Stan joined Chris Rodell and Jim O’Brien at the Second Chapter Books store for the 2019 Fort Ligonier Days event.
Chris and Jim are enjoying Stan’s famous “Alien Meatballs”.
Stan Gordon & Mable Mazza, the office manager of WHJB radio in Greensburg, PA in 1965 when the Kecksburg UFO incident occurred, were invited to attend the red carpet event for the premiere of the new movie “Kecksburg” on September 12, 2019 at the State Theater in Uniontown.
Some Scenes from the 2019 Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure held May 31st-June 2, 2019 in Farmington, PA.

A heavily wooded area near Farmington, PA. Many Bigfoot encounters have been reported from throughout Fayette County in past years.

A possible Bigfoot track was found on the evening of June 1, 2019, not far from the campsite event. The next day while looking over the area, Stan noticed some odd tree damage to a healthy tree in the same general area.

Tom Ankney who appeared in the film, “Invasion On Chestnut Ridge” and revealed his UFO sighting that took place in the 1960’s also attended the Bigfoot event.

A section of the Chestnut Ridge in Fayette County. There have been numerous UFO, Bigfoot and cryptid encounters all along the ridge area for many years.

Possible Track found near the event campsite. Read the following story that explains the history of the track find.
Photo from the Flatwoods Monster Museum in West Virginia. I enjoyed being at the museum on November 17, 2018 to take part in the special researcher/author day event. In the photo from left to right (George Dudding, Dave Spinks, Seth Breedlove, Stan, and Eric Altman.)