UFO Sightings Reported Yesterday Afternoon Near Ligonier, Pennsylvania- April 14, 2022
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
I have been receiving information that some unusual objects were observed in the sky yesterday afternoon, April 14, 2022, in the Ligonier area. I am still gathering information on the sightings at this time. If you saw anything unusual, please contact me at 724-838-7768 or email me at: paufo@comcast.net.
Since the 1960s, I have been investigating reports of small objects generally round in shape that are low to the ground and have approached within feet of witnesses even in daylight. I have been calling these objects mini-UFOs for many years. These objects sometimes appear to be solid and metallic in appearance while in other cases they are just luminous sources of various colors. There have also been cases of these objects entering vehicles and homes through open windows. In more recent years similar orbs of light are being reported in Pennsylvania and from around the country in locations that have a history of Bigfoot encounters.
The following report was submitted by researcher Jim Brown. Jim has been investigating UFO sightings and many other strange incidents from the Fayette county area for many years. Jim conducts a scientific approach when investigating these type of reports. Jim’s website is www.jimsdestinations.com.
The witnesses in this case thought they were looking at a small balloon floating through the area, but as the incident unfolded, the situation became stranger. I find this case of interest due to the details concerning the odd effects associated with the disappearance of the object.
Over the past few months from various locations in Pennsylvania, three low level UFO incidents were reported where witnesses were in close proximity to an unknown aerial object, and they all reported feeling a minor static charge taking place during the occurrence. You can read about those cases at this link:
Weather: Cloud cover, dry but rain in the forecast. Wind mostly calm. Slight breeze at times.
I was contacted by the witness who wanted to know if I had any ideas about what he experienced. I know him personally and he knows I investigate unusual activity. He wanted to know if I had ever heard anything like this. He made no claim of anything paranormal, just wanted his curiosity satisfied. Since I live nearby, I also did an onsite visit to obtain more details. A summary of my investigation follows: (Names were changed to protect identity.)
John and Mary were doing yard work. Mary was spreading some mulch around a couple trees in the yard, John was pushing a wheelbarrow with some topsoil and filling holes in the ground in the back yard. Mary saw something reflective in the field behind their house, about 50 feet away. She called to John to look since he was much closer to it. He looked up and saw a balloon drifting about ten feet above the fence line. He described it as one of those mylar balloons like they have at parties. It was silver and circular, about two feet in diameter.
He watched as it drifted closer to his location. John walked a bit closer to the brush at the edge of the field while Mary continued to watch it drift closer. Both agree on what happened next. Suddenly it got very bright white. Prior to this it simply looked like it was reflecting natural light, now it appeared to shine on its own. About two seconds later both witnesses saw it explode. At the same time what they described as a small lightning bolt shot from the explosion to the ground.
The explosion sounded like a small firecracker followed by a snap like a spark. This spark started a small fire where it struck the ground. John immediately grabbed his shovel and ran to put the fire out before it spread to rest of the field. He had the fire out after a couple hits with the shovel. It was then he noticed another wisp of smoke coming from the fence line about 100 feet away in the same direction where the object had just come. He ran down there and extinguished that fire as well. Both watched the field for a few minutes for any other signs of smoke, but Nothing more was seen.
That was when he decided to call me. I was on scene about 3:45 PM and checked both areas where the fires burned. Aside from the normal ash from the dried grass that had burned nothing was found. I checked carefully for any shredded mylar or other material where the object exploded, but nothing was found. Nor was any residue that might be attributed to a firecracker. The only other material present were some very rusted sections of barbed wire which was a remnant of an old fence that used to be located in that field. John said a neighbor used to keep cows in that field years ago. Neither witness had any idea of what they had just experienced.
As far as any history of paranormal activity, neither witness has had any personal experience. John is not interested in it at all and Mary’ s experience is she sometimes watches a few paranormal TV shows about ghosts. She has had no personal experiences.
Based on the limited information no definitive conclusions could be reached. Regarding the two fires, it should be noted that only a single explosion or spark was reported. I did consider the possibility that the old, barbed wire might somehow conduct the current down to the second fire location, however, the pieces of wire lying on the ground were not isolated from the ground nor was the wire a complete circuit. Therefore, there was little chance of any electrical current flowing through the wire to make a complete circuit that could a cause fire. Numerous breaks were present where the wire had completely rusted away. This would prevent any electric current flow.
Jim Brown
Additional UFO sightings and other anomalies have continued to be reported in recent weeks in Pennsylvania. If you have seen anything unusual, please get in contact with me.
I have been taking UFO reports from the public since 1969. I receive such sighting reports year round via phone and email. Traditionally, reports of UFO sightings decrease during the Fall and Winter months. That however was not the case during 2021. This ongoing series of UFO reports is interesting, since several cases are of low level UFO incidents. UFO sightings have been continually reported since October of 2021 and are continuing through March of 2022.
The following are brief summaries of some of the cases reported.
10-06-21- Apollo- A huge wingless object with red lights along the bottom that were not flashing was observed during the evening. Only the sound of something moving through the air was noticed. There were six smaller object following the larger object and they began to circle it. They had one bright white light non flashing. They then moved ahead of larger object and could no longer be seen as they moved beyond the trees . The main object continued to move away in the distance.
On October 24, 2021- A man driving north of Route 119 near the Scottdale-Mount Pleasant exit in Westmoreland County noticed something unusual in the sky. It was cloudy and overcast at the time, but what he saw was easily discernible. What he noticed was a round gray cloud that was lighter in color than the surrounding clouds. It looked to be about the size of a school bus from the distance he was observing it from. But the cloud-like object was flying erratically right and left, and up and down in the sky.
The witness described its movements as similar to a school of fish following a lead fish. The object was only about 300-400 feet in the sky and well below the cloud layer. The man observed it for about 10-15 seconds and didn’t have time to get out his cell phone to take a picture. Just as the witness was about to go under the Route 819 overpass, the object began to fade away and just suddenly disappeared. Moments later after exiting from the overpass, the object was no longer in the sky. The witness is sure that other motorists also saw the object. When he first noticed the object, five to six cars ahead of him all jammed on their breaks at the same time.
10-26-21- Near Meridian in Butler County, a witness driving in the area noticed some movement in the bushes near the road around dusk. A hair covered creature at least seven feet tall walking upright and moving very fast, moved to the right. It looked hairy, muddy, and matted. Within the hour in the same general area, witnesses reported observing an exceptionally large triangular object that a witness estimated was the size of three buses hovering about 100 feet above the ground. The object had a light in each corner. The object made no sound. The witnesses reported feeling a static electric charge while it was observed. (Via Dan Hageman of BORU.)
11-03-21- The witness was traveling on the Norvelt-Hecla Road in Westmoreland County about 7:45 or 8 PM. The driver had just crossed over the turnpike and when he saw a large bright white round object with a red tinge about 2,000 feet off the ground. He watched it for total of 20-25 minutes as he followed it and watched it hover over Alverton. He said it was glowing very bright, that the object was huge, and the size of a house. It ended up hovering in a location remarkably close to where the object was observed near the Mount Pleasant-Scottdale exit on October 24th. The picture the witness took shows a white oval shaped light in the sky.
Used with permission of the witness
11-11-21- A person driving on Route 119 just outside of Smithfield in Fayette County observed something unusual in the sky during the early evening. About fifty yards ahead, the driver saw an object barely moving that appeared quite low above the ground. There were three lights in a rounded triangular configuration that was described as similar to a “guitar pick in shape.” The lights looked perfectly circular, were non- blinking and orange-yellow in color and were the size of a large dinner plate. As she got closer, the silent object was to her left about ten yards away off the road. She passed below a section of the object that was about thirty feet above the ground. The witness had a dog in the car at the time that was also looking at the object. The driver touched the animal to comfort it and felt a static electric charge at that time. The driver said the object was only about ten feet long and six feet wide.
Mid November 2021- A man was exiting out of the Squirrel Hill Tunnel in Pittsburgh heading toward Forest Hills and getting off of that exit when he saw low in the sky three round lights of medium brightness that were orange-yellow in color and in a triangular configuration. Then suddenly, the spheres all took off in different directions into the sky and went out of sight.
12-13-21- Near Baggaley- During the early morning a witness noticed a white light that turned green then red, began to move left to right, then right to left, made a sharp right turn then went straight down and hovered over the top of the trees around that area of the Chestnut Ridge.
12-28-21- Clarion County- The witness was doing a chore outside around midnight when she heard a loud crack from behind her, she turned around and observed what she described as a soft rounded triangular object that had a non-blinking red light on the back and a row of round non-blinking lights at the bottom of the object. The object had a silver appearance to it, but when it approached closer it looked darker towards the bottom section. The silent object continued to move slowly across the sky.
12-30-21-Observed about 8:30 PM from around Scottdale looking toward Connellsville, A witness said the object was toward Melcroft in Fayette County. The object looked cigar shaped and skinny about 50-100 feet long possibly shiny. The object just disappeared in seconds.
01-05-22-4:40 AM-Latrobe-The witness was outside and noticed two white lights and a red light in the middle of an object. The shape could not be seen. Then multiple Lights came on the underside of the object. It looked like a circuit board with numerous lights and what looked like solid pipes connected to some of them. The object made a low humming sound and was very low estimated to be about 70 feet high (about 3 ranch homes high) and it was between her yard and the neighbor’s yard. At the closest point it was about 50-60 feet away.
When It was seen moving in the distance, it looked like a circuit board with numerous white lights and what looked like solid pipes connecting to some of them it was about 125 feet away. There were about five rows of about 20 white round non-blinking lights. The pipes that seemed solid were on both sides of the panel and seemed to be connected to the top row. The object moved slow with lights on. The shape of the object was not determined but the panel section looked to be 7-8 feet long.
During January and February of 2022, I was receiving information from witnesses and UFO researchers that sightings of large triangular objects and other types of UFOs were being reported from around the Kittanning area and other sections of Armstrong county. The following case is quite interesting.
01-15-22-A man who lived in rural Armstrong county was concerned that his water line under the house was freezing up during a local deep freeze, so he went outside after 3 AM. He was partly inside a crawl space when he heard a strange humming-clicking sound from outside behind him. The next day his neighbor called him and told him about the strange object that he saw hovering over his barn across the road during the time that he was in the crawl space.
I was able to interview both of the witnesses involved. The neighbor told me that he awakened at about 3:45 AM by the sound of his horses being disturbed by something. “The horses were running around in a tizzy.” The man began to walk toward the barn. He approached to about 150 feet from the barn when some lights appeared over the barn. The lights were shining down and he could see the horses moving around. That’s when he saw an object hovering about 20 feet above the barn.
The object looked somewhat tear drop shaped about 65-70 feet long. The object had a smooth silver or metallic look that looked similar to stainless or galvanized steel. “It looked solid and smooth.” The object was emitting a humming and buzzing sound. There were numerous lights across the surface of the object that looked round. There were approximately 8 rows of 20-30 lights. The lights would change from red to blue than back to a red color.
The man watched the object hover for about 5 minutes. His camera phone was in the house. As he watched the lights suddenly went out, everything went dark and the object just disappeared. He did not see the object move away from the area. The horses seem to go back to their normal behavior just seconds after the object vanished.
01-15-22-Sighting Report of Unknown object over trees-Pennsylvania/West Virginia border
Weather: Overcast, Temp 22 degreesF No precip. Clouds at 3,000 ft
Names withheld, Pseudonyms used.
Jane Doe was in her kitchen preparing breakfast. She decided to take out
her trash to a garbage container near her back porch. She went out the
door and saw what she described as a large dark hole in the sky. She
immediately went back inside to grab a camera to get a picture of it. When
she turned around to open her aluminum storm door she received a shock
like static electricity from the metal handle She went on inside , got
the camera and returned outside . She estimated this took no longer than
15 – 20 seconds.
But when she returned the dark object was gone. She went on out into the
yard and searched the sky but nothing was seen. After about 2 minutes
she gave up and went back inside. Again, she received the shock on the
aluminum door, only this time more severe.
After going inside, she called a nearby neighbor we’ll refer to as Sally .
She knew Sally had an interest in strange or paranormal events. Sally
dressed and went to Jane’s house to see what was going on. About 8:00 AM
she arrived and went to Jane’s kitchen door and knocked. As she reached
for the aluminum door she also received an electric shock when she touched
it. Neither of them could account for anything abnormal except for the
repeated shocks.
Sally had met me at a conference and had my card so she
called me about 8:30 and explained what was happening. I made
arrangements to take some equipment out to see if I could detect the cause
of the electrical activity as well as conduct an investigation into the
earlier sighting.
The two women opened the door several times as they endured the shock to
go outside and check for any activity. Nothing was found. They noticed
the intensity of the shock was decreasing over time and by about 9:00 AM
it was no longer felt.
I arrived at 9:20 and began my investigation. I did an EMF sweep and
found nothing unusual. A slight 60 Hz EM Field was present near the
refrigerator, which was near the door, but this was in the microvolt range
and not abnormal. A couple other EMF hits were found but those were
associated with power lines in the house. Both women were wearing rubber
soul running shoes and the kitchen floor was tile which would preclude the
possibility of a static electric charge being built up from their
The outside porch / patio was concrete which also would not
create such a static build up. I measured the resistance between the
aluminum door and Earth ground and found that while the door frame was not
actually grounded, continuity was less than 100 Ohms. This would bleed
off any static charge which might build up on the door. My conclusion
related to the shock is that in order for such condition to be present the
source would need to be continuously replaced. Static electricity would
be discounted. No source for such electricity was found, no power lines
in the house were in close proximity to the door or door frame. At this
time the cause of the electrical shock is unknown.
The investigation turned to the sighting itself. At 7:00 AM the sky was
relatively dark; only the first light of dawn was seen. Jane described
what she saw as a hole in the sky. There was a light in the center but
not as a light bulb. It was more like a glow coming from inside. No sound was heard.
No movement was observed, the dark object was just there when she went out and
was gone by the time she returned. I asked her if she thought the object was solid.
She said no; it was like looking into the object as you would look down a hall. It was darker near the opening and lighter further inside.
I made a couple sketches and what she described seems to match what you would
expect if you observed such an opening from an angle. This matches the conditions
I observed of her vantage point and the location of the tree line. Since it disappeared
she could make no attempt to actually get under it and look up into it.
At this point no conclusions have been determined, investigation will
Follow up to report.
Date: 1 – 18 – 22
I did a follow up interview and spoke with the witness. Using a computer
generated image based on her description I positioned the image on a
photograph of the location where the object was seen. The size and
coloration was adjusted as needed to match as closely as possible the
conditions at the time of the sighting. The image attached here is the
result of that interview.
A search of the area around the tree line revealed no physical evidence.
I also contacted the neighbor. While the neighbor could not add anything
regarding the photograph I did question her regarding any subsequent
events. Neither the witness nor the neighbor reported anything
subsequent to the initial events.
As a part of the investigation, I also contacted the power company and
checked regarding any power interruptions at the time of the sighting.
None were filed Also no reports were received of any other sightings by
area 911 services.
I received no additional reports related to this from anyone in the area.
Date: 2 – 22 – 2022
I contacted both the witness and neighbor by phone. There have been no
subsequent events in either person’s life related to this case. I will
carry this case as an unknown unless additional information is reported.
J. W Brown
02-19-22-Observed from the Crabtree area looking east-southeast-high in sky, witnesses see two bright star-like objects suddenly appear. Objects are positioned one above the other and they are slowly drifting downward. About a minute later the lower light begins to fade out and soon after the higher object also fades out and neither one is emitting light. They did not appear to reach the ground. The objects were in the direction of Latrobe and witnesses believe they were past the airport area and not that far from the Chestnut Ridge area.
02-19-22-Upper Yoder-Cambria County-7:45 PM-Observed for 3-4 minutes witness saw a red and white light blinking in sky thought at first to be an airplane. The object then began to make erratic movements. It went up and down, then would make small circles, and continued to do those maneuvers, until it just suddenly just disappeared.
UFO Sighting reports are continuing to be reported during March. If you have seen anything unusual, please get in touch with me via phone: 724-838-7768 or email: paufo@comcast.net.
2022 Kecksburg (PA) UFO Festival Conference Speaker Lineup
The Kecksburg UFO Festival is scheduled to take place July 22-24, 2022, at the Kecksburg V.F.D. grounds located at the 5128 Water Street, Mount Pleasant, PA 15666.
The Kecksburg UFO Festival Conference will be held on Sunday, July 24th from 1-4:30 PM, in the EMS building across from the community center. For more information call: 724-423-9540.
The speakers this year:
Stan Gordon-An Update On Recent UFO and Bigfoot Encounters and Other Strange Occurrences In The Pittsburgh Area.
Stan Gordon has been researching UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and other mysterious events in Pennsylvania since 1959. Since then, he has been involved with the investigation of thousands of unusual incidents. He is the primary investigator of the 1965 UFO crash incident that occurred near Kecksburg, PA. Stan has been taking calls on UFO sightings and other strange reports from the public since 1969. He has given illustrated lectures both locally and nationally on the topics of UFOs, Bigfoot, and strange encounters since the late 1960s.
He is the producer of the award winning UFO video documentary, “Kecksburg The Untold Story.” Stan is the author of four books, Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook, Really Mysterious Pennsylvania, Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures, and his latest book, Creepy Cryptids and Strange UFO Encounters of Pennsylvania.
Stan appears frequently on radio and television programs discussing his research on these topics. He has been interviewed for TV and radio programs nationally and internationally and has been seen on the History & Discovery Channel, SyFy Channel, Fox News Channel, Destination America Channel, and Unsolved Mysteries, as well as numerous other TV programs.
He was listed in the 2005 FATE Magazine special, The 100 Most Influential People in UFOlogy Today. In more recent years Stan has been featured in several films and documentaries about his research into UFOs and Bigfoot. 2019 will mark 60 years of research for Stan into these mysteries.Stan’s website is: www.stangordon.info.
Eric Altman-“Mysterious Chestnut Ridge.”
Eric Altman is a Cryptozoologist, specializing in researching the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon with a combined 40 years of study and field research. He is a well-respected field investigator, contributing author, founder and Director of the Pennsylvania Cryptozoology Society and Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. Eric was also the host and co-founder of Beyond the Edge Radio, a live weekly radio program covering a variety of paranormal and fringe topics from 1997 to 2019.
Eric has been actively investigating cases, sighting claims and conducting field work dating back to 1997. He has investigated and assisted in investigating over 250 cases of Bigfoot sightings, encounters and claims in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states. Eric was an organizer of the East Coast Bigfoot Conference from 2000 to 2011. Beginning in 2016 he organized and hosted the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure, an annual charity fund raising event which has successfully concluded its third event in 2019.
Eric is a much sought-after public speaker on the topics of Bigfoot and other Cryptids for over 21 years. He has lectured and presented across the country dating back to 2000. Eric has been featured in multiple documentaries, films and television programs about Bigfoot. The most recent documentary film Mountain Devil 3 Travel channel “Paranormal Declassified,” and the Discovery Plus “Fright Club.” He will also be featured in the upcoming 8-episode series “Sasquatch Unearthed; The Ridge.” Eric has written for and contributed to several books and articles on the subject. He has been interviewed on hundreds of national radio programs and appeared as a featured guest on countless internet podcast shows. He has appeared in newspaper, magazine articles and various forms of print media. To learn more about Eric, visit his websites https://www.ericaltman.net. https: www.pabigfoot.com and https: www.pacryptosociety.com
Dave Spinks-West Virginia and Southwest PA and Modern UFOlogy
Dave Spinks, Air-force veteran and retired Federal law enforcement officer has been investigating researching and documenting the paranormal for the last three decades. During his thousands of investigations, he has had death defying situations and hair raising accounts that pushes the boundaries of belief while answering man’s three greatest questions, What happens when we die? Are we alone in the universe? Are there unknown creatures walking among us?
This multifaceted research, documentation, authoring over 7 books, combined with his knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences catapulted Dave to world renown TV & movie fame, highlighting his unapologetically authentic investigating style. His appearances vary from The Flatwoods Monster a legacy of Fear, (Small Town Monsters) several seasons of The UnXplained, Ghost Nation, Terror in the Woods, Expedition X, In Search of Monsters, Paranormal 911, Flatwoods the movie, These Woods are Haunted.
Dave has an extensive history on the lecturing circuit ranging from UFO, Cryptid, & paranormal conferences to speaking in schools to children of all ages. When not filming or speaking at conferences you can find Dave in his store Dave Spinks World of Weird, Richwood, WV
Patty Wilson-Haunted History
Haunted History–Ghost stories often come with historical legends, folk tales and rumors attached, but how do you weed through them to find out what actually happened at an historical site? Historian and author Patty A Wilson will share several cases where history made or broke a story. The author of Haunted Pennsylvania, The Big Book of Pennsylvania Ghost Stories and over a dozen more non-fiction collections of historical haunts explains just what it takes to bring a ghost story alive and how this will play into any paranormal investigation or documentation. Learn the story of a young man who died in the late 1700’s only to come back and kill his kin. Is this story only folklore or is it true? Learn the truth about the history of one of Pennsylvania’s most haunted taverns–the Jean Bonnet. And hear the story of a haunted tombstone and what the truth behind the story really is.
Author, historian, and paranormal researcher Patty A. Wilson has lived her entire life in Pennsylvania researching, investigating and writing about Pennsylvania’s extensive paranormal history. Ms. Wilson lives near her three sons and their families. She works in the field of psychology and has been investigating the paranormal and documenting it for nearly thirty years. To date, Ms. Wilson has written 28 books including Haunted Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania’s Lost Treasures, The Big Book of Pennsylvania Ghost Stories and A Ghost Hunter’s Tales.
Ms. Wilson has appeared on Travel Channel’s Mysterious Journeys, Biography Channel’s My Ghost Story and was a consultant for the first episodes of Ghost Hunters. Ms. Wilson hosts a Facebook page on the paranormal entitled The Paranormal Asylum and Ms. Wilson co-hosts The Paranormalist Podcast with Kenny Dodson where each week they discuss the paranormal, interview guests or share paranormal tales. Ms. Wilson lectures on the subject of the paranormal throughout Pennsylvania.
Bill Bulebush-The First Eyewitness to See the Kecksburg UFO On the Ground has Passed Away
It is with deep sadness that I have learned that Bill Bulebush of Mammoth, Pennsylvania, passed away on March 2, 2022, at the age of 96. As far as I am aware, Bill was likely the first person to go down into the woods near Kecksburg, that afternoon on December 9, 1965, where he saw the object. Bill saw the fiery object in the sky as he was tuning up the CB radio in his car that day and drove toward the area where it appeared the object was coming down. He entered the woods after observing bright blue arching of light down in the woods where he hunted. That’s when he came upon a large metallic acorn shaped object with odd symbols on its surface.
I first met Bill in 1988 after learning of his experience. Bill took myself and other research team members on a journey down into the woods and took us to a tree that he stood behind that day as he observed the object lying on the ground nearby. It was the same location that other witnesses independently took me to over the years.
During the years after Bill and I met, we had many conversations sitting in his kitchen discussing the experience he had with the mysterious object that day in 1965. It was something that he would never forget. Bill would, over the years on occasion, attend the Kecksburg V.F.D. UFO Festival and he was always greeted by many people who attended the event. I had no doubt that Bill was telling the truth and he always wondered what the object was that he saw that day.
Bill will be missed, and he will always be remembered as a part of the history of the Kecksburg UFO incident. My thoughts and prayers go out to Bill’s family and may he rest in peace. Maybe now Bill will learn what really happened that day in 1965.
Pulsating Luminous UFO Video Taped Over Nitro, West Virginia-January 25, 2022
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
I received the following information from Ron Laham of the West Virginia High Strangeness Collective on January 26, 2022:
Last night 1/25/22 I received a report from a witness from Nitro WV stating that he had observed what he at first thought to be a plane on fire and crashing around 7:00PM est. He quickly pulled out his phone and shot some video which he sent over to me. He observed the object for several minutes until it just sort of faded or dimmed out. It was traveling east, winds were toward the SW at 2mph and visibility was about 10 miles. In the video you can clearly see the object was pulsing and not simply flashing. If you observed anything similar in this time frame or have any important information in regard to this sighting, please let us know by reporting it on our web site.
The witness is very familiar with the sky and said this object seemed to actually stop then pulsate, which he did manage to capture on video. “I seen something crazy. I thought there was a plane on fire. It came across quick at first. I could see flames blazing, it was orange. Then it stood still. I heard a kid downtown shout something. They could see it too. Fire in the sky.” He said he had never seen anything like it and seriously thought it was a crashing plane. There was at least one other observer , if you can help reach out to us ASAP.
During past years, UFO sighting reports generally diminish during the fall and winter months. During October through December 2021, a surge of UFO sightings including reports of low level close range observations took place in various areas of Pennsylvania.
January of 2022, has also been unusually busy with UFO sightings continuing and even some cryptid cases being reported in the Keystone state.
The public reported numerous UFO sightings from across Pennsylvania throughout the 2021 year. Some of the UFO observations that came to my attention were determined to have a natural or manmade explanation. Various UFO sightings could be explained as bright planets and stars, Starlink satellites and other space related activity, bright meteors, as well as other sources. There were other reports, however, of low level observations of aerial objects that the observers could not identify and are quite interesting.
During the year, many UFO sightings occurred in daylight and some were around populated areas. There were many sightings of cigar shaped objects observed from various locations in the state as well as observations of triangular shaped objects that were, in some cases, quite low in altitude. There were also reports of smaller spherical objects observed closer to the ground. Residents in various locations reported odd luminous anomalies had appeared on their game and security cameras.
Used with permission of Tom Barnes IV.
Various other phenomena such as mystery booms and other unusual audible sounds were heard over wide areas. Strange footprints were reported and so were mysterious creatures. Witnesses reported encounters with Bigfoot. Sightings of Bigfoot are reportedly yearly in Pennsylvania. There were a number of sightings of giant winged creatures as well. Some of these possible “Thunderbird” sightings occurred in daylight at very close range. Other cryptid encounters and observations of other unusual animals also came to my attention.
Strange incidents continue to be reported from areas on and along the Chestnut Ridge, especially in Westmoreland and Fayette Counties. There are also certain specific locations in the state that have a history of ongoing phenomena where observations of small balls of light are observed low to the ground and at close range as well as UFO sightings, encounters with Bigfoot and other cryptids, and other paranormal phenomena are reported.
It’s been 62 years since I started my research into UFOs, Bigfoot and other mysterious incidents that were reported from Pennsylvania. I have been taking sighting reports from the public since 1969, and the calls continue to come in along with numerous email reports on a regular basis. It still surprises many people that I have never seen a UFO or even a Bigfoot, however, over the years I have seen various types of physical evidence during my many years of in the field investigations. Although my focus is on cases reported from Pennsylvania, I also receive unusual sighting reports from neighboring states and from across the country.
In past years, UFO sighting reports generally diminish during the late fall and the winter months. Surprisingly, there was a surge of UFO activity from October through December, and this has continued into early 2022. Interestingly, some of the cases reported were low level observations of what appeared to be structured aerial objects or objects performing odd maneuvers low in the sky. There were UFO sightings or other mysterious incidents reported in Pennsylvania during every month of 2021.
While I received many reports directly, I continued to maintain contact with numerous other researchers that also receive similar reports. The following are some of the individuals who have provided some interesting information. Lon Strickler of the Phantoms & Monsters website receives many strange reports from across the United States. Eric Altman of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society receives and investigates Bigfoot reports in Pennsylvania. Eric Mintel of the Bucks County Paranormal Investigations documents cases in that area of the state and elsewhere. Researchers Kevin Paul and Jim Brown provided details about strange incidents in their region. Dan Hageman of BORU (the Butler Organization For Research of the Unexplained) provided details about many of the Butler County cases mentioned in this report. The National UFO Reporting Center and MUFON also receive UFO reports from Pennsylvania and across the country.
The following is a synopsis of some of the many interesting cases that crossed my desk during 2021.
January- Early in the month a resident that lived in the vicinity of the Chestnut Ridge near the border of Westmoreland and Indiana Counties observed in daylight a 7-8 feet tall Bigfoot covered with dirty white matted hair that had extremely broad shoulders. The creature appeared to be slightly stooped as it moved across a field with its long arms hanging down to around the knees.
Late January or early February- In the area of the Chestnut Ridge near the Westmoreland-Indiana County line, a hunter reported hearing loud deep vocalizations in the nearby woods unlike anything he had ever heard. A series of five toed footprints were seen in the snow in February.
February- During the month, Dan Hageman of the BORU research group in Butler received information that motorists riding along the Allegheny River near Kittanning in the early morning reported seeing red-orange spheres coming up out of the water and going up into the sky.
March- There was a surge of UFO sightings reported from the greater Pittsburgh area as well as from other locations in the state. I received an increase in direct reports of strange aerial objects that were observed in the sky. UFO incidents came to the attention of other sources as well. This wave of UFO activity seemed to have started during late February and continued through March.
In early March, three white circular lights in a triangular configuration were reported from Cambria County. The objects were observed for a few minutes then suddenly vanished. There were reports of triangular shaped objects from various locations. A daylight observation of a large black rectangular object was reported from Bedford County. There were reports of large glowing spherical objects, some seen at low level and close to homes. Bright objects moved straight up into the night sky and disappeared. There were sightings of small spheres of light or other objects that were close to the ground, and some occurred in populated areas. Residents from separate locations reported unusual luminous objects were recorded on their game and security cameras.
Dan Hageman of the BORU (Butler Organization for Research of the Unexplained) reported that there had been multiple reports of fireballs and spheres all over Butler County during March.
March 2- A witness in Butler County reported seeing three shiny silver spheres moving from west to east in a straight line. They looked shiny, silver in color, and glowing. They looked equally spaced apart and were moving fast. The witness watched them as they moved off in the distance.
March 8- Another witness in Butler County observed a shiny bright cigar-shaped object in the morning sky. The sky was generally clear with some fluffy clouds around. The object did not appear to have any wings or tail section. The witness indicated that the object was so bright he had to squint his eyes to view it. The witness, who was familiar with aircraft, stopped his vehicle and got out to take a better look at the object. The object moved into a cloud but never exited from it.
March 11- During the evening, a Butler County resident was in his kitchen when he began to feel a strange vibration and heard a low rumble. He then realized that the sliding glass door to his deck was vibrating. As he looked out the door, the man noticed a very bright and large pulsating round object just above the trees at the edge of his yard. The light from the object illuminated his backyard as though it was in the middle of the day. He stepped out on the deck and was awe struck by what he saw. At that time, he felt a tingling sensation, his hair stood up on end, and he had chill bumps on his body. He called to his wife and he hurried inside to get a camera, but when he returned the object was gone.
March 17- A witness located in Squirrel Hill, a populated suburb of Pittsburgh, watched a “circle with orange light inside” like a fishbowl that was bobbing up and down and moving slow over the area.
March 18- A person driving on Route 8 near Butler observed yellow-white blinking lights just above some trees. The lights were on the bottom of each corner of a large silver triangular object that appeared to be hovering. The object began to move up above the trees. The witness was going to pull over and take a picture, but the object had disappeared.
March 18- I also received a UFO report that occurred during the evening from another location in Butler county. The witness was traveling down the road when he saw in the distance a large round orange sphere. The object was gliding off to the left through the sky. It was about two hundred feet off the ground and would alternate in brightness and change from orange to a white color.
March 26- Witnesses in a wooded area of Fayette County observed a brilliant orange luminous object in the treetops that moved up and down and suddenly vanished. Soon after, unusual sounds were heard from the woods. Also on the same date, an interesting UFO was reported near Sissonville in West Virginia, where a witness observed a long bright object with no wings moving across sky in daylight and he videotaped it. Other UFO sightings were reported from other areas of Pennsylvania on this day. You can view the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhzwzF4ELzw
March 30- In Cambria County, a long black object that looked solid and cigar shaped with round silver ends moved fast across the sky with no vapor trail. It was moving toward Jennerstown or Somerset. It moved into clouds and was not seen again.
April- Some interesting cryptid cases were reported during April. Several reports were received from various locations in southwestern Pennsylvania including Westmoreland and Greene Counties where witnesses reported seeing a 7-8 feet tall thin dark figure.
During early April in Montgomery County, a woman was in a parking lot waiting for an appointment. Suddenly, a huge shadow like that of a small plane passed over her car. She was on the phone and told a friend about what she saw. She noticed through her windshield a huge bird that landed on an office roof. As she walked toward office she looked up and the huge bird looked down at her. It then flew down and glided toward her.
In May near Upper Yoder, a bright orange round object became brighter and dimmer over the woods then moved toward Somerset. At another location also in Cambria County there were several reports of a cigar shaped object observed floating in the sky with smaller whites spheres observed at the same time.
05–20-21- Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, investigated a case of two people who observed a tall dark figure in an area of Fayette County, Pennsylvania that has a history of Bigfoot encounters. Soon after, they experienced some unusual electronic effects. The entire report is available here. A Bigfoot Sighting Then Some Odd Electronic Effects-May 20, 2021 – Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone
06-12-21- I received a phone report of a possible UFO sighting from the southwest section of Cambria County, Pennsylvania. The witness, at about 7:18 PM, observed an unusual object in the sky that appeared to be about 200 feet above the ground. He described the object as shaped like a cigar and appeared to have no wings. The front and rear section of the object appeared to be white or silver in color and seemed to be rounded. The center of the object was a grayish-blue color The observer stated that the object was moving so slow that he couldn’t understand how it was maintaining flight. He saw it for about 40-45 seconds and didn’t have time to grab his camera. At about 7:29 PM, the man saw the object again. This time it was at a higher altitude and going in a different direction. He did have his older model Nikon digital camera with a small viewer with him. He quickly took 4 or 5 pictures and was surprised that he had captured one picture of the object. There were no sound heard from the object as it moved away in the distance. There were no blimps reportedly operating in the area at that time.
Used with permission of the witness
06-12-21- At 11:27 PM, I received another phone UFO report from a suburb of Pittsburgh in Allegheny County. This location is about sixty miles from where the other sighting occurred in Cambria County. The witness provided a me the details of the strange object that he observed earlier that evening around 8:30 PM. He had noticed a dark object approaching from the southwest. The witness had a tough time describing what he saw since it was so unusual. The man estimated that what he saw began to hover about 1500 feet in the sky. It was completely silent, black in color, and was rounded and long. It had no lights or windows. He ran and grabbed a set of binoculars. Each side of the object appeared to be bulbous. The center of the object was thin. The entire object was estimated to be about 75 feet in length.
As the witness watched, the observation became more unusual. The man tried to explain that the object was physically changing form. He said that it looked like it was “gelatinous” at times and would stretch and shrink and then go back to its original shape. After a few minutes, the object began to pick up speed and move toward the northwest. When it accelerated, it seemed to keep the same speed as it moved out of sight moving in the direction of Butler County.
This drawing by the witness near Pittsburgh is what the object looked liked as it approached and departed the area. Drawing used with permission of the witness
In this second drawing of the object the witness is attempting to show how the object was changing shape while hovering. Drawing used with permission of the witness
06-22-21- Washington County -It was about 8:45 PM when the witness looked up into sky and saw a bright star-like object hovering in the southern sky. It was a clear night. She ran into house and got her binoculars. Through the binoculars, the object appeared to have a round shape. It was an orange-white- amber color. It hovered there for over 10 minutes then suddenly streaked so fast across the sky toward the west that it was out of sight in about a minute. It was completely silent.
07-20-21- A witness in Cambria County reported observing a rectangular shaped object with white lights and one red light moving slowly. It looked as though it was almost floating as it moved toward Jennerstown.
07-27-21- Armstrong County-Kittanning area- During the evening, a witness noticed an object that looked like an odd shaped aircraft that was gray in color that passed about three hundred feet overhead. The object had no markings, windows, or doors. It suddenly rose straight up into the clear sky, nose up then nose down and it then suddenly just vanished.
08-00-21- During August, additional reports of cigar and triangular objects were reported from various locations in the state. The following incident occurred only miles from the Pennsylvania/New York border in a heavily wooded area that has had a history of mysterious incidents such as Bigfoot encounters, loud vocalizations, strange footprints, and small balls of light low to the ground. In August, a witness was leaving that area during the evening when he noticed a glow in the woods. The incandescent yellow glowing area was becoming brighter and dimmer at times. He shut off his vehicle and the lights to observe the odd glow. He then noticed three grapefruit sized balls of light that moved east out of the woods and stopped low over the roadway. The three spheres were the same color as the glow. The lights were blocking the area that the man had to drive through. As he approached that location in his vehicle, the luminous small spheres moved away traveling east through the forest and they moved out of sight.
08-06-21- Uniontown-Fayette County- A witness traveling on Route 119 South near Uniontown noticed a bright flash in the sky then saw a second one lower than the first one. The higher flash appeared again so he pulled off the road. The flashes were coming from two objects in the sky, one higher than the other. The objects looked donut shaped with a hole in the bottom that were dark in color. Witness could not see the top section. The flash they exhibited was very brilliant. The objects remained in line with each other while moving at a leisure speed across the sky. The witness estimated they were 200-300 yards apart and about 5,000 feet altitude at a distance of about 2 miles away moving south over the Chestnut Ridge and out of sight. It was a clear sky and beautiful.
08-14-21- Looking across the Mon River toward Newell in Fayette County, two people were sitting outside when they observed a large luminous orange triangular shaped object that appeared over the trees in a wooded area. It was about ½ mile away across the Monongahela River in the tree line above Newell. The point of the triangle was straight up, and the object moved upward slowly above the trees, then moved slowly toward the left, then slowly toward the right. The object then began to increase its speed as it rose higher into the sky and into the clouds and was not seen again.
About ten minutes later, a second similar object performing similar patterns as the first object appeared in the same location. However, this object rose from below the tree line and was observed as it moved up and over the trees and rose into the sky and also vanished into the clouds. The witness said the objects were quite large, which is what caught their attention. What could be seen was a solid outline of a triangular object as it moved, however, they could see through them. The witness said it was difficult to explain, but the triangular shape along the flat side of the objects seemed to be stretching as they moved. Inside of the objects was a solid ball of orange light that was not transparent. The orange ball stayed within the triangular objects as they moved. The objects made no sound while under observation.
09-06-21- Route 30 Greensburg-Mountain View area- A man was pumping gas at a filling station on Route 30 in the vicinity of Mountain View. It was about 6:30 AM when he happened to look up at the sky and his attention was drawn to a huge bird that was flying low just over the treetops across the road. The witness told me during the interview we had about his observation that when he looked up it was “like Jurassic Park over the trees.” The witness only saw the huge flying creature for about 10 seconds and didn’t have time to grab his phone to take a picture. He told me it looked like a flying sting ray. It was just getting light out at the time.
The man described the creature as all dark in color. It had very long legs and tail and had a very wide wingspan. The witness said it occasionally flapped its wings very slowly and also just soared while under observation before it moved out of sight toward White School Road. The witness, who is familiar with turkey vultures and blue herons in the area, said this creature was much larger. He stated that he had never seen anything like it before. He also mentioned that another man who was pumping gas nearby was also looking at the huge creature in the sky.
Used with permission of the witness
09-07-21- In the Mount Pleasant-Scottdale area, a witness looking out of a window observed about one hundred feet away and over some trees a very large black bird that had it wings out and was, soaring-not flapping its wings as it moved out of sight.
10-06-21- Apollo- A huge wingless object with red lights along the bottom that were not flashing was observed during the evening. Only the sound of something moving through the air was noticed. There were six smaller object following the larger object and they began to circle it. They had one bright white light non flashing. They then moved ahead of larger object and could no longer be seen as they moved beyond the trees . The main object continued to move away in the distance.
On October 24, 2021- A man driving north of Route 119 near the Scottdale-Mount Pleasant exit in Westmoreland County noticed something unusual in the sky. It was cloudy and overcast at the time, but what he saw was easily discernible. What he noticed was a round gray cloud that was lighter in color than the surrounding clouds. It looked to be about the size of a school bus from the distance he was observing it from. But the cloud-like object was flying erratically right and left, and up and down in the sky.
The witness described its movements as similar to a school of fish following a lead fish. The object was only about 300-400 feet in the sky and well below the cloud layer. The man observed it for about 10-15 seconds and didn’t have time to get out his cell phone to take a picture. Just as the witness was about to go under the Route 819 overpass, the object began to fade away and just suddenly disappeared. Moments later after exiting from the overpass, the object was no longer in the sky. The witness is sure that other motorists also saw the object. When he first noticed the object, five to six cars ahead of him all jammed on their breaks at the same time.
10-26-21- Near Meridian in Butler County, a witness driving in the area noticed some movement in the bushes near the road around dusk. A hair covered creature at least seven feet tall walking upright and moving very fast, moved to the right. It looked hairy, muddy, and matted. Within the hour in the same general area, witnesses reported observing an exceptionally large triangular object that a witness estimated was the size of three buses hovering about 100 feet above the ground. The object had a light in each corner. The object made no sound. The witnesses reported feeling a static electric charge while it was observed.
11-03-21- The witness was traveling on the Norvelt-Hecla Road in Westmoreland County about 7:45 or 8 PM. The driver had just crossed over the turnpike and when he saw a large bright white round object with a red tinge about 2,000 feet off the ground. He watched it for total of 20-25 minutes as he followed it and watched it hover over Alverton. He said it was glowing very bright, that the object was huge, and the size of a house. It ended up hovering in a location remarkably close to where the object was observed near the Mount Pleasant-Scottdale exit on October 24th. The picture the witness took shows a white oval shaped light in the sky.
Used with permission of the witness
11-11-21- A person driving on Route 119 just outside of Smithfield in Fayette County observed something unusual in the sky during the early evening. About fifty yards ahead, the driver saw an object barely moving that appeared quite low above the ground. There were three lights in a rounded triangular configuration that was described as similar to a “guitar pick in shape.” The lights looked perfectly circular, were non- blinking and orange-yellow in color and were the size of a large dinner plate. As she got closer, the silent object was to her left about ten yards away off the road. She passed below a section of the object that was about thirty feet above the ground. The witness had a dog in the car at the time that was also looking at the object. The driver touched the animal to comfort it and felt a static electric charge at that time. The driver said the object was only about ten feet long and six feet wide.
Mid November 2021- A man was exiting out of the Squirrel Hill Tunnel in Pittsburgh heading toward Forest Hills and getting off of that exit when he saw low in the sky three round lights of medium brightness that were orange-yellow in color and in a triangular configuration. Then suddenly, the spheres all took off in different directions into the sky and went out of sight.
11-21-21- (Strange sound) -Latrobe-Mountain View area from about 1:26 to 1:46 AM. A witness reported that he was awakened by strange loud sound and jumped out of bed and went outside. He and others heard the sound that seemed to move amazingly fast around in the sky over the area. They could not see anything in the sky where the sound came from. It did not sound like a helicopter. It sounded as though it was moving east on Route 30 toward Ligonier. Another similar report occurred in late November in Greene County.
12-13-21- Near Baggaley- During the early morning a witness noticed a white light that turned green then red, began to move left to right, then right to left, made a sharp right turn then went straight down and hovered over the top of the trees around that area of the Chestnut Ridge.
12-28-21- Clarion County- The witness was doing a chore outside around midnight when she heard a loud crack from behind her, she turned around and observed what she described as a soft rounded triangular object that had a non-blinking red light on the back and a row of round non-blinking lights at the bottom of the object. The object had a silver appearance to it, but when it approached closer it looked darker towards the bottom section. The silent object continued to move slowly across the sky.
12-30-21- During the evening a man was looking toward Melcroft in Fayette County when he saw a cigar shaped object that appeared skinny and about 50-100 feet long that-in seconds-just suddenly vanished.
12-31-21- Numerous residents north of Latrobe, through Derry Township in Westmoreland County, as well as people living near the Chestnut Ridge area into Indiana County reported hearing and feeling an intense boom that shook homes and frightened animals around 1:30 PM. There was also a report at that time from a location near the Allegheny-Armstrong County border. The source of that loud boom reported over approximately a 20 mile area has yet to be determined.
Addendum: As I am writing this report, additional unusual incidents that took place in Pennsylvania during 2021 but were not reported at that time, are now being brought to my attention. People often wait for periods of time before making a report.
Update concerning the Loud Booms Heard in Southwestern Pennsylvania
January 2, 2022
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
I have continued to receive additional information concerning the two separate loud boom incidents that were heard and felt by many residents in various areas of Southwestern Pennsylvania on two successive days.
The first incident occurred on December 31, 2021, around 1:30 PM. The second Incident occurred January 1, 2022, at approximately 11:30 AM.
Concerning the January 1, 2022, incident, I have received information that the boom was heard across additional counties in Southwestern sections of Pennsylvania. I also have received reports that a boom was also heard in West Virginia within the same time frame.
In addition, the (AMS) American Meteor Society has now posted a reported sighting of a fireball over the Belle Vernon area at the time the boom was reported in that region. So- the mostly likely source of the boom reported was a fireball meteor that at times can produce a sonic boom.
An explanation for the December 31, 2021, incident has yet to be determined.
Mystery Booms Reported On Two Successive Days in Southwestern Pennsylvania
December 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022
From: Researcher Stan Gordon
For many years, there have been reports of loud booms that have shaken structures and caused alarm across Pennsylvania and across the country. In the 1960s, we called these incidents “Skyquakes.” There have been explanations for some of these incidents. Local earthquakes, thunderstorms and other weather related phenomena, large meteors, local fireworks, and sonic booms are among some of the causes. In some cases in past years, no explanations have been found for some of these types of reports.
I am receiving many phone calls and emails concerning two very loud mystery booms that took place in recent days. I understand that hundreds of people are discussing their experiences on social media concerning both incidents. I am talking with witnesses and trying to find an explanation for what took place. From what I have learned, both booms were extremely loud and heard over many miles covering several counties. Witnesses were shaken and I have heard that animals were frightened by the experiences as well.
The first incident occurred on December 31, 2021, around 1:30 PM. From the information I am receiving, that boom was heard and felt from Latrobe throughout the Derry area. I have been told that many people in communities along that area of the Chestnut Ridge and into Indiana county also felt it. One couple near Derry were sitting in their living room when they felt and heard the boom. They ran outside thinking a car had hit their house. There were other reports from as far away as Allegheny and near Armstrong county. One witness who contacted me was a former combat engineer who worked with explosives and stated that what he heard “was not normal.”
This is a view of the northern side of the Chestnut Ridge from Westmoreland County, PA. Many residents along this area reported hearing and feeling the loud mystery boom on December 31, 2021. (Photo Credit: Stan Gordon)
The second Incident occurred today at about 11:30 AM. I am hearing about reports from widespread areas from Westmoreland , Allegheny and Armstrong counties. I was told there were social media reports of the boom as far away as Beaver County.
I have been looking into some of the usual sources for such cases, and so far I have not found an explanation. The National Geological Survey website shows no earthquake activity in this area for these reports. There was no weather activity in the area that could account for these incidents. I have not received any meteor sighting reports nor do I see any such reports listed on the American Meteor Society website of any such activity in this area. On occasion, unusually bright fireball meteors can create a sonic boom. Some witnesses I have interviewed say this was one huge boom and not a rumble such as would be related to an earthquake.
I expect that other explanations might be forthcoming. I am continuing to receive information on these incidents, and I would be interested in hearing from anyone who experienced this event or anyone who has knowledge as to a possible source.
I am continuing to receive reports of other unusual activity in recent weeks from throughout the Pittsburgh area and other sections of the state including UFO sightings.
I can be contacted at 724-838-7768 or via email at: paufo@comcast.net.
I remember that Thursday evening very well. It was December 9, 1965, and I was listening to the Contact talk show on KDKA radio in Pittsburgh. The host of the show, the late Mike Levine, was talking about the breaking news story concerning the numerous reports of a bright fireball that had been observed moving across the sky over a widespread area. Levine was talking about the news wire stories that discussed that sightings had taken place from as far away as Canada, and over states such as Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. He was talking with witnesses who were calling in. Newspapers, radio, and TV stations, as well as police departments were swamped with calls from area residents who saw the fiery object as it passed over the Pittsburgh area earlier that afternoon at 4:47 PM.
I was sixteen years old at that time, and I had an interest in science and electronics, and I was already curious about reports of UFOs. I spent the rest of the evening listening to my radio and watching our black and white console TV for any news accounts about the sighting around the area. That evening on KDKA-TV, the late Bill Burns, a well known TV reporter, broke into regular programming with a special report that the military was arriving in the Kecksburg area to search for an Unidentified Flying Object that had reportedly fallen near that community.
I had been writing down the details that I was hearing that night. The next day I made a trip to the local newsstand and picked up copies of several local newspapers. The county edition of the Greensburg Tribune-Review ran the headlines, “Unidentified Flying Object Falls Near Kecksburg, Army Ropes Off Area.” The city edition of the Greensburg Tribune-Review had other stories such as “Unidentified Flying Object Report Touches Off Probe Near Kecksburg” and “Searchers Fail To Find Object.” Many other local and national newspapers carried stories on the incident as well. The local authorities stated that a search had been conducted in the wooded area where the object had reportedly fallen and nothing was found. Government sources and astronomers suggested that the object observed in the sky was a meteor, and nothing had fallen to the ground.
In the days after the occurrence, I attempted to track down witnesses to the occurrence but there were few names in the newspaper. It was over months and years that I received significant information about that 1965 incident. As time went on, I was contacted by some people who were directly involved in that incident. I would at times have friends, relatives, and neighbors of witnesses contact me and provide leads on the case. I would on occasion receive anonymous tips concerning witnesses as well.
It became very apparent that the witnesses and others who were involved in various aspects of the case were from all walks of life. Some of them were military veterans, police officers and news reporters. Others were youngsters and teenagers who grew up to hold responsible positions such as teachers and engineers. Most of these people, for various reasons, asked to remain anonymous over the years which is why their accounts were never in the news at that time. Witnesses told me that they knew what they saw and experienced in 1965, however, after reading the news stories the next day that nothing had been found, they just shared their experience with some close friends and relatives.
Over the years, I tracked down hundreds of people who were involved with the Kecksburg case. In time, many individuals did break their silence and discussed what they had experienced. During my 56 years of research into this case I have learned a lot of details about what apparently did take place at the time but was never made known to the public. I have absolutely no doubt that an object did fall from the sky that afternoon in December of 1965 and was apparently recovered by the military. During my many years of investigating the case, there were some details that surfaced that were associated with the incident that were quite interesting. However, I never discussed those subjects publicly until years later when I had enough independent confirmation from other sources that could confirm that such an event did occur.
The following are just some of some very interesting details that I have learned about the case.
* The object was moving roughly SE from Allegheny county into Westmoreland county and over the city of Greensburg. It moved toward Route 30 east near what was then the Gee Bee department store and made a turn to the south. The object was observed from such areas as Margurite, Norvelt, Mammoth, over the outskirts of Kecksburg, and continued to move toward the mountains of Laurelville about 3.5 miles away. The object seemed to hesitate over the mountain, turned and began to travel toward the NE and passed near the outskirts of Kecksburg, then turned again and dropped down into the woods. Area residents who saw the object fall said that it was moving quite slow and went down as though it was making a controlled landing. There were no parachutes reported at the site during or after the landing.
* Some witnesses reported seeing the fiery object as it moved across the sky. Some local witnesses, however, had a better view of the object as it passed low overhead before it fell. The late Randy Overly was playing near Norvelt, that afternoon when he heard a hissing sound and noticed an object in the distance moving slowly toward his location. The object passed only about 200 feet overhead giving him a good view of the object. The object was moving steadily, at about the speed of a single engine airplane. The object was acorn shaped with a goldish-brown color and had a vapor around it. The witness noticed green flames around the back of the object. He watched the object as it continued to move off in the distance.
* Moments after the object fell, some local people went down into the woods to see what the object was. They came across a large metallic acorn shaped object semi-buried in the ground. Those people apparently never reported this to any agency at that time.
* As a result of many area residents reporting to local authorities the sighting of the object in the sky, volunteer firefighters from Kecksburg and other communities of Westmoreland county were activated to conduct a search for a possible downed aircraft in the Kecksburg area.
* A team of firemen came across the object acorn shaped object. The late James Romansky, a young volunteer fireman at the time, stood only a few feet away from the object. According to Jim, the object was large enough for a man to stand up inside of it. The object was a bronze-gold color, and appeared to be one solid piece of metal, displaying no rivets or seams. At the back of the acorn shape was what Jim called the bumper area. Upon that section of the object were unusual symbols that Jim said looked similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics. Romansky, who was a machinist for many years, said the object itself looked as though it had been constructed from liquid metal that had been poured into an acorn-shaped mold.
Stan Gordon near the mockup of the Kecksburg UFO
* During the mid-1980s, my team was searching the woods where the object was said to have fallen and found a pattern of tree damage and trees knocked down in the same direction that suggested a possible trajectory of where the object had entered into the woods. Several years later in that same area, the exact location of the crash site was located when three independent witnesses, unknown to each other, separately took my team deep into the woods to the same exact location from different vantage points. John Hayes and his brother, who lived near the impact site, watched the activity taking place that evening. The next morning the two boys went down into the woods where the military had been to look around. They played in those woods daily, and quickly noticed that trees had been knocked down and damaged. They had not seen that damage previously.
Trees knocked down in the area where witnesses reported the object had fallen. Copyright: Stan Gordon
* The military set up a command post at the Kecksburg V.F.D. truck station. Some military brass asked firemen to take them down to the woods and the landing area. They were driven down on a Kecksburg V.F.D. four wheel drive pumper fire truck. The military sent the firemen back and walked into the woods as they approached the landing site.
* There were two military flatbed tractor trailer trucks observed in the area of where the object fell that evening. Many witnesses reported observing military jeeps and trucks as well as military personnel in the area around Kecksburg that evening.
* I have independent confirmation from various sources, including former military personnel, that the object from Kecksburg was transported to Lockbourne Air Force Base near Columbus, Ohio, during the early morning hours of December 10th. It only stayed there for a short time under heavy security then continued on to Wright Patterson Air Force Base where I was told that the object was stored in a building on that facility.
* For years, I had information from witnesses who told me that the next day (Friday) after the incident had taken place, that a smaller group of personnel returned to the location and were observed entering the woods where the object had fallen. For example, one witness told me of seeing men in white moon suits carrying equipment entering the woods. Another instance was when two boys playing in the woods the next morning were stopped by a man with an instrument, possibly a metal detector or Geiger counter, and were told that they better leave the woods since there was the chance of radiation. Additionally, independent newspaper stories confirmed the search of the area the next day where the object had fallen, and mentioned the military being there. However, in Friday’s newspapers, the officials indicated that the search was over on Thursday night, and that nothing was found.
* My investigation of the Kecksburg case started as the news was breaking that evening in 1965 and has uncovered a massive amount of information from many independent sources that an object did fall from the sky into a wooded area near Kecksburg and was recovered by the military. What that object was remains undetermined. I never tried to prove that the object that fell was ET in nature. For years I suggested the possibility that the object could have been a highly advanced man-made space probe with some controlled re-entry capability or a secret military or government experiment. It also should not be ruled out among other more common explanations the possibility that the object was an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
It has been 56 years and the government has not told the public what the object was that was recovered near Kecksburg that day in 1965. Many witnesses have now passed away and never learned the truth about what they saw or experienced. The public deserves an answer.