowing sphere seemed to grow in size much larger than what Venus appears like on a clear night. The object was a deep orange color.

About two minutes after the object had grown in size, it suddenly began to shrink and became physically  smaller. The witnesses also observed what looked like six to seven lights towards the top of the object that were flashing quickly. The object suddenly made a 90 degree turn and began to move towards the east. They continued to watch as the object moved out of sight and seemed to wobble a little.  The sphere seemed to move off so far into the sky that it faded out and could no longer be seen. The entire observation was estimated to have been over 5 minutes.



Lenticular cloud over Saltsburg, PA

Photo ©2012 Stan Gordon

This photo of a lenticular cloud was taken over Saltburg, PA on August 19, 2012. These lens-shaped clouds have on occasion be misidentified as a UFO.

Is there an explanation for this mysterious cloud over Pennsylvania?

Image used with permission of the photographer

I have received a very interesting photo of a very unusual cloud seen over East Brady in Butler County, Pennsylvania. The photographer believes this picture was taken on July 6, 2012. What I learned is that this odd cloud was first observed over the river in May of 2012. It has reportedly been seen several times since then, and appears in the same part of the sky over the Allegheny River near East Brady. It only seems to appear on clear days and is a large cloud formation that stays intact for an hour to an hour and a half.  It is also estimated that the tops of the cloud formation are at about 15,000 feet and the base is around 7, 000 feet.

There are no factories or other heat sources in the immediate vicinity of where the cloud formation has been observed.  The witness described to me that when this cloud begins to form it is, “like heat sucking moisture out of the air and moving over it.” It then creates the flame-like effect. The man told me that the next time he sees it, he will video tape it so it can be studied in more detail.

I asked Richard Kane, Chief Meteorologist at the National Weather Service Office in Pittsburgh for his opinion of the cloud photo. This is his report.

It is very strange looking indeed. I do think it is something called a “Distrail” (short for dissipation trail). Sort of the opposite of a contrail. If the humidity structure/content of the upper atmosphere is right, you will get condensation trails (contrails) from aircraft. The contrails often tend to spread (sort cloud seeding from the exhaust). However in the right circumstances once the cloud seeding process starts, another aircraft exhaust coming through the same area can actually accelerate or dissipate the process and you can get trails through cloud decks or sometimes even holes through the clouds. It all depends on the humidity structure and sometimes the upper level wind field and of course, the altitude of the aircraft. Distrials are more common with mid-deck clouds…alto-stratus or alto-cumulus (where more super-cooled water exists). These pictures are with cirrus clouds(ice crystals).

There’s a physical process in the atmosphere called (Bergeron-Findeison process) which states that the vapor pressure (or saturation vapor pressure) around ice crystals is lower than than over liquid water. So, when liquid water is introduced (jet exhaust) in the right environment, the ice crystals grow at the expense of the water vapor and you can get these holes or more often the formation known as Mare’s Tails with ice crystals growing and the water vapor decreasing and going right to the ice phase. Contrails are very common, however, distrails are much less common and I think the general type of distrail is the linear or path that is hollowed out in the cloud deck by a jet exhaust. The circular or “hole” type is much less common.

If you google “distrail” and images, you’ll see examples of the different types of distrails. I guess bottom line, it is a great picture but I also think it can be physically explained. Let me know if you have any questions.

P.S. Took a look at the jet routes and you can see from the attachment that there are numerous high level jet routes across western PA.

Jim Brown, a research associate of mine, did a photo analytical study of the picture and has forwarded this report.

As I stated earlier I also tend to think this is a cloud formation as opposed to anything directly or intentionally created. The distrail idea is quite plausible based on the report. I would recommend that the next time the witness observes this phenomena he take multiple pictures not just of the formation but all other clouds in the sky at the time and also note their position relative to the phenomena. This could serve to resolve the issue especially if there was evidence of a contrail or partial contrail aligned with the phenomena.

I do have a couple questions though that I would like to see addressed. I am under the impression that this phenomena was seen numerous times over the same area. If so, and if it is relatively rare as is the impression given by the report, what accounts for this repeated sighting over the same area? Also does anything on the surface below the formation produce any source of heat where convection might carry this heat aloft and possibly cause the repeated formation to be seen? I do agree the clouds are cirrus and probably formed by water vapor as stated in the report. My questions deal more with the cause they would be seen so often over the same area. Thus it is not the cloud itself, rather the cause which is the question to be resolved.

If you have seen a cloud formation like this in your area please contact me.

Bigfoot Sighting Reported in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

Bigfoot Sighting Reported in Cambria County, Pennsylvania

September 13, 2012-9 AM

Northwestern Cambria County, Pennsylvania

The following information was provided by Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society (PBS) who received the report, and Ron Gallucci, who investigated the case and completed the report.

This possible Bigfoot sighting occurred on the morning of September 13, 2012, in the Northwestern part of Cambria County. The weather was clear and sunny when the witness noticed the creature about 50 yards ahead of him, on the left side of the road. Apparently the creature had just finished climbing up the steep embankment on the left side and was walking out onto the roadway.  The witness first thought that he was observing a woman climbing since he observed long flowing hair on its head. When the creature stepped onto the road he soon realized that the entire animal was covered in black hair.

The creature moved across the road from the left side to the right and entered into the woods ahead. The man never decreased his speed, and he was able to watch as the beast stepped into the woods. The witness mentioned that after the experience, he felt quite shaken, and his heart was beating rapidly. The witness described the creature as standing a little over six feet tall, with the body covered completely in black hair. He mentioned that it had long arms and was able to see its fingers as well. The creature turned its head slightly in the direction of the driver as it was moving towards the woods, but the man still could not see the facial area.  The investigator heard that other possible sightings had occurred recently around that same general area.

For more information visit:

UFO Reported Over Rockton Ridge

UFO Reported Over Rockton Ridge

August 25, 2012-10 PM

Rockton Ridge-Clearfield County, PA

The following report was received from Ron Gallucci:

On Saturday August 25, 2012, Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society member Ron Gallucci and another researcher were doing a Bigfoot search night outing in the Rockton Ridge area of Clearfield County. The two were positioned on a gas line. It was around 10 pm as they were doing call blasts and listening for responses when they noticed a strange light in the sky. At first the light resembled a bright star but was flashing between red, orange and white colors. Continuing to watch the light it then started making erratic moves up and down and side to side. Then the object would then freeze in place and start moving all over again. The strange object was observed for about 10-15 minutes before it disappeared behind the top of the tree line. The object was not observed again the rest of the night.

Dark Harvest Radio Show

Dark Harvest Radio Show

October 8, 2012

7-9 pm

Steel City Con

Steel City Con

Stan will have a display and book signing on Saturday & Sunday only

December 7-9, 2012

Steel City Con

209 Mall Boulevard

Monroeville, PA 15146

2012 MUFON Philadelphia UFO Conference-September 28-30, 2012

Sheraton Bucks County Hotel, 400 Oxford Valley Road Langhorne, PA 19047 September 28-30, 2012 Stan will be speaking about the Kecksburg UFO Incident. He will also have a display and book signings. For more information:

Bright Object Makes Erratic Movements

Bright Object Makes Erratic Movements

September 8, 2012-11:50 pm

Crabtree-Westmoreland County, PA

A woman was on the porch of her home outside of Crabtree when she noticed something odd moving through the sky. She observed a small white point of light moving steadily over her home in an ESE direction. The observer at first thought that it must be a satellite, but soon realized that this object was relatively low in the sky.

As the witness continued to watch the very luminous object, it suddenly just stopped. The object then rose up into the sky at a 45 degree angle towards the right. It seemed to pause a second or so, then moved horizontally to the left and paused again. The object then dropped down towards the right. The object soon began to make some figure eight movements in the sky. Soon after, the object moved vertically up into the sky and became blurry and soon it was no longer visible. The witness said that the object was observed for about 20 seconds.

Fast Moving Light Observed Near Greensburg

Fast Moving Light Observed Near Greensburg

September 2, 2012-9:40 pm

Greensburg-Westmoreland County, PA

Two men traveling on Route 30 outside of Greensburg noticed something odd in the sky that caught their attention. It was about 9:40 pm, when they observed a very bright white light traveling fast across the sky. The object was relatively low in altitude, and their first thought was that this had to be one of the local medical helicopters that commonly operate in this area.

They soon changed their mind based on the high rate of speed this light was moving. The light appeared to have a light beam that extended downward and out ahead of it. As they continued to watch the light move steadily across the sky, it just suddenly vanished from sight. The entire observation was about 10-15 seconds.