Solid Black Triangular UFO/UAP Hovers Low Over Pennsylvania Building
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
A very interesting UFO/UAP observation took place on September 3, 2023, in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, near the Susquehanna River. The incident took place around 9 PM, when the witness went outside to do a chore and also to walk her dog. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light similar to a starburst. The dog, which is deaf, was in a sitting position and looking up toward the sky. The witness then looked up to see what had attracted the dogs attention. She indicated to me that the light was shining down on her and the dog.
Hovering about 300 feet over her building was a large, solid black triangular object with rounded corners. There was enough moonlight to illuminate the area near the unusual object. The witness described the surface of the object as having a flat matte black color. She had a clear view of the undercarriage and back section of the object. There were no individual lights on the object. She could only describe the size as massive, and much larger than the medical helicopters that fly over her area on a regular basis.
When I interviewed the witness, she described seeing what looked like two circular protuberances on the back section of the object that she thought were possibly vents. It was in that area she noticed what she surmised was the orange colored metal cooling off from the intense heat. She said this cooling effect did not occur all at once. She also observed what looked like some type of indentations or protrusions on the bottom surface.
As the object hovered, she noticed a deep, yet barely audible humming sound, and then one click type noise as the object began to slowly move. Suddenly the object moved so fast that it looked like a smudge and never saw it move off across the sky. “It just vanished.”
The entire observation happened within seconds. The witness did not contact me until a few weeks after the observation. As she described the experience to me in detail, she still sounded verbally shaken by what had taken place. The location of the sighting was only a few blocks from the Susquehanna river.
On the same date that this sighting took place, there were two other UFO/UAP reports in eastern sections of the state in Bucks and Montgomery counties.
There have been other low level triangular UFO/UAP sightings reported this year, and many in past years in Pennsylvania. For example, on November 11, 2021, a person driving on Route 119 just outside of Smithfield in Fayette County observed something unusual in the sky during the early evening. About fifty yards ahead, the driver saw an object barely moving that appeared quite low above the ground. There were three lights in a rounded triangular configuration that was described as similar to a “guitar pick in shape.” The lights looked perfectly circular, were non- blinking and orange yellow in color and were the size of a large dinner plate. As she got closer, the silent object was to her left about ten yards away off the road. She passed below a section of the object that was about thirty feet above the ground. The witness had a dog in the car at the time that was also looking at the object. The driver touched the animal to comfort it and felt a static electric charge at that time. The driver said the object was only about ten feet long and six feet wide.
Some of the more recent reports can be found at these links.
UFO/UAP activity continues to be reported regularly across Pennsylvania in recent months and weeks.
There have been many UFO sightings in past years in the vicinity of the rivers and lakes of Pennsylvania. There have also been reports of these objects entering and exiting bodies of water in the state.
If you have any information on these sightings or have seen anything unusual, you can contact me at 724-838-7768, or at
UFO Sightings Last Night in Southwest Pennsylvania Were Actually Starlink Satellites-September 1, 2023
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
Many people on Friday night, September 1, 2023, observed multiple lights in a straight line moving across the sky. My phone began to ring with UFO reports from various locations in southwest Pennsylvania soon after the objects were observed. The descriptions were all very similar.
While the line of lights looked mysterious, there was indeed an explanation. The source was a train of Starlink satellites that passed over the Pittsburgh area at 8:51 PM and would have been visible for a few minutes. According to the Starlink tracker website, the procession was moving from west to southeast. I am sure that there will be additional sighting reports from many other areas as the objects passed across the sky.
The Starlink satellite processions have been observed numerous times in the past in the Pittsburgh area, and across Pennsylvania and other parts of the country. The Starlink satellites have often been reported as UFOs.
Synopsis: Many UFO/UAP sightings are misidentifications of natural or manmade objects. There however have been numerous UFO/UAP sightings also reported in recent months from Pennsylvania that are not so easily explained. Some of these reports have been daylight observations. You can read about some of those reports on my website:
Daylight Observation Of An Odd Shaped UFO/UAP Moving Low Overhead Near Irwin, PA
(August 8, 2023.)
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
An interesting UFO/UAP incident occurred on August 8, 2023, in the Irwin, Pennsylvania area. The sighting occurred at 11:10 AM as the witness was floating on a raft in his swimming pool. The man was facing south when he observed a black object moving low overhead moving from east to west. The object was moving very fast across the sky in a perfectly straight line. The witness stated that the wind was about five to seven miles from the west, and the object moved directly into the wind. The observer estimated that the object was moving at a speed of 100 mph or more as he watched it.
The man estimated that the object was exceptionally low in altitude, only about 150 feet off the ground. There was quite a lot of cloud cover at the time, which made it easy to see the shape of the object. At that time of the morning the sun was behind the object.
The object was described as having a flat black color. There were no apparent lights, wings, or propellers observed. The witness stated that the shape of the object was similar to a cross section of a wing of an aircraft. The base was flat. The silent object looked to be only about six feet in length. The sighting lasted about 5-7 seconds as it moved off in the distance behind a tree.
If turned upside down, this object has some similarity to the black object that was photographed on May 14, 2022, near Latrobe, PA.
On the same evening as the Irwin sighting, other witnesses from the same general area reported observing a bright object that changed colors and made erratic movements in the sky.
These sighting are among numerous other UFO/UAP reports that have been taking place in recent weeks in Pennsylvania.
BREAKING NEWS!-Ongoing UFO/UAP sightings And Other Anomalies Are Being Reported in Southwest Pennsylvania (posted August 16, 2023)
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
I had previously mentioned that some detailed UFO/UAP incidents had taken place during the weekend of July 28-30, 2023. Additional sighting reports have been coming in that took place during July, that had not been reported.
August has been busy with both daylight and nighttime observations. Interestingly, not only have there been UFO/UAP sightings, but the public is reporting encounters with Bigfoot and other cryptids as well. Other anomalies are also being reported. Some of these cases are quite interesting. I am still gathering more details and interviewing witnesses.
Mount Pleasant area (Westmoreland County) UFO/UAP Incident-August 15, 2023
There was an interesting UFO incident that reportedly took place during the early evening in this area. I understand that other people around the area reportedly also saw it. If you saw something unusual, please contact me.
I will release an update on some of these more recent cases at a future date.
If you have seen or experienced anything unusual, please get in touch with me.
I received a phone call from a man on August 3, 2023, at 9:57 PM. He wanted to tell me about something he saw at about 2 AM early that morning. He has trouble sleeping so he often takes early morning walks. He was walking several blocks from the downtown section of Latrobe. This area is in the vicinity of the Chestnut Ridge that has a long history of UFO and cryptid encounters.
The witness noticed a series of lights in the sky coming from the Ligonier area and moving west toward Latrobe. He assumed it was an aircraft. As the lights got closer, he observed a large solid dark and shiny triangular object that was approaching close to his location. At the bottom, the object had one white non-blinking round light on each corner, and one larger non-blinking round red light in the center. Along the side were five small white non blinking lights. The witness estimated the length of the object to have been about 100 to 200 feet from point to point.
The object that was moving slowly but steadily and moving slower than an aircraft. At times there appeared to be some skipping or jittering in its movements or even slightl pivoting. There were no markings visible on the object as it passed over. The object passed overhead at about 1500 feet. The object was completely silent. The object continued to move slowly in the direction of Greensburg.
The man aimed his phone camera at the object to take video. He saw the image on his phone screen. When he got home to look at the video, there was no video footage. He has no idea why it didn’t record. The total observation was about 3 minutes.
This observation is very similar to the object reported on July 29th in the Mount Pleasant, PA area. Latrobe is about 16 miles from the Mount Pleasant area.
I have been taking UFO reports via phone since 1969. Sightings of UFOs/UAPs continue to be received on a regular basis from the public via telephone and email. Sightings are reported yearly in both daylight as well as night. Quite often, the reported sightings are determined to be misidentifications of natural or manmade objects such as sky lanterns, Starlink satellites, bright planets, drones, or meteors.
There have been, however, numerous UFO/UAP observations reported in Pennsylvania in past years, and even more recently , that can’t be easily dismissed. Some of those cases can be found in various reports on my website. There was a series of close range and low level UFO/UAP encounters that took place from October-December of 2021. That was unusual since UFO/UAP reports generally decrease during the colder weather. Since then, there has been a continuous flow of UFO/UAP observations, and these incidents have continued throughout 2023.
UFO/UAP sightings were active throughout May of 2023. There was however less UFO/UAP activity reported during June and much of July.
In past months, the most common UFO/UAP object reported has been the daylight sightings of what witnesses have described as wingless cigar shaped objects. These objects have been reported hovering in clear skies and then suddenly just vanishing never to be seen again. In other cases, the objects move extremely slowly across the sky.
Observations of triangular shaped objects are being reported, as well as sightings of luminous balls of light in the sky, or very low to the ground.
The recent weekend activity:
There was a series of interesting UFO/UAP and other anomaly reports that came to my attention during the weekend of July 28-30, 2023. I began to receive reports on Saturday evening. During the next few days, other unusual incidents that took place from Friday through Sunday were also being reported.
July 28th-Researcher Kevin Paul received information that two people walking along a river trail in Greene county early that evening observed two beachball sized balls of light about twenty feet apart flying in a diagonal formation. The spheres blinked orange and white and were estimated as moving through the sky at less than two hundred feet altitude. The silent objects moved steadily off in the distance in the direction of Fredericktown.
July 28th– During the evening a loud boom was reported from Fayette county. Mystery booms have been reported for years in Pennsylvania and around the country. In many cases, explanations ranging from weather related events to Tannerite that is used for firearms target practice have been determined to be the source of such incidents. Some of the reports where loud booms were heard, and shakings felt over large distances remain a mystery. I have not heard of any source having been determined for this incident
July 28th-Eric Altman of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society informed me that a group of researchers were investigating the area that they call “Area X” during the evening. The undisclosed location deeply hidden in the woods of Fayette county in southwest Pennsylvania has a history of ongoing phenomena that is similar to what has been reported at Skinwalker ranch in Utah. The group had been investigating reports of Bigfoot activity near this location, when the location was discovered. Mysterious sounds, small orbs of light low to the ground have come out of the woods and have approached within a few feet of witnesses, and other odd light phenomena are some of the anomalies reported. On this day, they heard movement in the woods, strange moaning sounds, and heavy rocks were being thrown near them. What took place the next evening was more interesting.
July 29th- A team of Bigfoot researchers had returned to “Area X” in Fayette county. Some very strange activity reportedly took place that evening according to information that I received from Eric Altman. The researchers heard what appeared to have been a tree pushed over, and a bright red sphere of light was observed low to the ground. There were reportedly two sightings of a strange hominid creature. It was first observed in the vehicle headlights, however just outside of the light to see any good details. What was seen was a tall figure, with a head and eyeshine. Later, another witness observed a hunched over figure quickly crossing the road from right to left. It was described as being very tall and thin, with a bluish-gray color, with little or no hair. A second witness also saw it from a distance away. I was told the first witness was quite shaken after seeing the cryptid.
July 29th- A witness near Scottdale, at about sunset observed in the northern sky a round object that was bright white and possibly bluish in color. The object seemed to be slowly moving south. It was about the size of the star Vega and at approximately 60 degrees altitude. While under observation, a white puff ring emitted from it extending 10-20 times diameter outwards and had a width of about three to seven times the diameter of the object that looked similar to smoke or a contrail. The witness who is quite familiar with the sky went into the house to obtain a pair of high quality binoculars. Through the binoculars he could clearly see the ring.
He also noticed several smaller bright objects near the spherical object that seemed to be quickly moving around it. Those smaller objects were possibly flying and engaging the larger spherical object. The witness also observed a smaller less luminous object that was red in color. This object was about half the apparent size of the original sphere. That red object was moving directly downward and possibly falling.
July 29th- Ron Lanham from the Wild & Weird West Virginia research team reported that he received
a report from Tucker County, West Virginia that a witness had observed a slow-moving light at about 10 PM, that had no strobes, and was zigzagging as it moved toward the southeast. Another smaller point of light was noticed above it.
July 29th -I received a phone call from a witness at 10:13 PM. He sounded very shaken and concerned. He was describing an object in the sky that he was observing at that time. He had just walked outside a few minutes before to put out some garbage. He happened to look up into the southeast sky from his location outside of Mount Pleasant in Westmoreland County. This is only a short distance from Scottdale where the earlier sighting report had originated from.
He observed what he described as a massive triangular shaped object that emitted a bright greenish-orange glow. The object was hovering when he saw it. While talking to me he became very excited stating that the object had suddenly just vanished then moments later reappeared again, however it had moved forward ahead slightly. There seemed to be an electric hum coming from it. The object did this a second, and then a third time while he watched it. The man attempted to take pictures with his cell phone camera. He could see it in the viewer however the pictures only showed a blur not the object. He could not understand why that happened.
At 10:18 PM, while under observation, the object suddenly with incredible speed, shot off toward the southwest. The object had moved out of sight in seconds. Moments later, the witness observed what he described as three military jets approaching from the direction of Donegal. The jets approached the area then made a sharp turn then headed in the direction of the object. The jets could not catch up with it. The witness heard their jet engines and was certain they were military. The man went back into the house after the incident.
The object description: The witness used the term massive to describe triangular object that looked solid looking with a green-orange glow. The object was estimated to be around three hundred feet in length. At the bottom of the object in the center, was a large round non blinking green light. There was a smaller round white light on each corner that did not blink. There was also on each corner, a smaller triangular shaped object that seemed attached to it and they were each pointing outward. The entire object was surrounded in an orange fog.
July 29th -Researcher Kevin Paul reported that on Saturday evening in Greene county around 11 PM, a woman was getting ready to take her dog for a walk when she heard a very loud, guttural series of grunts that sounded close by. The sounds were unusual and sounded similar to what a deer would make, however these were much louder and deeper.
July 30th –The witness from the Mount Pleasant area called back at 12:11 AM and was quite excited again. He had looked out a window and saw a large white light below the clouds. It was not perfectly round but looked like a bright white vertical solid egg in the sky. He went outside to get a better look. He hung up and called me back a few minutes later. He had taken pictures of the object and one image did show something.
As he continued to watch, the object that seemed quite large moved slowly closer to the treetops. The witness was quite amazed as he watched the object make a turn and suddenly change shape from the egg into a large triangular object. The surface of the object gave the impression that it was constructed of soft black metal. There was a non-blinking white round light on each corner. After hovering for a short time, the object took off at a high speed across the sky and was quickly lost from view.
July 30th -Kevin Paul reported that a witness , around 9 PM, was dog walking near Rogersville in Greene county when he noticed a steady bright white light almost directly above him. There were no other navigational or strobe lights observed. The object was above the clouds and the witness watched as the object flew off toward the southeast at a high rate of speed. The witness told Kevin that the object took only about 10 seconds to move from overhead to out of sight over the horizon. The object appeared to wobble slightly as it moved out of sight.
I am receiving additional reports from recent days as I am writing up this report. If you have seen anything unusual, please contact me. I can be called at 724-838-7768 or email me at:
Bigfoot sightings have been reported from throughout Pennsylvania for years. The Southwest region of the state, however, is most active with sightings reported yearly. The Chestnut Ridge that extends through sections of Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana Counties is historically known for some of the most detailed and close range encounters that have taken place with these mysterious creatures. Throughout the years, some of the strangest and best documented Bigfoot incidents have occurred in Fayette County.
Another Bigfoot incident was reported to researcher, Jim Brown, who has been investigating UFO, Bigfoot, and other anomalies in Fayette County for many years. Jim contacted me after receiving this report and advised me he would be going to the sighting location to investigate and interview the witness.
There have been numerous Bigfoot sightings reported around that general area for years. In 2016, Jim also investigated an incredibly detailed Bigfoot encounter that also took place in the Fairchance, PA area. You can read the report at this link:
The following information is from the report that Jim submitted on the recent Bigfoot incident:
The incident occurred on May 22, 2023, at approximately 11 PM. The weather was partly cloudy at the time, and the temperature in the 50s. Jim was contacted by a property owner who lives near Fairchance, PA. He was getting ready to go to bed when he heard the sound of his cattle carrying on as though something was stirring them up. His first thought was that there was a coyote close by. The man grabbed his rifle and headed outside to see what was happening.
As he looked toward the animals, there was no coyote in sight. What he saw instead, was what he described as “a hairy man about eight feet tall in the muddy area”. The creature was in the mud approaching the cows. The man yelled aloud at the creature, which responded by starting to run away from that location. The witness then fired one shot over its head. The witness told Jim that he did not try to hit it, he just wanted to scare it off.
The man also told Jim, “I’m not sure where the creature went, it was just gone.” All of the cattle were accounted for. It was quite dark in the area where the creature was standing. The witness said that the creature was covered with long, dark colored hair, and that it had exceptionally long arms that extended low on both sides to at least the knees. When the man yelled at the creature, it raised its left arm above its head. That was also the arm between him and the creature.
The man also shined his flashlight beam on the creature that was about one hundred feet away from him. The eyes shined red only when he aimed his flashlight at them. There were no unusual sounds or odors. The cattle seemed to settle down once the creature left the area.
Jim searched the property the next day. He searched the muddy area where the cattle and creature had been standing. The cattle had made numerous deep tracks in the mud. If there had been any tracks from the creature, the cattle destroyed them. No unusual tracks or damage were noticed in the area. The man also indicated that on the two previous nights, the cattle were also reacting to something in the area, but it was not as extreme as on the night of the encounter. The witness seemed concerned that the creature might be still around, so some cameras will likely be set up in the area to try to obtain pictures of the creature.
UFO/UAP Sightings and Near the Ground Balls of Light Encounters Are Reported Often in Pennsylvania-2023 Cases Continuing-May 23, 2023
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
Pennsylvania has had a very long history of observations of mysterious objects in the sky. Reports of UFOs or UAPs are reported regularly from across the Keystone state each and every year. Sightings have been reported often in daylight in clear skies as well as under various types of weather conditions.
My UFO Hotline has been ringing with such reports from the public since 1969. Reported sightings are phoned in and emailed to me on a regular basis. Let’s be clear, UFO/UAP observations are often misidentifications of natural or manmade objects. In recent months and weeks, there have been many reports of Starlink satellites passing across the sky. Stars and bright planets are often called in. Many similar sightings have been explained.
Every year, however, very detailed UFO/UAP observations are reported, that can’t be easily dismissed. There was a surge of close range and in some cases low level UFO/UAP encounters that took place from October-December of 2021. That was unusual since UFO/UAP reports generally decrease during the wintertime. Since then, there has been a continuous flow of UFO/UAP observations that were quite interesting, and these incidents have continued throughout 2023.
Here are some links that will provide more details on some of these cases.
While I receive many reports, so do other UFO groups and independent researchers from across the state. They have also been receiving significant UFO/UAP cases as well. While sightings of cigar shaped or cylindrical objects have been reported for years, there has been a significant increase in daylight reports of what appear to be solid wingless objects that are often observed hovering and then suddenly just fading away. In other cases, similar objects have been reported moving steadily across the sky at a speed much slower than an aircraft. There also continue to be reports of large solid triangular objects as well as other odd configurations.
Photo of what appears to show a solid black, upside down, domed shaped object with a flat top. The picture was taken on the afternoon of May 14, 2022. The witness was in his vehicle sitting in a parking lot in the Latrobe, Pennsylvania area when he happened to look up into the sky. That is when he observed an object that was moving at high altitude among the clouds. The object was moving over a section of the Chestnut Ridge east of Latrobe. What caught the attention of the witness was that the object at first seemed to be moving slowly across the sky then suddenly there was a burst of speed as the object moved out of sight. He was only able to observe it for about 20 seconds. ( Photo used with permission of the witness.)
What is most noteworthy to me has been the significant increase in encounters with small and generally spherical objects that are observed within a few feet of the ground. In some cases, they have been reported on the ground. Many of these more recent cases have taken place in daylight. In some instances, these objects have approached within a few feet of the observers. There have been interesting physiological effects reported in some cases.
These objects are often about the size of a golf ball or baseball. Others are commonly described as about a foot or two in diameter. They are often just light sources of various colors. Some appear solid, others are more transparent. In some reports a swirling mass has been seen within the spheres. There are also reports where these object appear to be solid and metallic in appearance. As I have mentioned in past writings, I have investigated cases where these “mini-UFOs” have hovered in front of the windows of homes, have followed vehicles on roadways, and have entered moving vehicles and homes through open windows. They have also been reported inside houses.
This is not a new component of the UFO/UAP mystery. I first became aware of such reports in the 1960s. This very important aspect of the UFO/UAP phenomenon that some people seem unaware of or prefer to dismiss since it is difficult to explain. These cases are not just taking place in Pennsylvania, they are being reported across the country.
Also In past years, similar luminous low level balls of light have also been reported from this state, and across the country in locations that have a history of Bigfoot activity.
The following are some of the 2023 UFO/UAP incidents from Pennsylvania. I am still gathering additional details on some of these and other cases.
During early February, a witness at 1:30 AM in rural Mount Pleasant Township observed a solid ball of light about the size of a basketball moving steadily about 7-8 feet above the ground and about eight feet from the window. The luminous sphere moved steadily from the side of the house and across the yard. The small object began to rise higher into the sky and passed over a neighbor’s house and moved out of sight.
On the afternoon of March 7th, two men observed a cylindrical object that appeared in the clear sky in Washington county. The object was described as elongated, cylindrical, and appeared white in color. The object had no visible wings, and no sound was heard as it moved slowly in a straight trajectory across the sky. The appearance of wings and the engine noise of aircraft in the area at the time were easily discernible.
On April 13th, a witness was traveling from Mount Pleasant toward the turnpike when she observed an unusual object in the clear sky toward Laurelville. The object was moving much slower than an aircraft. The object was shaped like a cigar, and was described as having a silver, metallic chrome color and it had no apparent wings.
The following report was received from researcher Jim Brown. The incident took place on April 18th in Washington county, as the witness was driving from California, PA to Belle Vernon. It was about 10 AM when the witness saw over the hood of his vehicle, a ball of light, about twenty feet away. The man slowed down his speed, as the object appeared to pace him as he went down a hill. When he slowed down so did the ball of light. As he continued on, the object was moving toward his right and moved off toward the river and was lost from sight. The object was described as white and self-luminous. It looked solid with defined edges and was about 20-24 inches in diameter. The witness was not afraid but was puzzled by what he had observed.
Several incidents reportedly occurred in early May 2023. A witness in Armstrong county reported seeing a luminous object fall straight down from the sky into a tributary of the Allegheny river. The nearby ducks were disturbed by the impact. A couple of days later, a loud boom shook that same area.
Also, around this same date, another witness in Mount Pleasant Township observed around 1 AM. two bright white square shaped objects with rounded edges. They were following each other and moving very slowly across the sky in the direction of the mountains near Acme. They were very bright and too low for stars.
During the evening of May 15, 2023, a witness in Beaver county told me she observed a huge luminous triangular shaped object with a round light in each corner that was hovering over the trees. She stated that the entire object was illuminated in a white color. A smaller object separated from the top and bottom of the object while under observation.
Researcher Eric Mintel continues to receive reports of a low hovering UFO over the Doylestown, Bucks County PA area. Witnesses describe no sound brightly lit, hovering, and also emitting points of light like orbs that are seen by the naked eye. The Eric Mintel Investigates team will release a new video on their You Tube Ch called UFOS over Bucks County the Doylestown flap at the end of May.
You can contact me about UFO/UAP sightings, encounters with Bigfoot or other cryptids, or anything unusual at 724-838-7768 or via email at:
Daylight Bigfoot Encounters Are Being Reported During 2023 in Pennsylvania
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
I continue to receive Bigfoot reports from Pennsylvania annually via phone and email. I am also in contact with numerous other researchers in the state that also receive such incident reports. Several interesting Bigfoot encounters have already been reported throughout the Keystone State during 2023. I have also heard secondhand accounts of other possible sightings.
Reports of possible Bigfoot activities continue to be reported from areas along the Chestnut Ridge and Laurel Ridge areas. Locals are reporting strange screams and howls, and the sound of something heavy and bipedal walking in the woods. Possible Bigfoot tree structures have also been reported. During January and February, such cases were reported from Fayette and Bedford counties.
During early February, I received information that there had been a series of Bigfoot encounters that had taken place in Elk County. I had the opportunity to interview two witnesses who had seen the creature. One resident told me that he had been putting out scrap buckets of food, mainly apples, berries, and corn near the woods for the wildlife to enjoy. On the evening of his encounter, he had heard the sound of heavy feet stomping in the distance. He knew it was not the sound of an elk or deer. A few minutes later, his outside security system indicated movement outside. That’s when he observed an 8 to 9 feet tall creature, covered with black and gray hair. It was so tall the head of the creature was blocked by the window he was looking from. The creature was wide shouldered, had very long arms, and took long strides as it moved off into the woods.
Two days later, another person was in her vehicle close to where the previous sighting had taken place. It was just before noon, when that person noticed a creature very similar to what the first witness had reported. She also described the creature covered with black and gray hair and it stood at least 8 feet tall. She said the beast took very long strides and “ran like a flash.” She only saw it for several seconds as it ran down below a nearby house. She looked around but never saw it again. She stated to me that “she was in disbelief” and was shocked by what she saw.
In late February in an area near the border of Westmoreland and Indiana counties, and in the vicinity of the Chestnut Ridge, a witness at about 7:15 AM, observed what appeared to be a small Bigfoot about 4 feet tall that was covered in gray hair. It was standing behind a building in a very rural area. While watching the creature, the witness began to hear loud whoop-whoop sounds coming from the nearby woods. The smaller creature quickly began to run toward the sounds. Two days later on the same property, the residents reported a horrible smell similar to rotten meat or eggs that lasted for about 30 minutes then dissipated. Soon after their dog became ill and refused to go outside. There has been a history of other Bigfoot incidents in this general area for many years.
I recently interviewed a witness who encountered a creature that was similar to other reports I have received over the years of a smaller Bigfoot creature. This also occurred during late February or Early March of 2023, in Indiana county in a rural location close to the Conemaugh river. The observation took place just as the sun was coming up and visibility was good. The witness was driving along the road and there was a car in front of him. He noticed a creature that was walking upright and was all black. The body was quite thin, but it had long arms. The creature was about 5 feet tall. The creature was moving toward the road just as the first car approached that area. At that time, the creature suddenly turned around to move away possibly annoyed by that car. The witness was baffled how that dark creature could be lost from sight in just seconds. He couldn’t understand how something could move that fast. His car quickly approached the area where the creature had been and the witness slowed down to look for it, but it was not seen again.
According to researcher Kevin Paul, in early April, a witness reported a Bigfoot sighting near Jefferson, in Greene county. The creature was described as 7-8 feet tall, all black in color, and broad shouldered. The creature never looked at the driver of the vehicle.
I learned from Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, that during April, a team of Bigfoot researchers were again exploring a remote wooded area in Fayette county that they call, “Area X.” Eric told me that they continued to experience odd phenomena including light anomalies, strange animal howls and screams and large unseen animals walking around those who were there just inside the tree line. There has been ongoing strange activity reported in and around that area in recent years. Bigfoot reports, mysterious vocalizations, strange luminous phenomena, small balls of light near the ground and approaching within feet of witnesses have been reported.
It was in late April, that another Bigfoot encounter was reported from Luzerne county. Max Furek received the initial report and conducted an interview, and I later conducted a follow up interview with the witness. This occurred about 5:30 PM as a witness was driving through a cemetery area. The man was moving at a slow speed through the area when he noticed a dark mass near the tree line. As he got closer, he realized that he was actually seeing two creatures that were very close to each other.
The larger creature was black in color, was estimated to be over 7 feet tall and had long arms. The second creature was smaller and looked to be about 5 feet tall. The hair color was described as similar to cinnamon. The creatures were very close to each other. They turned and looked toward the witness. They seemed curious as they looked in his direction. When they moved off, they walked upright. The arms moved in unison with the leg movements. The witness unfortunately did not have his cell phone with him to take a picture.
Besides Bigfoot reports, there continues to be reported UFO/UAP sightings also taking place.
If you have seen anything unusual you can contact me via phone at 724-838-7768, or email at:
2023 Kecksburg UFO Festival Conference Lineup of UFO-Bigfoot-Paranormal Speakers
The Kecksburg V.F.D. will be holding their annual Kecksburg UFO Festival July 21-23, 2023, at their fire department location at 5128 Water Street, Mount Pleasant, PA 15668.
The annual Kecksburg UFO Festival Conference will be held on Sunday from 1 PM until 5 PM. In the EMS building across from the social hall.
The speakers this year include Stan Gordon, Kevin Paul, Ron Lanham, and Jimmy and Dee Trick known as “Goosebumps Paranormal Society.”
Stan Gordon
Stan Gordon has been researching UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and other mysterious events in Pennsylvania since 1959. Since then, he has been involved with the investigation of thousands of unusual incidents. For many years, Stan led teams of scientists, engineers, and research specialists to investigate mysterious occurrences across Pennsylvania. He is the primary investigator of the 1965 UFO crash incident that occurred near Kecksburg, PA. Stan has been taking calls on UFO sightings and other strange reports from the public since 1969, and he continues to receive unusual reports on a regular basis. He has given illustrated lectures both locally and nationally on the topics of UFOs, Bigfoot, Cryptids, and strange encounters since the late 1960s.
He is the producer of the award winning UFO video documentary, “Kecksburg The Untold Story.” Stan is the author of four books, Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook, Really Mysterious Pennsylvania, and Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures. Stan’s 4th book, “Creepy Cryptids And Strange UFO Encounters Of Pennsylvania”, was released on March 2, 2022. He has been interviewed for TV and radio programs nationally and internationally. Stan has been seen on the History & Discovery Channel, SyFy Channel, Travel Channel, Fox News Channel, Destination America Channel, and Unsolved Mysteries, as well as numerous other TV programs. He has been a guest on the Coast to Coast radio show several times. For updates on upcoming events and reports visit Stan’s website:
Stan will be discussing the numerous UFO, Bigfoot, and Cryptid reports that have taken place in recent months and years and around Pennsylvania and the Pittsburgh area including Westmoreland County. He will discuss the surge of encounters with mini-UFOs that took place during 2022 and continue to be reported this year. These cases involve small generally spherical objects that have been reported very low to the ground, and in some cases observed on the ground. In some recent incidents these small objects have approached within a few feet of witnesses even in daylight.
Nick Markowitz
Nick Markowitz
Nick Markowitz Jr., a professional electrician and broadcast engineer, interweaves his expertise in the industrial sector with an enthralling journey in paranormal research. Ever since a possible encounter with Bigfoot in 1977 at the now-closed BSA Camp Semiconon, Nick has been delving into the mysteries of the unexplained. His professional background in AM/FM broadcast engineering gives him a unique perspective, which he’ll share in his talk on the apparent impact of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), and radio station transmission patterns on paranormal activities. As an electrical fire investigator and certified Forensic Electrical Inspector, Nick’s technical prowess and investigative insights create a unique blend of the scientific and the enigmatic. He also maintains a popular blog at
His program will discuss “Do AM Radio waves And EMI Electromagnetic Interference Enhance paranormal activities with Bigfoot and UFOs?”
Ron Lanham
Ron Lanham
Around 2017, along with friend and business partner Joe Perdue, Ron founded Wild & Weird West Virginia. He also hosts and produces the Wild & Weird Radio Podcast and is a founding member for the West Virginia High Strangeness Collective. Ron has been featured in the Small Town Monsters films such as “The Mothman Legacy” and “On the Trail of UFOs, Dark Sky” as well as other titles. He has been asked to speak on a number of podcasts, at schools and conventions regarding UFOs, Bigfoot and other paranormal phenomena.
Ron’s topic is, “The Case For Contact.” Have We Ever Truly Been Alone? Are witnesses encountering beings from outer space, or are they from much closer? Could there be an intelligence that is interacting with us in ways we are just starting to understand? If so, what could it mean for humanity?
Jimmy and Dee Trick
Jimmy and Dee Trick
Jimmy and Dee Trick are a husband-and-wife team of investigators of anything weird, spooky, and bizarre and the founders of Goosebumps Paranormal Society. They have investigated haunted homes, cemeteries, businesses, battlefields, sanitariums, and the like, looking for anything paranormal. Ghosts are not the only thing that is paranormal, it includes anything that cannot be explained scientifically.
They have been on numerous podcasts, radio shows, and on an episode of Finding Bigfoot, where they tried to link possible bigfoot activity to possible ghost activity in the Western Pennsylvania area. Their recently co-written book, Weird..Spooky..Bizarre., includes some of their favorite paranormal cases. It’s written conversationally and takes you along as a virtual member of their team. They enjoy sharing some of their encounters with you and are eager to hear about experiences that other folks have had.
Their presentation is called, “Sights and Sounds of the Paranormal.”
Jimmy and Dee Trick will present some audio and video evidence of their paranormal investigations in The Sights and Sounds of the Paranormal. You’ll see and hear what they consider clear evidence of the paranormal, whether it be spirit or bigfoot related.