38 results for thunderbird

Giant Flying Cryptid Reports Increase in Pennsylvania

Giant Flying Cryptid Reports Increase in Pennsylvania From Researcher Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info   There has been a long history of giant bird sightings in Pennsylvania. The term “Thunderbird” has been used to describe these generally very large, normally black or dark brown birds with massive wingspans. Not all of the descriptions of these flying cryptids …

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Strange Reports Continue to Surface from Westmoreland County, PA and Surrounding Areas June-July, 2014

Strange Reports Continue to Surface from Westmoreland County, PA and Surrounding Areas June-July, 2014. For several weeks now, I have been receiving both actual sighting reports as well as hearing rumors of various odd activity from Westmoreland County and other areas. Reports of strange footprints have come to my attention. I have also heard of …

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Low level UFO incidents, Mysterious Creature Encounters Among the 2013 Weird Incidents Reported from Pennsylvania

Low level UFO incidents, Mysterious Creature Encounters Among the 2013  Weird Incidents Reported from Pennsylvania From Researcher:  Stan Gordon www.stangordon.info A large rectangular object hovered low over a major highway, and residents of Pennsylvania reported encounters with Bigfoot, giant birds, and other strange creatures. These were some of the strange incidents reported from across the …

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Stan returns to “Coast to Coast with George Noory”

Stan returns to “Coast to Coast with George Noory” June 25, 2013-Tuesday morning 1-4 AM eastern time (Pittsburgh area.) http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2013/06/24 The show is heard in the Pittsburgh area on 104.7 FM. You can check this link for a radio station near you. The show can be heard across the country. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/stations Hello to all of …

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Pennsylvania Besieged with UFO and Strange Creature Reports During 2012

Pennsylvania Besieged with UFO and Strange Creature Reports During 2012 (Mysterious incidents reported from 50 counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) From Researcher: Stan Gordon: www.stangordon.info The year 2012 was very active with reported sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects and encounters with strange creatures  as well as other mysterious events as reported from residents from …

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The Case of the Phantom Giant Bird-January 1, 2013 South Greensburg, PA

The Case of the Phantom Giant Bird January 1, 2013-3 PM South Greensburg, PA On the afternoon of January 1, 2013, two women and a young boy decided to take a walk through a wooded area near South Greensburg to enjoy the beautiful scenery.  It was about 32 degrees and clear visibility in the area. …

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2011 Pennsylvania Report

Strange Creatures & UFOs Descend on Pennsylvania During 2011 (Mysterious Events reported from 48 Counties in the Commonwealth) From Stan Gordon: www.stangordon.info The year 2011 was another active time period for Pennsylvania residents to report strange observations and encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and other strange creatures, and various other mysterious events. I have been keeping …

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Really Mysterious Pennsylvania

UFOs, Bigfoot & Other Weird Encounters Casebook One Stan Gordon has been researching strange occurrences in Pennsylvania since 1959. He has been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious events including UFO sightings, encounters with strange creatures such as Bigfoot, Black panthers, thunderbirds, as well as many other very weird events. Gordon’s new illustrated …

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