Strange Lights Over The Pittsburgh Area Tonight Have An Explanation-December 4, 2021

Strange Lights Over The Pittsburgh Area Tonight Have An Explanation-December 4, 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

Residents around the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area this evening reported seeing numerous lights in a straight line moving across the clear skies around 6:28 PM. The observation while looking quite unusual has an explanation.

What witnesses saw were the Starlink G4-3 group of satellites that were launched into space by a Space X Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral on Thursday evening. Tom Barnes IV, watched the satellites from Richland Township in Allegheny county, and was able to obtain a video of the objects as they passed over the area.

Used with permission of Tom Barnes IV.

The Space X Tracker reported that the formation could be seen around Allegheny county this evening at about 6:25 PM. The Starlink satellite processions have been observed numerous times in the past in the Pittsburgh area, and across Pennsylvania and other parts of the country. The Starlink satellites have often been reported as UFOs.


While many UFO sightings can be explained, there are have been other UFO incidents reported in recent weeks and months throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area that are not so easily explained away. If you have seen anything unusual, please contact me at 724-838-7768 or via email at:

Low Level UFO Activity Reported in Pennsylvania During October and November 2021

Low Level UFO Activity Reported in Pennsylvania During October and November 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

There has been a number of UFO incidents reported during October and November, 2021 from areas of Pennsylvania. Low level UFO encounters have been reported from Butler, Fayette and Westmoreland counties. Other UFO sightings have reportedly taken place in other sections of the state including in the eastern part of Pennsylvania.

I am still gathering information on some of these reports, and I will be posting more details as they are available. A significant close range UFO incident is currently being investigated that occurred in Fayette county last week.

Please contact me if you have seen anything unusual relating to UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, or other anomalies. I can be called at 724-838-7768 or email me at:

October 24, 2021, Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania- Cloud-Like UFO Making Erratic Movements

October 24, 2021, Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania- Cloud-Like UFO Making Erratic Movements

From Researcher Stan Gordon

On October 24, 2021, a man driving north of Route 119 near the Scottdale-Mount Pleasant exit in Westmoreland county noticed something unusual in the sky. It was cloudy and overcast at the time, but what he saw was easily discernible. What he noticed was a round gray cloud that was lighter in color than the surrounding clouds.

This is a photo of Route 119 in South Greensburg. There has been a long history of both UFO and Thunderbird sightings along and near Route 119 in this area ,and for miles along this route heading into the Fayette county area.

It looked to be about the size of a school bus from the distance he was observing it from. But the cloud-like object was flying erratically right, left, and up and down in the sky. The witness described its movements as similar to a school of fish following a lead fish.

The object was only about 300-400 feet in the sky and well below the cloud layer. The man observed it for about 10-15 seconds and didn’t have time to get out his cell phone to take a picture. Just as the witness was about to go under the Route 819 overpass the object began to fade away and just suddenly disappeared. Moments later after exiting from the overpass the object was no longer in the sky.

The witness is sure that other motorists also saw the object. When he first noticed the object five to six cars ahead of him all jammed on their brakes at the same time.

If you saw this object or anything else unusual, please let me know.

Contact Stan at: 724-838-7768 or email:

Giant Flying Creature Observed on Route 30 Between Greensburg and Latrobe, PA-September 6, 2021

Giant Flying Creature Observed on Route 30 Between Greensburg and Latrobe, PA-September 6, 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

A man was pumping gas at a filling station on Route 30 in the vicinity of Mountain View. It was about 6:30 AM when he happened to look up at the sky and his attention was drawn to a huge flying creature  that was flying low just over the treetops across the road.

The witness told me during the interview we had about his observation that when he looked up it was “like Jurassic Park over the trees.” The witness only saw the creature for about 10 seconds and didn’t have time to grab his phone to take a picture. He told me that it looked like a flying sting ray.

Sketch of flying creature used with permission of the witness

It was just getting light out at the time. The man described the creature as all dark in color. It had very long legs and tail and had a very wide wingspan. The witness said it occasionally flapped its wings very slowly and also just soared while under observation before it moved out of sight toward White School Road.

The witness who is familiar with turkey vultures and blue herons in the area said this creature was much larger. He stated that he had never seen anything like it before. He also mentioned that another man who was pumping gas nearby was also looking at the huge creature in the sky.


The next day, a very large dark bird was reported from East Huntingdon Township.

More UFO Activity and Other Anomalies Reported From Pennsylvania -September 10, 2021

More UFO Activity and Other Anomalies Reported From Pennsylvania -September 10, 2021

From Researcher Stan Gordon

Reports of UFO sightings have continued throughout 2021 from various areas of Pennsylvania. In recent weeks UFO reports have been steadily increasing. Some of the sightings have taken place in daylight and some pictures are being evaluated at this time. There were three UFO sightings reported yesterday from three different counties.

Many of the sightings are of wingless cigar-shaped objects or triangular or V shaped objects. UFO reports have originated from such locations as the Mon Valley, Washington county, Fayette county, Westmoreland county, Armstrong county and Cambria county. I have information of other UFO sightings from other locations in the state as well.

During August, I was receiving reports of strange continuous sounds that seemed to originate from the sky over a widespread area and also a loud mystery boom in Westmoreland County.

There have also been two possible Thunderbird (huge bird) sightings  reported from different locations in Westmoreland county during September.

If you have seen or experienced anything unusual feel free to contact me. I can be called at 724-838-7768 or via email at:

Kecksburg UFO Witness- James Romansky- Passes Away

Kecksburg UFO Witness- James Romansky- Passes Away

From Stan Gordon

Jim Romansky standing next to the mockup of the Kecksburg UFO when Unsolved Mysteries was filming the segment on that case that aired in 1990.
(Copyright Stan Gordon)

I was sad to learn that James R. Romansky passed away on August 18, 2021, at his home in Derry, Pennsylvania. Jim was 76 years old.

Jim was a volunteer fireman in 1965 when the Kecksburg UFO incident occurred. I met Jim in 1987 when my research group was holding a large UFO display at the Westmoreland mall in Greensburg.  Jim was not from Kecksburg, but he went to that area when his volunteer fire company was called out along with other departments to respond to search for a possible downed aircraft. A search was conducted in a large, wooded area outside of that rural community. Firemen reportedly came across a large metallic acorn shaped object semi buried in the ground.

According  to Jim, the object was large enough for a man to up stand inside of. The object was a bronze-gold color, and appeared to be one solid piece of metal, displaying no rivets or seams. At the back of the acorn shape was what Jim called the bumper area. Upon that section of the object were unusual symbols that Jim said looked similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Romansky, who was a machinist for many years, said the object itself looked as though it had been constructed from liquid metal that had been poured into an acorn-shaped mold.

After our initial meeting, Jim agreed to meet with my team and try to find the location in the woods near Kecksburg where he saw the object on the ground in 1965. He had not been out to that location since that day in 1965. He recalled certain landmarks from that area and he took us into the woods near a dry wash where he felt the object had fallen. In the years to follow, other independent witnesses unknown to each other took me to that same exact location from different entry points.

Over the years I conducted numerous interviews with Jim. I met his family and talked with people who knew him during his life. For years, Jim kept his involvement in the Kecksburg incident confidential until he went public to tell his story in 1990 when Unsolved Mysteries featured the case. Jim never changed his story and he believed that what he saw on the ground that day was something that was not man-made. Jim was always hopeful that the government would someday confirm that an object did fall from the sky that day in 1965. We are all still waiting for that to happen.

My prayers go out to Jim’s family. May he rest in peace.

Attacked By A Thunderbird?-Montgomery County, Pennsylvania-April, 2021

Attacked By A Thunderbird?-Montgomery County, Pennsylvania-April, 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

On May 26, 2021, I was contacted by a witness who had a very strange experience the previous month and has been shaken ever since. On May 28th, I conducted a long interview with the woman involved who provided me with the details of the incident that she said she would never forget. I have had other communications since that time with that witness as well. On July 29, 2021, I was able to interview the gentleman with which the witness had the appointment with that day in April. That man, who is a professional,  does not want to be identified, and it turns out that he has also seen what may have been the same huge flying creature in the same area in past years.

In early April of 2021, the woman was just pulling into a parking lot for a scheduled appointment at a location in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She was a few minutes early, so she was talking with a friend on her cell phone. Suddenly, something flew over her vehicle that shadowed the entire car. Even though she was in her car she ducked her head thinking it was a small plane about to crash.  She commented to her friend about what had just happened. Seconds later, she saw the biggest bird she had ever seen flying in front of her car. She told her friend that the size of the bird was unimaginable.

The giant bird that never flapped its wings, just soared toward the office where the woman was going to, and it looked like it was going to landed on the roof. She told her friend that she was going to try to get a picture of the huge bird. The woman exited her vehicle and began to walk toward the back of the building where she felt that creature had landed. The huge flying creature was perched on the highest point of the chimney. She looked up for only a moment. At the same time, the giant bird looked down at her and made eye contact with what she told me were piercing fiery eyes. The eyes were large and round even from the distance up on the roof. They were vivid and green-red and orange in color.

The witness stated that the size of the creature was the most amazing thing that she had ever seen. The moment it looked down she realized that it had made direct eye contact with her she knew she had to run. She immediately turned and ran in panic and disbelief. As she turned the corner, she looked back for a second. The huge, winged creature was gliding toward her at an angle. It was only about eight feet behind her, and its talons were out. The woman made it to the door and rushed into the private office and yelled that she was being attacked by a huge bird. She told me that she ran for her life fearing what this huge winged creature might do to her.

She only had seconds to obtain a close look at the creature which she estimated had at least an 8 to 10 foot wingspan. The body and wings were either brown or black in color and were not shiny in appearance. It was not feathery, and she was not sure if it actually had feathers. The head was as large as a grapefruit and red in color. The beak had an odd looking hook that was also red made up of bone and featherless. The legs appeared to be tucked underneath and she was never able to view the tail. The witness said that it was the fiery pupils of the eyes that were most frightening. They looked almost demonic. The woman also stated that the times that she saw the creature flying, it never flapped its wings, it just glided through the air.

The witness said that when she looked up at the creature on the roof, she had the impression that she had disturbed it. She never noticed any odd sounds or smells while the encounter took place. She told me that this was a horrific experience, and that she was shook up for days. She will always wonder what would have happened if the huge flying creature had caught up with her before she rushed into the building. The witness thinks that she had an encounter with a Thunderbird.

On July 29, 2021, I was able to interview the gentleman that the witness had the appointment with that day in April. That man who is a professional,  does not want to be identified, and it turns out that he has also seen what may have been the same huge flying creature in the same area in past years. The man  confirmed to me that the woman did indeed burst into his office that day and told him that she had been attacked by a huge bird. He soon went outside and found some bricks from the chimney on the ground that apparently had been knocked over by the creature.

Other Thunderbird Sightings In the same area in past years.

During my interview with the man, I learned that he had also had three previous encounters with the thunderbird. His first encounter took place around April of 2016. He was on his lunch break around 1 PM, when a huge shadow came over and he looked up. That’s when he saw the huge bird for the first time. It landed on the chimney on the roof of his office, and he ran inside quite shaken by what he saw.

That witness told me that what he saw looked like, “an ugly dark giant eagle.” He said it had a wingspan of at least 12 feet, and the wings and body were dark in color. The body appeared to be about a foot in diameter. The creature appeared to stand about 4 feet tall.

The head had an odd faded or plastic look to it and was a reddish color.  The beak was large- about 3-5 inches long. The tail was fan shaped with dark feathers, and the talons were very large. This witness also stated that it was the eyes of the creature that really stood out. He said it was like watching something from a horror movie and that it was somewhat difficult to explain. The eyes were dark but had a color to them. He stated that, “It had fiery eyes”.

The second encounter took place in 2018, also around April. The creature seemed to take a liking to the chimney on the roof of the man’s office. It was also around lunch time when he saw it up on the roof again and this time it raised up its wings. His third sighting occurred in 2020 and about the same time of the year as his previous sightings. It was early evening when he saw the thunderbird again up on the chimney. It then flew towards him, and he ran to his car and got in. So during those years this very large  creature flew twice toward this man at close range.

The man is of the opinion that these creatures are originating from the Pocono mountain area. He feels they are visiting his area to hunt deer and other wildlife. He was glad that the other witness confirmed what he had seen.

The area where this is taking place is about forty some miles from Philadelphia. It is described as being in a populated area with some nearby woods. There are a lot of energy sources in the area including high tension power lines. I have mentioned in my past writings that a pattern I noticed years ago was that thunderbirds and other cryptids are commonly seen in the vicinity of energy sources.


During April and May, 2021, I heard reports of other possible Thunderbird sightings.

Please contact me if you have seen anything similar to what was reported or anything else unusual. My phone is 724-838-7768 or email:

Loud Mystery Booms Reported Across Sections of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania-July 18, 2021

Loud Mystery Booms Reported Across Sections of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania-July 18, 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon

There were numerous reports from the public reporting an extended period of loud explosive sounds that continued to occur periodically between approximately 11 AM and noon. At times, single booms would be heard about 10-20 seconds apart. There were long series of continuous rolling thunderous sounds reported as well.

I was told the sounds were audibly very loud around South Greensburg, Jeanette and near Youngstown outside of Latrobe. I understand that local residents from such locations as Greensburg, Hostetter, Norvelt, Latrobe, and Hannastown were posting comments about the incident on social media.

One witness I interviewed who has an extensive science background was certain that what he heard was not fireworks. He drove in his car to try to find the source of the sounds but was unable to locate it. He said the sounds were so intense he could feel the booms resonating through his body.

I have not seen any data suggesting this was weather related. There were no storms in the area at the time. The extended time that the occurrence reportedly was taking place seems to eliminate a sonic boom.

I am not aware of any local events that might have been utilizing any type of fireworks, cannons, etc. for an extended period of time.

From the current information I have, the boom sounds were heard across an approximately 11 mile area.


The mystery boom phenomena has been occurring since at least the 1960s. There have been many such incidents reported across Pennsylvania and the country even in recent years. There are manmade and natural explanations for many of these incidents, however some past cases remain unsolved.

I am keeping track of such incidents. Please contact me if you heard the booms, and also please let me know of any possible sources for these sounds.

Phone: 724-838-7768


Kecksburg V.F.D. Plans “Old Fashioned Days” Event-July 30-31, 2021

Mockup of the Kecksburg Object on display
at the Kecksburg V.F.D. Grounds
Copyright Stan Gordon

Kecksburg V.F.D. Plans “Old Fashioned Days” Event-July 30-31, 2021

While the annual Kecksburg UFO Festival was cancelled again this year due to the coronavirus situation, the Kecksburg volunteer fireman are bringing back an outside event that still provides a lot of fun. The 2021 Kecksburg V.F.D. Old fashioned Days is scheduled for July 30-31, 2021 at the Kecksburg Fire Department grounds.

The event will take place both days from 5-11 PM. On Friday there will be half price night from their kitchen for their famous hamburgers, hot dogs, and  fresh cut French fries. There will be DJ music to enjoy as you visit the various stands. Sit around the old fashioned bonfire and snack on kettle corn and snow cones. Don’t forget to stop by the Kecksburg UFO store at the UFO trailer to pick up their latest shirts, books, and souvenirs. Plan some time to spend at the Chuck a Luck stand.

Please support the men and women of the Kecksburg volunteer fire department

Address: 5128 Water Street
MT. Pleasant, PA 15666, phone 724-423-9540.

Have fun and keep your eyes to the sky!

Stan Gordon

These Are The Type of UFO Cases That The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) Should Be Investigating: Huge Rectangular Object Hovers Low over Pennsylvania Highway-June 1, 2013

Huge Rectangular Object Hovers Low over Pennsylvania Highway-June 1, 2013

(Electronic dashboard displays, cell phone service and camera failure reported in the vicinity of the object)

From The Case Files of  Researcher: Stan Gordon        Contact Stan at

Stretch of Route 30 where UFO incident took place. photo copyright 2013 Stan Gordon

June 1, 2013-10:05 PM

(Irwin) North Huntingdon Township

Westmoreland County, PA

At approximately 10:05 PM, the witness and her three year old child had just pulled out of the Sheetz convenience store on Route 30 in North Huntingdon Township. At the red light, the driver made a left on U.S. Route 30 and proceeded East toward Greensburg. The woman had a window down and the car radio was playing at the time. As she moved along the highway just a short distance away her attention was drawn to a large object hovering over Route 30.

As she slowed down and approached closer, she recalled saying out loud, “what in the world is that?” Her young child who was in the backseat responded by saying, “Look mommy, a flying I-pad in the sky”. The woman looked around and noticed that there were no other cars at the time on that stretch of the road. She was quite concerned over what the object was, and initially stopped on the highway, about 150 feet away from the hovering object. She was trying to figure out in her mind a logical explanation for what she was seeing.

The object, which was completely silent, was hovering approximately 60 feet above that section of the roadway. The witness described the object as looking, “mostly rectangular,” and told me that it “looked like the gondola of a blimp without the blimp.” The length of the solid object appeared to extend over the east and westbound lanes of the highway. The object was estimated to be about 55 feet in length, and approximately 35-40 feet tall.

The witness described the object as being two tiered. The top section was made up of five sets of green lights. There were three individual rectangular lights in each set. The five sets of lights were all evenly spaced in a vertical position, and the lights were all steady with no blinking. The witness said the green color was brighter than the green of a traffic light. The bottom section, which was smaller in size, contained within it two long solid red lights that were placed side by side. The two lights were steady and never blinked. They gave the witness the impression of looking like brake lights, but they were huge.

Sketch of the object provided by the witness
Sketch used with permission of the witness

The woman quickly called her mother using the blue tooth cell phone hookup in her car.  She asked her mother if she knew of any explanation for the object that was hovering ahead of her over the road. As the car passed underneath the object, the woman noticed that the digital display on her car dashboard for the clock, temperature, air bag status, radio, and Bluetooth sync suddenly blacked out. The FM radio station she was listening to lost signal. She also lost her cell phone signal. The witness attempted to take a picture of the object with her iPhone, but the camera function wouldn’t load up.

She accelerated down the road to get away from the object. About a ½ mile away she looked back towards where the object had been and could no longer see it. The digital displays all returned to normal, her radio came back on, and she was able to make cell phone contact again with her mother as she approached the Adamsburg exit. When she got home and discussed what happened with her family, they asked her to draw a sketch of the object while it was still clear in her memory.

I conducted both telephone and face to face interviews with the witness and her family and also went to the location of the incident. The witness works out of the area but travels that road daily to go back and forth to work. A part of the investigation included examining the vehicle driven that day.  Due to the woman’s work schedule, it was several days after the incident before the car could be tested. No magnetic anomalies or abnormal radiation levels were found.

The witness said that she drove down that same section of road several days after the incident trying to make sense of what she saw. She was looking for a tower or even a balloon from a car dealership to explain what she saw. She could find nothing to explain the object. She also was upset that her young child continues to look skyward for the, “floating I-pad.”

The witness tells me that this was an experience she will never forget. She told me how she is the kind of person who must have an explanation for nearly everything in life and now there remains the question of, “what did I see?”